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  1. Guys, Thanks for the feedback. I have stuck a new plug in today and replaced the airfilter and the bike seems to start and run fine, not had a chance to run it for any period of time but hopefully it is cured. I will also try running the 2T mix a bit leaner am I correct in an 80:1 mix being 12.5ml/L ? Sorry for the dumb questiond but the bike is new to me and I dont want to make a mistake and have a costly repair bill to pay :-)
  2. I have a 03 Sherco 2.9 which has been running fine up until yesterday. The problem is that the bike will run fine, but if I stop the engine and then try to restart, the plug fouls and it will not restart unless I remove the plug and clean it. I am using the exact same ratio of 2t oil to petrol at 2% and have replaced the airfilter for a new one, does anyone have any idea why this is happening? Thanks in advance
  3. Try here http://www.merlinbooks.com/
  4. Hi I've been riding road bikes for many years and have also been green laning for quiet a few too. I am looking to have a go at Trials riding but dont have a clue where to start, so thought this would be a good starting point. I am looking to do this just for pleasure and am not really looking to enter loads of competion events, although a few events a year would be fun, so my questions are: Being a bit of a big lump (16st) what would be a good starter bike that will be fairly reliable and not cost the earth e.g 125, 250 ? 4T, 2T, any sugested models to look for ? Are there any schools in the UK that run courses that can teach me the basics of machine control, and technique ? Are there any good riding areas in the Herts/Beds area that people can recommend for practise ? Is there a good club in the same area that would be happy to help a novice like me ? Thanks in advance. Simon
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