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nigel dabster

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Everything posted by nigel dabster
  1. something has caused the plates to swell?
  2. Ive ridden a few duff ones in devon, pick and choose, terain is very good.
  3. French four day was very good but in more recent times has been swamped with brits, and ran as two loops rather than four, so half the sections per day.
  4. have a look at montana adventures , it was set up with very hard tails in mind where an enduro bike made it harder, that sort of thing might appeal?
  5. think thats called a testicle remover.
  6. Its suplied by GGUK FOC for the new 250 GP as a clubman friendly upgrade.
  7. Are you using genuine seals, and new shaft every time? how long does it last before happening again?
  8. If you're not an expert or very good and fit clubman the 6 days is probably beyond you. Ditto scott, watch it first and make up your own mind. Try the reeth 3 day first as that is less than half the trial (obvs). Closer to you is the Long Mynd and a few others but any decent events up north will give you more than local.
  9. I think its the cost which would be prohibitive
  10. Yes. There is the small matter of being EU complient too?
  11. Hasnt it been sent over as a test bike, he hasnt actually bought it?
  12. id say 1399 to change was a very good deal but not sure why he would even do that except he had a buyer for a trs? I think if you p ex the price you pay is THE DIFFERENCE not the headline figure? Have i understood you?
  13. The UK can arrange plenty, it's affording to do it that's the problem
  14. Pat did ok at the second level but that was what 8 years ago? Indoors moves on all the time and he would struggle/hurt himself.
  15. pretty sure dual stage reeds dont have stops any bike?
  16. always taken the stops off for trials applications
  17. is this because the demographic is getting older every year?
  18. pretty sure not. Exactly the same as tr34 no pistons no rings afaik.........????
  19. good points. There has been unless im mistaken only two or 3 wtc organisers in the uk over the last twenty years and i dont think any of them did badly, and aside from Hawkstone the Northern Ireland rounds were probably the best organisation, and very much was modelled on the European wtc's where the local or regional authourity get involved. Think this was the case also with visit scotland in fort william. Tong is not a preffered venue as its not "natural" but then it circles round to venue good trials sections arent or vice versa. Certainly there is an abundance of good terrain but no big truck parking.
  20. iI know! meant to say its oni nou s suggestion which is daft/unworkable.
  21. hardley recent or relevent then as a serious suggestion.
  22. yes i rode in the 60s, but not proper trials.
  23. when was the scott or the ssdt a british championship round?
  24. limiting factor is cost, spa was out of season but the next year they wanted some more money so it didnt run, ever again, shame as had natural terrain.
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