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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. So the Mrs is dead set on blue hoses. About three years ago I had to rescue her on this bike when we borrowed it for one of her trips to the US. The S shaped hose was hit at the pump and didn't make it down the creek bed. Well fast forward and she bought the bike last year. I have spent a better part of the winter trying to make it right. Well one thing that we were struggling with was silicone hoses. Not to be out done with not finding anything here or abroad I think i found an alternative. 


    In college i was a frequent customer to Pegasus racing here in the states. They have all sorts of generic silicone hoses from Samco and the like. Not too bad either. Most of the hoses go from 3/4 to 5/8 inch sizes on this bike. So with the help of Lowes I think i got it figured out. The clamps are to be desired but they are the sleeved type so they won't cut into the hose. She likes it because if the water pump  hose needs replacing its not too hard. I probably could have over lapped a bit more but it seals and is functional.


    This weekend while "cleaning" the garage I got them installed...






    I will probably flip that high clamp around to the bottom to clean it up.


    Oh and my lame idea of a clean garage.





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  2. Improved function, less failure opportunity, combined with better look... Here is the true sign. If you excitedly tell a Mrs what your thinking and her eyes glaze over. Its a no brainer. Go for it!


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  3. Mom and dad took my bikes when I was a kid too. Eventually my grades came around when I wanted to do it for me and not to stay out of trouble with them. I don't know what the exact formula was but once I had to start answering to my self for my eff ups my excuses ran dry.

    Keep on him Glenn but let him disapoint himself. When he finds out what motivates him let him determine if it's worth a spin on the bike or repairing it with out blame.


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  4. As long as your clutch basket is not contacting the underside of the clutch cover you are still ok. Check for any witness marks under the clutch cover. 


    If you have witness marks under the clutch cover then you want to check the thrust washers inside the cases. It would require you to split the cases and there is one at either side of the main shaft. Circled in red. 





    Make sure you don't have up and down movement like in my video here. That is bad movement and causes a loud whine. This was caused by a stuck throttle run away which resulted in a piston cylinder swap. 




  5. Well John, 2006 I think it was first full year he rode PRO

    Don't think he rode but one Pro event in 05, and he had only topped Ray Peters once that year in Expert before he made the jump to Pro. It did not happen overnight.

    Aaron Geoff PR CO GAS 184 30 30 30 25 21 30 18 16 16

    2 Webb Cody PR CA SHE 156 21 16 18 15 30 25 21 25 15

    3 le Riche Bruce PR TN SHE 154 18 21 21 30 25 21 16 18 16

    4 Florin Chris PR FL GAS 139 16 25 15 21 16 15 25 21 15

    5 Smage Patrick PR WI SHE 130 14 14 14 14 14 14 30 30 14

    6 Wineland Keith PR CO GAS 123 25 18 16 18 15 16 14 15 14

    7 le Riche Brent PR TN MON 122 15 15 25 16 18 18 15 14 14

    8 Smage Phillip PR WI SHE 38 0 13 13 12

    9 Ibsen Will PR GA SHE 13 13

    As I recall the pro event in 05 was in NY with a huge set of rocks in the parking lot.


  6. That never feel welcome thing is a bit of an adjustment. Here in the states I love that statement "Oh cool!" that people say when showing up with a trials bike. When showing up at an event most everybody will go out of their way to greet or welcome you.in America it's totally acceptable to ask a total stranger how they are. Its in our culture.

    I haven't found that as much in Europe. It's not that Europeans are not friendly.(probably gonna get beat up over saying this) In Europe They want to get to know you first before friendly banter can start. It feels like you are being judged as a stranger and it feels like work to integrate. Now that hasn't in every case for me but I have felt that. I have several welcoming arms in Europe but it's not an instant thing. On top of all this you have a language barrier.

