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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. Want!!!!

    My off season ride is a 26 inch BT. It brings me back to body English. This would work much better for me....

    Separate note:

    If oliver ever desires to go WTC pro I would do everything to suport his #1 ranking.

    Mind blowing knowing that a bike and a culture was developed surrounding him from toddler to pro...

    Never stop being yourself. You've created a legacy not even trying...


  2. Love them or hate them it's people like them that keep the forum going.

    In fact it's people like them that keep the sport going,

    truth... Please never stop being who you are no matter who is out there. You all make this sport and embrace the mind set even if those are not aligned.


    • Like 2
  3. Gasgas uses a floating disc. This is normal.

    Freeplay in the rear. For some extent its partially normal however bushing/bearing rebuild kits area available. Try taking the suspension apart and lubricating everything. Then put it back together. dusty/rusty bearings? well there you have it they need to be replaced.

    I am also 6' 215lb and have a 5 inch rise which works best for me. Also make sure that both the rear and the front drop equally when you step on the bike. If the front drops first you have too much spring tension. visa versa if the rear drops first.

    mid muffler cracked? well... join the club. imho its a bad design... one bad design in a great bike (i am completely biased here). Clean it off with brake clean wire brush it and find a welder. had mine done last year... will have it redone this winter. If you really really want to eliminate this find a 2003 steel version and your all set. Those are rare. Another thing that i have done is cut down the rear muffler just to the outer edge of the rear seat. Gives less leverage on the mid muffler and helps keep that pesky tire rub down to a bare minimum. Keep your mid muffler bolts tight as well.


  4. I thought doug went to beta 2t after 4rt?

    You are correct. I understood that he was the driving force behind changing Beta to the linkage based suspension to improve reaction characteristics. Could just be a rumor.


  5. Biff,

    QE means destructive testing! (as compared to NDT) I want that job!

    "I DIY like crazy and don't really pay attention to people or warning signs telling me that "you can't" or "you shouldn't". I personally feel that puts unnecessary boundaries on ones self."

    I hear you man, we don't need no help screwing things up, bro! :madnoel:

    You have no clue. I can let smoke out of a box like no other.

    You should take that puddle jumper north one of these summers if you can stand being picked up in a raptor. Check out your italian hq and come see all that is detroit. If you do... Make sure its durring the woodward cruise. Bike and harrasment included free of charge!


  6. My given name is David but most everybody calls me Biff due to my ability to "Biff" it.

    Grew up in upstate NY. Started riding trials in the 80's in D4. Was around when 3D trials was getting its start.

    First bike was a TL125 that had multiple broken kick stands since i couldn't touch the ground to start it.

    Went to college for business originally which i realized was a mistake. Had to take a semester of classes just to get into the two year Automotive associates to prove that i wasn't as much of a flunkie as my grades were reflecting. Got straight A's from there in that degree. Worked in a dealership for about 3 years before i realized that using my head as an anvil wasn't using my head correctly.

    Sold my trials bikes, moved me and my unstable fiance to Michigan to go back to school for manufacturing engineering. Unstable fiance became extremely unstable wife. On the day of the divorce i bought a 2000 TXT 280.

    I started at Ford over 12 years ago mainly in engineering dealership service support. I held many roles through my career and am now working as a quality engineer in product development in Dearborn.

    President of Team WGASA which has few rules but numerous goals.

    I DIY like crazy and don't really pay attention to people or warning signs telling me that "you can't" or "you shouldn't". I personally feel that puts unnecessary boundaries on ones self.

    Don't give much thought to those who focus and target others. I try not to focus on others actions as it takes away from me trying to complete my actions.

    Head over heals for a girl who loves trials more if not as much as I do. (Someday this will become a TC story as TC was an integral part of us)

    I haven't rioted this week but it is only hump day so we still have an opportunity.

    Love walks on the beach but hate riding trials on it.

    I talk too much.

    My posts are too long.

    I think Nigel and Dadof2 should get a dedicated post section.... It worked so well Lane and we are so much better because of it....


    • Like 2
  7. Well i gotta say that i am happy about everybodys thoughts here... This is a sign, to me at least, that people are passionate about the sport and the bikes, the inovation and restraint in accepting new technology. Much like yourself atomant i too am in that field and part of a very public yet criticized technology. This technology is being revamped based on lessons learned. One of the lessons learned of course is "less is more" in a few instances. Too much change too soon with percieved effect worries people. I am all about the technology here but my trust can be destroyed in a moments notice poo f this new thing fails someone. Most on here can agree that trust has its limits. Frankly my trust in a particular brand is usually driven by carry over proven design. It took time to "prove" that design to me. Once it did i was bit hard and felt compelled to prove others. Most of us dont ride just to buy the next piece of technology. We ride because we love trials and a machine that makes it possible is what we want at the core.

    Are you for real? you seem to be worried about the 'load' on the mag to generate the electricity to power the pump. So what about the load required to drive a mechanical pump and it's inefficiencies? Do you just sit there thinking of the most negative thing you can think of and spout this crap. Do you not think that designers learn from these things and re-design things to overcome these issues? I've been in design engineering/automation now for 31 years and what I've learnt in all the time, is NEVER work with people like you because nothing would ever get developed.

    Btw i am for real and if im not i have been fooled into thinking one heck of a cool dream of logs, hills, mud, water, and pegs with feet on them... Dreaming on.


    • Like 1
  8. I have seen numerous people on Mont 315R's having a dragging clutch. The magic cure for those seemed to be a tight chain and the ELF oil (can't remember the viscosity). You risk going too tight but its something to try as its easy and cheap.


  9. So no one who buys one of these dare pits next to you and leaves the bike unattended? Who know what kind of "Suzuki TM400 Cyclone" hit of power they'd find when They get back?

    BTW,really would've liked to see you at Trials Inc. Vintage Cup Finals,it was right up your alley,just ask Scott and Jim ;-)

    Yes I know. Work demands kept me local that weekend. The lil ty175 would have loved the trip too. No worries i will be coming to a future one.


  10. Its not blatantly clear what the difference is between the 2 models other than the styling. I expect the engine performance will be very nice and the best bit about it. The whole package reminds me of the Ossa - a little. "The gear box has been tested for two years" - probably in another manufacturers bike lol.
    There's nothing that justifies a crazy high price other than the desire to make their riders exclusive. Bearing in mind the amount of new bikes sold most riders are exclusive anyway on what ever brand they ride .
    Overall - very nice but no WOW for me , but i expect to much , as well do , given the hype

    Besides the weight it appears that you can get your thong headlamp in either Black or White... Gotta be honest... I am usually Wow'ed at the sight of a thong heading in my direction...


    I am thinking team WGASA should be getting some royalties here...



    PS Nice bike. Interesting that they are using CAN protocol to communicate to their module. I would have a field day there... :banana:

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  11. I have had this happen to me too two different dealers two different occasions. I have not named them as it was between me and their business. I don't buy from them and I buy from almost everybody on this side of the pond. I won't push people to their business either and I won't support them directly. Its sad too because no business in this industry should feel like losing a customer won't impact them.


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