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  1. Closing date is march 7th so this weekend is the final chance to post off a entry. Regs can be found on the club website. https://sites.google.com/site/middlesbroughmotorclubtrials/news2/clevelandtrialentryregs or download off this post. The Trial is on March 20th we have added 30 mins to the time limit giving you a healthy 6hours this year. hopefully this will make it a more enjoyable day. 2016 Regs.pdf CLEVELAND TRIAL ENTRY FORM.pdf
  2. Middlesbrough & District Motorclub are holding the Cleveland National trial on March 15th 2015. starting from the village of Castleton this is a 1 Lap 36 section event. Closing date is 1st of March and rides are still available the trial caters for Expert, Clubman and Intermediates on a 50/50 course. entry forms and regs can be found on the club news webpage https://sites.google.com/site/middlesbroughmotorclubtrials/news2 or can be downloaded off this post (if i have done it right) i hope to see you there. Regards Paul. CLEVELAND TRIAL ENTRY FORM.pdf 2015 Regs.pdf
  3. Middlesbrough & District Motorclub Cleveland National Trial March 23rd 2014. With one week left to go until the closing date (March 9th) for the Cleveland National Trial, Places are still available. Entry forms can be downloaded from the club website. Please use the attached link to be directed to them. https://sites.google.com/site/middlesbroughmotorclubtrials/news2/clevelandnationaltrial The trial is open to adult Experts, Intermediates and Clubman. For any enquiries please contact Paul Wright on 07890669950.
  4. Are you doing Alwinton if your home next year Taff.
  5. The kick start gear engages the idle gear from the back. So the damage will be on the back of the idle gear, the front may still look like new.
  6. Reeth 3 day Alwinton 2 day Middlesbrough 2 day East yorks 2 day Blue bar (if your over 40 or have a older bike) I have rode all the above, great trials and good atmosphere. If you like rocks, all northern nationals. The crackpot.
  7. Replace idle gear also. I went through 3 clutch covers on a 04 300.
  8. Middlesbrough Motorclub will be hosting a 2 day trial at Woodhead Farm, Fryupdale, YO21 2AR. This is a charity event in aid of the Great North Air Ambulance. All classes will be catered for Expert, Inters, Clubman A&B, Youth A,B,C & a conducted course for D & E. The course will consist of 3 laps of 10 or 12 sections Saturday and 3 laps of 15 Sunday. This is a fantastic venue, arguably the best in the east yorks centre. Every type of section is covered from Gullies to Graded hill climb, Huge rock outcrops to slippy woodside. Camping is available with toilets on site but please bring your own drinking water. we would suggest tents as getting a caravan into the start/camping field may be a little difficult. there are plenty of local B&Bs and pubs that have rooms available if camping isn't your thing. A burger van will be on site for breakfast and dinner on Saturday & Sunday. For any more info please Contact Paul Wright or Steve Currey. Contact info can be found on the Middlesbrough & DMC Contacts Page. https://sites.google.com/site/middlesbroughmotorclubtrials/contacts.
  9. With Nakita Smith rising through the ranks I think the girls will be tough to beat for quite some time.
  10. 300 raga will be a handful. You will have more fun on a 250, you can manage more of the power.
  11. You might on a 300. Any open face trials helmet will do to start, just get the right fit. Generally the more expensive helmets are made of more exotic materials and have less weight to them which is noticeable when wearing it all day.
  12. it's only motor sport effects. daft rules made up decades ago that should have been scrapped decades ago too.
  13. There is a law in this country that you can't close a road for a motor sport event. My own club were running a vintage hill climb on a road at saltburn for a few years, all approved by council, police and ACU. Then someone stumbled across this ancient law and brings it to the attention of the authorities and the event is stopped. Now for the stupid part. We still run, but for it to be legal it cannot be a race. The road gets closed and the bikes run from the same start point to the same finish point, perfectly legal, so long as the bikes are road legal and keep to the speed limit. If we time the runs turning it into a race we will be running illegally and won't get permission. So it is now a historic gathering not a sprint/hill climb. Its currently going through parliament to get this law changed, how long that takes god knows. I would imagine it is all that is holding the boarders TT up.
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