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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. Fellow TC members,

    What material is being used in your water proof punch cards? Do you print them or have them printed? Do they punch well? Are yours semi fuel proof as well?

    We have ours printed but its hard to find a good material that is water proof. We either get mush or a card that is un-punchable. We also inevitably have a few riders who fill the card with fuel rather than their tank.

    Just wanted to know what you all use.

    Thanks for your time!


  2. BigMark1972 if you can make it out to bentfenders we would love to see you.

    We are setting up this weekend and have the event next. The night before the event we are camping free-o-charge so don't hesitate. If you were around today it was stellar weather.


  3. Well we didn't have the 100+ we were hoping but 71 on the first day and 65 on the second wasn't too bad. We all seemed to have fun and the weather was great! Saturday night we had a alch.... ummm ice tea fueled hill climb which showed me that i need to loose a few pounds. WGASA jethro made it look easy with his raga then even easier with my ty175. The Howard clan got their hondamod up there and zippy's trials quad made it about 10 feet before it almost killed the crowd.

    Thanks for a great weekend all who helped! We had a blast.


  4. Big Mark1972

    SWEET see you this weekend. Ask for Biff or Zippy or any Team WGASA member they will point you to us.


    We hold two events a year in Whitmore Lake MI which is about 50 min from the boarder. One is this weekend which is probably too early but its a great event. Come and hang out whenever we would love to see you again. Mike D would also appreciate the call and support. I agree that he needs the support.


  5. Hey Biff, are the MOTA boys holding the Wardsville trials again this year in Canada? I don't see anything on your website

    No not this year. They were struggleing with support last year to the point where the second day we had to do a lot of self checking. Hopefully we can build up the Windsor team again to put that "O" back in MOTA. We love the property and the people we just need some more support for them. In your next CMA event put the word out. Maybe a few of us will try and catch one of your events.


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  6. Thanks Five!, I think its leaking a bit of gearbox oil from the front sprocket! must be a seal in behind there some where that might be worn but I would say its a engine overhaul needed to get at that...... but now that you said about the engine sucking up the gearbox oil and making the bike more smokey. that would account for my suspicions of something going on behind the scenes! as it is running smokey and black spooge comming from the mainfold pipe, which crank seal do you mean? is it the simple clutch casing side one (eazy to replace) or the middle of the engine one (where I have to take the head off and engine out from the bike frame)?


    Consider this. If the crank case seals are faulted it could cause oil to be sucked in at low rpm (high vacuum) and oil to be pushed out at high rpm (high pressure). It could also be two unrelated issues. Thats_a_five has an idea. Lets test to see which it is.

    There is a vent at the top of the engine case above the transmission. That vent should be free and able to let the hot oil in the transmission to expand. With a cold engine it should allow that to breathe in outside air as well. In 2003 they built both the pro and older TXT models. The pro had the vent on the side by the sprocket and the TXT had it on the top right past the carb.

    If you really want to determine if pressure is bleeding over from the clutch side seal regardless of which bike you can put a pressure/vacuum gauge on the vent then start the bike. You should only see pressure build after the bike has been running till hot (fan running would be a good estimate). If you start the bike and the pressure builds or vacuum is gained within seconds of the engine running then you have a "clutch side" crank seal leaking.

    Just a final thought. You have been running this thing under choke for quite some time durring your test. Oil and smoke could be from all of that unburnt fuel in the exhaust. The sprocket seal leak could also be due to the bike being over 10 years old.


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  7. I broke both sides of the engine mount in this area on my 2004. Sorry to say that if this can't be welded you will need both case halfs.

    To Shyted point you need to make sure that your skid plate is also tight before every ride!!!! The engine is a stress member of the frame. So is the skid pan. If your skid pan is lose then the engine has to hold the whole thing together. Word to the wise is to check your skid pan often and re-arch it when you are in doubt.

    -- In sadness of a broken case --Biff


  8. Bigmark1972,

    I can tell you that there are several in your neck of the woods. I used to live in plainwell and be one of those. We used to hold events in the gr area and i would be safe to say that holding one there in the future would be a treat.

    So you found yourself crashed and laughing? Well that does it. Your bit by the bug. If you can't crash and laugh then the sport is probably not for you. There is a huge learning curve with trials. You either fall in love with the challenge or it eats you up and spits you out.

    You have that enduro bug too huh? Ok so the trials bike makes that enduro bug feel like a piece of cake! Use this to your benifit. Know when to go fast and when to go slow. If you see that there is mud in an area which you know does not have traction then you will need momentum. Just seeing if the bike has traction there may be too late. Just as important is learning how to stop in low traction. So also practice how to come off of something into low traction while maintaining control.

    One last tip. If you setup sections go find yourself some flagging or caution tape. Ride the section in with out tape then tape it in. Its amazing how much a piece of plastic will make you change your approach. Practice with tape as much as possible. If the tape breaks you have a five (maximum points). Learn how to push the tape and use all of the realestate. It will strech.

    You may already know this but is the quick and dirty on the rules for Mota:

    Entry = front axle through the start gate

    one foot down in the section = a one

    foot down twice = a two

    foot down three times = a three

    foot down more than three times still = a three

    Roll back = a five

    miss a marker or break some tape = a five

    fall off (laughing or not) = a five

    stopping and ballancing with no feet on the ground is no points (Eff no-stop! rule)

    exit is front axle through the exit markers.

