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nigel dabster

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Posts posted by nigel dabster
  1. And are you naive enough to think that Raga's, Cabestany's etc bikes are standard??!! Or do you believe that Montesa is the only manufacturer to have "works" bikes. Further, do you think that Dougie has asked Verlicchi to make his frame narrower at the footpegs as it's too fat!! I don't think so. We all know Dougie's bike is a trick 280ish magnesium laced special that is unavailble to the public but that's the idea of a works bike, isn,t it? :D

    I don't know what bike you ride Dabster, but if YOU believe that it's the same as that manufacturers works bike, then perhaps it is you that has missed the point. :hyper:

    Funnily enough in order of trickness Dougies bike is and always has been the most trick, and mostly special works bits.

    For instance Jarvis had a standard 290 in the states with a carb, head and shock the only non standard items..

    Raga is on a raga with not much else, and cabys beta isn't alot off what you can buy except for the motor.

    Its you that needs to check facts wiseguy.

  2. What do you mean? surely it's about how a bike rides and in the Mont's case lasts, as is it is about dimensions? Or have I missed the point? :hyper:

    Possibly if you think Doug has been on one for 7 years and his is the same as you can buy.........

  3. Doug and Fuji are head and shoulders above Raga at the moment, half his score today.

    How can you say that when the guy won yesterday?

    I do think that he might be out of the running for the championship though. Figure it's down to Fugi and Lampkin now.

    Meant today not moment

  4. Sorry I can't remember the last time Berko had a real trial. They have a great secretary in Peter weight but if you think that there trials are good you really need to get out more. get up to Bracken rocks even on a slow day its less than 2 hours and that should open your eyes, and they usually have an easy route. Enthusisam and organisation is not the same as quality.

  5. The girls as well.

    Linda Meyer - the class favorite linda has ued her charms on the observers more than once this year but nothig should detract form her undoubted ability.

    Laia Sanz - the best just got better, if we didn't know better and weren't sexist she could be a man her ability is that good.

    Siri minken - my favourite ever since that intimate conversation in the cafe in France, ah the memories.......... OK maybe she hasn't ridden this year but... a babe and a decent rider too.

    Maria Conway - definately the best lady rider in the UK but why doesn't she do the championship? Great potential

  6. If there is a plug in a trials bike that does not have an equvalent road going one the I havn't heard of it. The old sherpas had the same as a morris 1000 so I suppose that makes them wrong? A plug should surely be right if its sooty it may well be because the mixture is a little rich and / or you are running it in???

    Check with Scorpa before any damage is done if I were you. Crosser will know what's right. :(

  7. Shaun Morris- as the new boy he has shown promise, but he has the ability for a top ten.

    Graham Jarvis- although he is best in his team ha has yet to be consistently good. (Go grimbo you are this teachers pet)

    Sam Connor - could do better (had to get that one in)

    Jeonl Fajardo - under the mentor scheme he has improved his consistency and is on the up.

    Hemingway- despite his obvious ability he lacks the dedication to win and hurt himself quite badly on a BMX bike he was riding in playtime. Shame.

    Toni bou - despite the mickey taking by the older boys due to his name he shows immense promise and most likely is one to watch.

    Albert cabestany - has just not repeated his terrific form of two seasons ago.

  8. I take my link off every clean and have had only one master link failure back in 98 on a worn out chain on a sherpa in a road trial. Regardless of this I always carry a link as much because if the chain were to be derailed (never had this on 5 Shercos) an extra link is a good insurance, very small and left mounted on breather pipe on the bike.

    Never bother with the link on the back but always do have the open part facing back on direction of travel.

    Personally I would therefore conclude that its better to have a really clean chain properly lubed which (muddy southern trials requires) and this is best done off the bike.

    Simple green is not available in the uk I don't think.

  9. I wash my chain in parrafin and then use ordinary four-stroke oil to lube it i think useing this type of oil is better because it does not get loads of dirt stuck to it like aerasol chain lube does. the four strike oil does not flick of that badly on a trials bike because it is never really ridden thatt fast.


    p.s  cheap four-stroke oil is cheaper than aerosol chan lube  :(

    Now it may be obvious to me so I shall say it anyway, four stroke oil is designed for engines and chain lube for chains, Both have different properties and if you have a sticky one swap it foe a chain wax perhaps. A product specifically designed with particular properties is really the best thing.

    In the old days we used to boil the chain and that really was a chore but worked exceptionally well.

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