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nigel dabster

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Posts posted by nigel dabster
  1. Well, there is nothing wrong with competitions, it's the travelling that gets to me, i don't mind driving to somewhere if it's a good place to ride and big enough to keep your interest for a day but i dont want sit in my car 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, hours to get to and from a comp when i've got better things to do.

    Where is hook wood, is it legal or a club.

    Is there any club listings anywhere???

    So, you've got no time to spare but want Swaledale near Chorleywood, sounds like an expensive task that.

    Trials enjoyment is imho almost directly related to the effort you put in.

    If you were prepared to help at our club trial in two weeks you could ride for 8 hours on 2 consecutive days over easter only an hours drive from your front door, but thats competitions. :lol:

    Hook woods is off junction 10 on the M25.

  2. Had four new shercos on the trot and always started with 32:1 mineral oil for 1 gallon before Ipone at 75ish :1. Now there are rumours and anecdotes about Sherco mains but I've never had a head off yet, unless thats tempting fate? So whatever the reason it seems to work so why not? :lol:

  3. Hux have practice at denham airfield and berko at nash mills, if that is too far from Watford then you must be wanting to ride in the rush hour.

    Joking apart if you want to ride without traffic thn you had best move up north. Sorry if I don't sound sympathetic but I spent 6 hours on Sunday evening getting back from riding in Cumbria and that was hard work, so perhaps 7 miles and 12minutes from Watford to Nash Mills isn't so bad?

    There are a few illegal places but its just not worth the hassle.

    What is wrong with competitions anyway?

  4. The trouble with us Brits is we don't take risks (generally). We play it safe, don't overstep the mark, and retire with enough to keep us in a game of dominoes twice a week (No offence to the championship domino players amongst us, but we can't all hit the big time).

    The ones that will take a bit of a risk bugger off somewhere that embraces the entrepeneurial spirit (or at least somewhere that doesn't tax you to death for having a go).

    Instead of evolving, we try to put everything back how it was 100 years ago, concentrating on our heritage and tradition. Sure there's a place for some of that, but some things in the world have got to move on.

    Even Wales is embracing the modern era - Only this week our local Austin Allegro dealer announced sweeping changes with a brand new fax machine. If they can do it, we all can.

    We're just not adventurous enough.......now where's my pipe and slippers, Coronation Street's coming on.

    Oswestry, now theres a place to take risks! :lol:

  5. I buy silver shield 1 out of 3 goes so I guess its my fault you didnt get all of them. And all those other tightarsed trialsriders?

    If thats all you have to winge about life ain't bad is it, and looking on the bright side, next time you will ASK for all the stickers.

  6. :) Surely no Spaniards* would ride otherwise the French riders would go on strike.

    *Particularly those who spat their dummies out last season when the odd Brit and Jap entered theirs

    I think you will find that the French championship is only open to the French, spanish are riding as guests on a "no award" basis I think.

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