    We don't follow the "gate" rule in Mota which means you shouldnt go through another classes gate.

    Have fun out there but try not to get too good before we meet. Try like hell to get dropped off in Ligoneer Indiana this weekend. Friends and family will be waiting.


  9. So all of that snow is gone! If it isn't well thats good too because we have a place for you!!! You should get some inspiration. Get off your couch! Get on your bike! More importantly get out there and compete.

    For the past five or so years some of the best clubs in the upper mid west have been riding together. MOTA and Trials Inc have been combining one event into both of their series. Its very common to have over 100 riders each of the two days. Now I know that those of you in Europe scoff at that but in America its a bit of a home comming that we all enjoy.

    This weekend in Ligioneer Indiana will be the first and second MOTA event along with the fourth and fifth Trials Inc event. Both clubs are down to earth grass roots and some of the best people you will ever meet. Camping is encouraged but if you need to find a Hotel there are several not too far away.

    Here are the websites for your viewing pleasure.




    See you all out there!!! If we don't see you and you find yourself cleaning gutters or doing some other type of menial (but obligated) chore then think about us and how much fun we are having.


    (go Team WGASA!)

  10. The play is inbetween the plunger on the pedal at the cylinder? Or are you just moving the lever feeling for play?

    Air easily gets trapped at the top of the master cylinder. The best way that I have found to bleed that out is to hang the bike front tire up. Kinda like gutting a cow or pig. The brake switch is also the banjo bolt for the line at the master cylinder. Those switches can leak and it may have been replaced with a true banjo bolt.

    Regardless when this thing is standing on end pump the brake pedal, hold pressure on the pedal and crack the banjo there. If you hear air you probably had a pocket up there.

    I only mention the pedal play because I have also been fooled by air in the master as play in the pedal. You really have to pull the boot back to look to see if the plunger on the pedal has clearance. I have also found rust in the end of the master cylinder as well.

    To answer your question... Yes the caliper can lock up due to heat but why the heat got there to begin with should be your focus.


  11. Can anyone with a racing tell me if after the keihin carb do they have the rubber adapter that the airbox slots onto?

    If i remember rightly a while back someone made alloy adapters for the dellorto is there any for the keihin?

    Nope the intake from the air box fits right on the Keihin. The Delorto is the only carb that uses that. The rubber adaptor is a pain if its just not right too. Lewis Sport here in the states has them. Best investment you can make to the delorto carb. Saves you 30 minutes of swearing.


  12. Today I let it take me over every obstical that I pointed it towards. There were a few times where it went on its own with out me. There were a few times when I kept it from completing the agreed mission. In the end it had half a master link that decided to depart from the fun. 4 hours of riding all with out injury and all in with fun. VIVA la GASGAS!!!! Oh and I rewarded it by dialing in the carb. Its amazing how much a quarter turn of the idle air mixture screw makes.


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  13. 7075 is much stronger tensile strength than 2024. 2024 has a better weight ratio but they usually add several compoents to reduce corrosion. If those are your two options go with 7075. Dad of 2 is correct it does depend on how its treated.

    Early last year i took a large chunk out of the side of a bash plate which drove me to spend more money. I have heard of several bikes and brands having similar experiences.


    PS. On a positive note your oil level sight glass is operating 100% properly.

  14. So new bike release this year might have upset the Honda execs? Just thinking politics here... If i was fronting the bill and not getting my fair share of the credit that would probably upset me too.

    I don't think this is the last of the montesa name. One thing the trials world is good for is re-living the past. Ossa.... the 2014 GG replica.... all of the retro clothing out there.....

    If triumph brought back a modern ish bike and called it a Cub a die hard group would knock their doors down with a fury that the company had never seen.

    If yamaha brought out a ty175 label on a Scorpa in classic majesty colors omg a good number of you would be sleeping on the couch for a month because you showed lack of compassion toward the family budget. I might be part of that population. :)

    Give it some time. Honda isnt dumb. Let people mourn then BAM!!! VIVA is back and there is a sales spike.

    Kinda waiting for Fantic to stop making coffee makers and do this.... Apparently there is still more money in coffee than trials. :/


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  15. Looks pretty sweet BigMark. (we will call cope lil Mark for now :) ) The group in Michigan will be here when you are ready to come out.

    On the west side of the state there are a several riders who belong to the Mid Michigan club which has property in Vermontville.

    Today we went and rode for about 4 hours in Flint. Everybody had got their crashes in too. I forgot to look up so the bike and i came down. Buddy Jermey center punched a log thats 4 foot thick causing all of us to point and laugh. Buddy Doug did the classic over the bars when traveling up hill on his Reflex pointing and laughing also followed. And another mark just timed everything wrong on our rail road tie box since he broke parts we held off on laughing. Either way dont feel bad about "suck" because we all have those moments/complete events.

    While you are out there enjoying your play ground here are a few hints:

    1. Keep your knees out. If the bike decides it wants to be 2 inches to the left or right you dont want to be pushed in that direction too. It will feel like your taking a dump for a little bit but the more extreem you can keep your knees out now the better you will be in the future.

    2. practice looking up. You know what the front fender and tire looks like. It will still look like that for many many months. Don't look at it. Dont look for the log 2 inches in front of you. The earlier you can practice looking up the better off you will be in the future.

    3. remember to breathe. Its tough i know but holding your breath will only wear you out that much sooner.

    Have fun out there!


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