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nigel dabster

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Posts posted by nigel dabster
  1. Why do people rate the Jumbo so highly, I have one and find it a bag of nails. Does'nt rev handling not that clever and heavy to boot. It has done very very little work so is not just a question of tuning. What am I missing????

    Tuning, it is a great bike but needs to be fettled just right.

  2. My '75 KT250...... only seen 1 other ridden in the classic series, and slowly getting it to ride nice! Beat a rake of modern bikes at the hooper this weekend..... my ultimate goal is to beat Nigel Dabster on his Sherco!!!

    Got quite close last time......

    I have it on very good authority ( ex works KT rider) that it was a right pig and overweight.

  3. I can't actually Dave as I've only got 4 340's but damn me if the're not the same colour! Whilst I would have loved to do aSSDT before I die I have an awful thought the two things could coincide. 4 easy days in Sardent France in the warm summer with a time limit of near 12 hours is a bit more to my (old) liking. A bit cheaper too.

  4. Numbers don't correspond to the totals above as posted by Highland lassie?

    Too many variables to be meaningful statistics surely, one Beta failure is a 1.25% whereas one Fantic is 100%. You need to ask each individual the actual REASON for failure before it can be make specific surely?

    If you want the best bike for scotland the statistics prove we should all be Yamaha or Fantic mounted.

    I don't think so. :D

  5. There are more important things than trials in the world olly, and whilst it may be a disappointment for you not to be able to star at the trial theres always next year!

    GCSE's are for life not just for christmas? Do that extra revision and then you will get a great job and can reduce the financial burden on your parents! :D

  6. Right brand new Sherco for this SSDT (2004) after the first 2 sections the main bearings went. This i think is poor build quality and them not taking time to look at the problem and fix it with all there bikes.


    If thats the reason why don't they all fail or at least one in five?

  7. How did Tom finish up in the SSDT?? I bet Dabster can't wait to find out :D

    Not my point at all dumbass, I think Tom has had a great week in scotland getting better every day, finishing 11th. is a great achievement.

    Its riders like Tom we (yes Mark you and me) should be helping even if it is only in a small way and give those with the ability the chance, which they in turn need to grab.

    Theres nothing like being constuctive, so what do you suggest/think?

  8. i bought a 2000 model before the 04 and the main bearing went i dont think its a common problem though so will the bike you get be a 4 stroke? :D

    If there are no 4t Shercos in the SSDT I doubt if there will be a production version in 2005.

  9. Fair enough then, so lets reduce lottery funding to British gymnastics and make the prizes bigger, same goes for all other sports funded or otherwise and then we can watch an olympics full of the aristocracy or Beckhams kids (python sketch) as they will be the only ones who can afford it. And while we are at it lets cut taxes, close schools and hospitals live and die in sh!t, great idea, then we wouldn't have to give anything away at all.

    I for one think that even with all its faults the ACU in general and academy in particular is at the present time our only way forward, and probably needs more funding and more effort if we are to have British competitors on the WTC in the future, unless thats worthless IYHO too? :D

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