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Is it normal to have a grabby clutch on this bike? My friends Sherco 250 has the same as well. Symptoms feel like you have given it too much clutch when moving slowly and the bike lurches forward. Also if the bike is left for a while the clutch is stuck quite solid and takes a bit of releasing - don't know if this is related. Is there anything that can be done to improve it - tried an oil change with no improvement but was thinking a thicker oil may help say 20w 50
Any-one got suggestions of fun stuff to do to try and get my skills up as a beginner? I tend to find I end up riding round a bit aimlesssley after a while. A mate had some flags that were very good to mark a bit of a course out - any suggestions there? Also another question, do you find a trials helmet over a MX one helps a lot of makes things easier or more comfortable? I'm also using MX boots but will wait until I'm doing a lot more trials before buying a set of boots I think, the MX one's dont seem much of a hinderance...
Maybe your compression is way out after the rebuild due to different piston rings and base gaskets? A compression test is quick and easy to do and the gauges cheap - also use it in the future to determine when your rings are wearing which will affect performance, often the user does not notice as it is gradual. If the compression is too high it can cause pinking/knock/engine damage. The only time pinking will generate significant heat in the engine is when it is close to destruction! i.e. the engine is auto-igniting (igniting the mixture far too early before the spark fires) which can lead to erosion of the piston, rings and cylinder damage. This will also lead to loss of performance/power though when this occurrs it's usually too late as damage has occurred.. Remove the pipe and plug, shine a light down the plughole and inspect the piston - any signs of erosion in the centre or at the edges? any shiny silver patches where detonation has worn away the carbon coating? Any silver specks on the spark plug (signs of aluminuim piston erosion). A small inspection mirror will help you see all of the piston. Check for severe scrape marks on the part of the side of the piston you can see as well an engine running that hot with a close tolerance piston/cylinder may have partially seized. Oil getting into the air/fuel can cause an engine to detonate. A faulty ECU or connection to it may not be altering spark timing as revs rise this could cause all the symptioms you describe as could ignition timing being out or a coolant problem. I hope it's none of these and/or your engine is still fine mechanically...
Thanks for the replies that makes me feel a lot better about my soon to be new trials bike!
If I had the choice I would have a 250 just because I like the idae of a decent amount of grunt and that's what most people seem to ride. But I have put a deposit on a Sherco 200 (actually a 160) - will this be a good bike for an endur rider to start on? Thanks for any advice Ian
Well the 250 was bought early so the acution did not finish on Ebay anyway - it was at the top end of my budget anyway plus there were a few questions about it i.e. why did the guy mention rebuilding it? And does every trials bike come with loose/worn shock linkages as standard? on an 06? I rode a Ty, Sherco and Beta REv3 at the weekend and did not like the TY so any of the others in good condition will do nicely.
Thanks for the very kind offer, I was able to ride my friends bikes and a couple of other Earl shilton members this Sat morning and despite feeling very wierd I was able to get a bit of an idea what I would like. - I didn't like the TY actually, heavy steering and too much torque off the very bottom meant using the clutch where others didn't need to. A GG, Beta or Sherco I liked.
IKB what would you say was the difference between them?
Hmmm still sounds like I'd be better of with a SY. There's this http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...A:IT&ih=014 which is a long way from me and looks like it's taken quite a bit of abuse. Is that price a bit high as well? Problem is I could go and see it and there's a good chance it is in poor condition - you can't see from the photo's. I've asked them to send me lots of high res photo's.
I ride enduro but not trails. People on TC recommended th Sy as a good beginner bike and the best at finding traction in the mud (UK=mud). Also the montesa 315 was recommended for build quality and no spannering required. The Gassers sounded revvy, traditionally poor(er) build quality and much harder to ride by one beginner though maybe later 05, 06models are better? I went to see one SY in Manchester but it was a dog - terrible condition. Since then none close to me and I'm not prepared to keep travelling the length of the country looking for one. There are 2 Gassers near me a 2005 300 Raga and a 2006 txt pro which sound/look in very good condition for
I've been looking for a Scorpa SY 250 or Mont 315 as a beginners bike - the Scorpa as people on trials central voted it the best bike at finding traction in mud (and I'm in the uk = mud!) and the Mont because they don't go wrong. Not having to do any spannering is important to me. The problem is I've been looking for 4 months and not seen either of these local. I went to see a SY that looked tidy in pics but in reality was a total dog wo a wasted journey and diesel. Now my mate's have been going on about how good the local trials club is and how much riding they are doing and I don't have a bike... so I've decided I will settle on a GG though not my first choice. A friend knows someone with an 05 Raga 300 in very tidy condition which I would get for
as a newbie I thought some-one could clue me up on this.. Are some trials bikes road legal (those with headlights and V5?) What is the benefit of a road legal trials bike? What would you look for as a beginner - I guess you pay more for a road legal bike? If buying a non road legal bike how do you check the seller is the owner!
Somebodys' bought that 2003 Scorpa for
OK thanks for the advice - I guess I need to see the bike. If it goes for 1000 or less I think I would get it as that price - depending on how it looks and assuming it has no strange engine noises or other problems... Does that sound like a good plan? Where else is a good place to get bikes at a good price?
I saw this and would be interested in buying it - I am a beginner to trials though ride a lot of enduro. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SCORPA-TRIALS-2003_W...1QQcmdZViewItem What would your opinion be? Is it worth the buy it now price? I would hope to get it a couple hundred cheaper maybe? Or is that unlikely I can view the bike first - what should I look for, what problems may be on this machine? What other questions should I ask? Since I don't ride trials should I be bothered about odd dents and scratches? Is this a good bike for a beginner? Should I wait for a montesa 315 to turn up? (more robust? so better for a beginner?) Thanks for your advice