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nigel dabster

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Everything posted by nigel dabster
  1. im sure a 250 will be fine, didnt know trs had problems with the kickstart?
  2. so this bike or a tenachi wong same price?
  3. Hi I hate flywheel weight s. Change to original airscrew it's a waste of time after market. If your carb is set up line this it should be fine. Starting is as much about technique as much as anything.
  4. I think you've nailed it with "mismanagement" .
  5. Thats bizarre. Whats the best sales period, september surely? If they do indeed shut down how can they come back from that?
  6. ive never had footpegs bend and heard lots of people haveing various problems not this, trs are not perfect also, but as you say as they've shut down for 6 months it might be purely academic.
  7. (Montesa sell trials bikes, honda only in japan? They sell very few, and dont even have a proper dealer network in the uk, numbers in ssdt etc,the motor first appeared in 2005, update this year?) If yamaha were to produce a bike it would be a 4 stroke? Probably yes. So would people swap from 2t to 4t? Maybe a few but not that many, more likely 4t to 4t? Probably yes so not vast numbers. Recently a Yamaha works bike came up for sale (only one) and didnt sell. If there was some demand one would sell wouldnt it? If yamaha thought it might be worth a try they would have got a couple to compete in the entire WTC and test reaction/intrest? They havent. The 4t scorpa with yamaha engine lasted how long in production? Not that long, and didnt sell in enough numbers. What would this all translate to in worldwide sales? Difficult question but in all honesty probablyly not enough to warrant production? Certainly Yamaha think so and I agree. As much as anything I or you dont know if it will ever make a production bike but as its been around for several years now, unlikely? Perhaps you can constuct a more logical reasoning......
  8. As usual expectations and protections were "optimistic". Didn't we all understand that Gas Gas was bought for 45million? Seems like it wasn't, only 9.6 as above with promise of investment to get to 45....
  9. What is your technique for fitting? How often are your wheels trued? How tight do you do rear axle up? Do you pressure wash after every ride? Without stating the obvious if a change in bearing cheap vs. quality is making no difference to life then cause of prematur failure is something else?
  10. I think cost cutting and unrealistic sales expectations could easily explain away colomer leaving. As for loris, I can't believe cabestany is anything less in cost for gas gas so it seems just a conspiracy theory. Parts are readily available here in UK and with the USA situation somewhat different one gear not available, calling the previous stockist sounds fair, doesn't necessarily mean the end is nigh.
  11. Note original air screw, tickover is ok with after market.
  12. That's exactly my settings, but have had a 128 main which works better on a 250 if I remember correctly? Pretty sure I moved the needle one notch too. The biggest gain is the 3 slide. Just a thought you haven't got after market adjusters have you?
  13. Rubbish. The last few years they are better still and as wheels brakes forks clutch are all exactly the same, and most engine bits are made by same sub contractors or S3 you're not being objective/fair?
  14. why have you ruled out GG they are identicle to trs in many ways, more around better value for money 2nd hand?
  15. set sag as well i think there is a good explaination of this somewhere?
  16. errr all retail has had vat since 1973 and all makes have vat?
  17. 1 and 1 makes 2 not 3 . Torrot does not just sell gas gas trials bikes so if the number of trials is small it makes sense to have it in one place along with other products? I would imagine its more to do with supply and demand as to why there are no gp's, someone might have said the racing is ok and left it at that?
  18. My point is and you seem to be either unaware or not understanding if the importer ordered them they would be there? If a decision not to send them was made at a higher level then thats got to be for a reason that uk has them and us doesnt? to project that onto somehow problems at the production end is clearly wrong as i have one, as do many others here , not just 2 near me.
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