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nigel dabster

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Everything posted by nigel dabster
  1. financially without question, but has trials?
  2. when gomez won, yes won the 2nd class he didnt have his contract renewed/offered chuff all so hrc have a track record of this.
  3. I usually do but last weekend at the Hillsboro' trial as it was a 2 lapper i rode the rest of the section a couple of times in prep for my 2nd lap.
  4. any system requires the complience of everyone, an administrator and most club trials are so informal how would the starter or anyone be bothered to check have the time be willing to etc etc A system is in place but unused by the majority. Great idea, i suggest you try and get it up and running then see that apathy rules?
  5. to progress you need to push yourself, ive spoken to wtc riders first hand and both agreed another year in t2 (or junior as was) is a year less to understand/realise what its like to ride in the top route. Everyone knows, even the Italians, that Toby won the class so i cant see the reason to stay, to progress you must compete at the highest level you can, and he can manage gp for sure.
  6. this is surely the only reason. He had a great relationship with HRC and the mechanics worked on his special bike after Bou and fuji. I know we say it most years, recently, but fujis days are numbered, and a spot in this team is better?
  7. so the top 3 you've owned are:- 1 Scorpa 4 t 163 (06) (mile) 2 ? 3?
  8. tried to send mesage but i think your inbox is full?
  9. are the bearings and plain inserts available?

    1. b40rt


      I think so, speak to Wayne, he said he is concentrating on lecturing, but still running the business. 

    2. nigel dabster

      nigel dabster

      you got contact details or his website?


  10. As above, adjust the rods so that you just hit the tank on the stops, then fit the plastic caps. good system works well. you can fine tune stops a little more if you want.
  11. then why not do the gps then and ride against bou etc there?
  12. thats why hes not doing those events i guess as its noe good for then riding in wtc, thats why hes riding the spanish champs.
  13. Sorry my mistake you're spot on there.
  14. Toby is the best prospect for a while, but it smacks of lack of ambition to stay trial 2, sorry.
  15. I think sealskinz are worth the money and are better than the army ones re comfort and warmth.
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