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nigel dabster

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Posts posted by nigel dabster
  1. I don't think that Sherco forks or discs are in "the spirit" of a twinshock at all, and why anyone would want to spend that amount Of Time And Money is byond me.

    If you are thinkining of getting back into trials buy a modern bike and forget the prep and maintainence hassles. A pal has a montesa hardly used for 1600 ready to go, enjoy the riding. there are quite a few bikes like this and parts are easier to get than a twinshock.

  2. Whenthe Falcon twinshock series started (the present classic series evolved from this) one guy did conert either a RTL or a ty Mono to a twinshock, the loophole was soon stopped by stating that the machine must have originally been fitted with 2 shocks mounted on the swinging arm I think.

    It all depends at what level you wish to ride, I guess, if its just for club trials who cares if you want to make a monoshock a twinshock sounds woftam to me though.

  3. I'm sorry if it sounds like an attack on tom sagar as this was never my intention and I have great respect for his ability.

    I could explain the cheapest way to get to Portugal and do a world round but that again is not my point. What I, and probably a lot of older riders and fans want to see a British presence at european and world trials, not necessarily every single event but those within reach.

    How we (ACU?) fund this like the RFME does is probably a difficult one to answer, we all want it but do we want to pay a higher licence fee???

  4. [

    OK then i think Tom is doing this to get more sponsership, I look at it like this Tom Sagar was british A champion Beat Dabill, Tom won the Novogar last Year, And look whos got the Top trial Team deal???

    What does the lad have to do?

    I guess put everything into it, not missing out for the sake of a fun sunday on an expensive bike where entry fees are

  5. I'm not sure that the ACU would be wise to put much money the way of sagar if he is doing enduros as well as for the age of dabil and sagar compared to bou and Fajardo I'm not sure if the amount of money spent by the acu shouldn't be targettited at the younger end to get these boys ( not specifically sagar and dabil) up to a better standard earlier.

    I know that the costs to get to portugal are not small (obvious) but surely it must be weighed up with someones seriousness espepcially as he scored some good points in Ireland (ferries time off work etc).

    I suppose what I am thinking is that doing the Novogar is nowt special really, and Japan is too far as is the USA so if either can ride at this level give it a shot, I wish I could have........... I hope neither of the British youngsters not just these two say that later in life.

  6. Why were these 2 not riding in portugal, sagar should be doing this instead of trying to win the Novagar (again) surely.

    What happened to dabils great chance with the Italian team he could have a go at the junior or is that the one where he has to ride a 125? Thought that was the european rounds???

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