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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. Practice with tape. Practice getting caught in it and practice how to get it out of your tire. Also practice stretching and pushing it. Learning how to unwrap tape from the rear wheel in a section is a bit too late.

    I also practice jumping onto a step or a bench with two flat feet no bike. Generally when you jump up and onto something you are launching off on one foot. By unloading and jumping onto a step using two feet flat that will help you unload when riding the bike.

    I also tend to practice crashing quite a bit (aka Biffing it). I don't think its ever planned or intentional but I am really really good at crashing. How ever silly this sounds it really helps me when riding. I am usually ok trying something scrary now because I know that if I happen to crash I generally know how to handle the situation so that I am safe with the bike leaving functional.


  2. Unfortunately my days in Edmonton were consumed with 18 hour work days. I am extremely surprised how much that area is growing due to the oil field business. Chances are my company will be sending me back for future analysis and that will probably happen when cold.


  3. I will be in Edmonton this weekend on business at a customer clinic. If by chance there are any riders who are in the area and want to catch a beer or just chat it up give me an IM. I arrive on Friday afternoon with Saturday and Sunday days I am working but would love to connect to those who are diehard what ever evening .


  4. Well, Supercross is an American Original and the same same could happen in trials with the right idea. I like the thought of no stop hillclimbs.

    If X-Games would support/host an indoor FIM X-Trial I believe that the sport would grow. Enduro cross made it into X-Games and they constantly talk about how many of the top riders are coming from the trials back ground.


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  5. The US riders are usually independantly funded. Our TDN is usually funded by Tshirt sales, collection bucket passed around at local events and then usually one or two importers that help arrange for bikes to ride. Parents, friends, and a few sponsors help make the dreams of our riders come true. Unless you are one of the main distributors here in the states its really tough just to keep your family housed and fed on trials as a sport.

    Its a happy/sad story. Very few of our up and comming riders see trials as a limitless future of fame and fortune which is sad. Most of our riders are just in the sport because it is fun which is the happy story. Its hard enough to send your child 2000 miles away across this country so that they can ride and learn with the best we have but it still happens. Its also unusual to find a trials community here in the states that won't welcome a stranger with open arms. In europe i know that its strange for a new rider to just show up at a club to ride and feel instantly welcome. When you compound that at the world level where your competitors have a lively hood to lose it makes it a foreign enviroment for a US rider.

    If you want to make a living at Trials enough to be come world competitive here you have to fund it riding demo's which requires you to travel 10's of thousands of miles a year. There is very little opprotunity to just ride trials to win trials as a job here.


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  6. If you can't get to the rear brake then glove the exhaust. At WOT it will die easier than the cork at idle. The kill switch will work as long as the spark plug is still a spark plug and not a glow plug. My favorite move is the clutch brake and kill switch combo. It happened to my buddies 2006 300 and 20 seconds of his panic and arguing with my direction cost him a new cylinder and barrel.

    Here is a preventative tip. Zip or wire tie your throttle boot to the throttle and cable. Its less likely to pull off that way. Also make sure that the boot is on the cable at the top of the carb. If not then dirt gets in the slide and you stick there too. Also don't clip your punch card to the throttle cable. Checkers have caused my bike to run off as well. All from experience.


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  7. mmmmm dont get discouraged. These are simple machines with complicated issues. If you dont get a ride this week to our local event i am willing to show up next weekend. It says something that you have been over the bars laughing all the way. Again if you have a coil from an MX try that. Got to be honest that i am 100% biased regarding the bike brand so dont take that as an insult. Its mainly due to my wardrobe and hascienda decoration.... that would all need to be changend.


    Ps. Hitch a ride if you can. We will find you an event to particpate if you head slightly east.

  8. The power curve and gearing of the YZ is against what you would want in a trials bike. You need a larger flywheel and higher compression with out an expansion chamber. If you really want to do this sell off or trade your YZ for a Honda XL 250 or 350. Modify the frame and air box so that you can allow the bike to move side to side while standing.

    There is not a state in the North of the US that doesn't have a trials bike. Check your craigslist.


  9. You won't feel play in the crank bearings even when bad. They have metal cages and the seals have support. On top of that if your flywheel is still on its its magnets would be working against you. If there was no 2 stroke oil then you would have major piston scuff and cylinder scuff. Was the Flywheel cover marked up on the inside? I say go for the crank bearings. Peace of mind and its a 10 year old bike so chances are it needs it.


  10. Mark,

    Have you been in touch with the locals that I passed your way? Have you received your flywheel puller yet?

    Another way i have found a faulty sensor on one of my mazda's was to ice pack it. If it runs longer then you have probably found the root cause. Keyboard compressed air can cool down the stator through the flywheel btw...

    Thats_a_five knows what he is talking about. Found that Ford and Mazda use the same cam sensor for certain products.


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