    Norm you better not let Phil know about that lack of competition in the neighborhood. :P but your right on multiple points. Having Pat comming off your farm with a good head on his shoulders is amazing. I would hope that the skills of all pro riders pushes him even further but we mostly want to see Pat happy. He makes us happy with his skills. Andrew makes us happy as well. All of the pros make us proud. As enthusiasts I feel we need more of this. Amazing learning curves, honest and fun competition, and fresh skill sets will only make the sport here better.


    • Like 1
  7. As I was in the area (bit south of Barcelona) I asked a few dealers and a hire shop about GG. Reply was basically "Who knows, Who can guess". I came across another business (nothing to do with motorcycles) where ex workers with banners were protesting outside about being "sacked" with wages owing. There was management notice inside saying company had had had cash flow problems but 80 workers were working under new conditions and hoping to make company a success. Company was probably operating at less than 1/3 normal capacity. Also many hotels very nearly empty and offering bargain deals. Quite a few builders merchants shut down and others very quiet.

    General impression I got is that things are pretty quiet and either in or just on verge of recession, certainly far from busy.

    Never saw a single GG or any other trials bike. Yam DTs seemed commonest but also a lot of asian / chinese imports.

    My Mrs has been spending many weeks in Valencia and is reporting something quiet different. Then again our manufacturing there is reporting sucessful gains especially with European sales. Spain is in turmoil I will agree but not all businesses are suffering.


  8. All of the pro riders deserve respect I agree. I do not want to diminish anyone's ability nor down play anyone's situation. I am also aware of his travels and online education. I'm simply saying that a year ago he was no where he was this past weekend. Two years ago he was not close to an expert first place rider. Not an insult or down play to his abilities. Its great to see him advance so much in so little time. Hard work and dedication has its rewards.

    Hats off to all of the pro riders. Keep up this level of competition as long as you can.


  9. I read somewhere else you were in Warken about one and a half year ago Biff. Did you come all the way from the States just to ride there? 


    Yes sir, 

        September 2013 I came out for a quick birthday weekend for the Mrs. One of her home clubs is TCW Warken. She loves riding there and rides the Luxembourg series. I borrowed a Rev3 for an event and was reminded why I don't like Beta. I technically belong to MTC Saar Lebach where she lives during the week so I have a place to practice although I have not been there enough. She blongs to TCW, MTC Lebach and her local club where she grew up AMC Kerzenheim in the Pfalz region. I have also riden in Grossheubach where she generally follows the Luxembourg TDN each summer for practice camp. 


        I am determined to pickup a GG there in Germany this year so I can ride my own bike in September and stop borrowing her GG. Eventually I am planning to live, work and ride there so I can bother all of you in person. :P PM me and I will get you my EU contact info. 


        In the meantime I plan to cheer on riders here especially those who are going to be riding the world rounds. If you run into Andrew Putt in your travels tell him we are cheering for him. 



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  10. This is much different than WD40. I use T-9 on my cases in the winter to keep corrosion down to a minimum. Silly magnesium!


    I wouldn't use this on a chain. It wouldn't last that long and would attract more dirt than it would protect. I have also used this as a waxy undercoating on my car. My Dad an Ex-Navy flight mechanic swears by this stuff. 



  11. It's gotta be great to be a Putt!!!


    First you land on this months Cover of the AMA magazine then you have a great debut weekend in Texas! Wow... just wow. 


    While setting up our event this weekend we up here in Michigan were glued to the NATC website.


    Andrew was in 2nd place in his first loop Saturday and ended up third but just barely by 3 points! I bet he can taste section 2, 8 or 12 Saturday all of which had cleans or 5's. With his learning curve I am willing to bet that those mistakes are already ancient history. Well done young man!


    Sunday looks like a silly 5 on last loop knocked him to 4th but that's really really awesome considering this young man just started riding this class. He totally dominated section 1 having the lowest score of even Smage. Again learning curve and with his great attitude we all will see another champ among us. 


    GO MAN GO!!!






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  12. Here is a trick. Try clamping a dead straight wire to the sprocket to see if it lines up with the engine sprocket. If the tensioners are the same but the sprockets don't line up then you might have the spacers backward. The goal is keeping the chain straight right?


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