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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. That makes perfect sense. When your a young guy who is always moving and doing its gotta be hard to sit and be especially when you have to focus on a job rather than the place you are. Pat is awesome but he is also Pat. This makes him human in my eyes. Good luck and hope to see him out and about here in the states.


  2. May 16th this summer will be our first Bent Fenders trials of 2010. We have a lot to live upto to tie the Michiana event but we are really excited about trying an actuall vintage class. We will have a vintage A and vintage b class with a first place trophy for each. Vintage A will ride INT and vintage b will ride Nov. We also have a beginer class in Mota so this wont be a cake walk but we are determined to keep every metal tank orginal and every rider out of an ambulance. What is vintage you ask. We are calling that anything before built before 1990. Thats a huge range of bikes mono shock included.

    As always this is a party so try to stick around afterwards for some good ole red neck fun. I will be heading up there tomorrow to build. Zippy was there today being evil as usual. Hope to see you there. Here is the link.


  3. Great trials Sam! At first i thought you went soft on the Experts then i realized that rain makes everything that much cooler. Well it saturday night and i gotta get back to my hot tub room... Been looking forward to this all week. You da man for making it happen.


    PS dont tell osha that i leaked a solid gallon of fuel today. Fixed it tonight. were good for tomorrow. sorry about the loss of grass if any.

  4. I am SOOOOOO DAMN stoked for this event.

    Thoughts going through my head include:

    Hope some Ti guys can make it out?

    I wonder whos bike will end up where?

    I wonder if i can bring a working bike?

    Who will ride expert that is not injured currently?

    Top down or up....? <silly question

    How do i get the howards too sober to ride? <getting them drunk doesnt work... tried that

    WELLLL off to make some cool trick parts for the GG. See you there.


  5. This is going to sound a bit silly but your asking a lot from an American to give up his late teens and early twenties as an American to become a European. Commitment to be the best at something is one thought but trials is about fun here in America. We do this for fun. Very few of us do this for work. When we see this as more work than fun then it starts to change rolls for us. We have a tendancy to let work be work and sport be sport in this country. Europeans as a culture tend to merge the two. They do the same with food and work schedule. I welcome the European view point by the way I don't want to stereo type.

    What ever we can do to make that transition easier for our top riders would be best. It is our job in this country to make hard, dynamic, and fun sections to help our riders progress. What are we not challenging our riders with?


  6. I know cope was talking about getting out to do a birthday ride. I know that Texas and the mid west have probably had more snow than us here in Michigan this year. We got out to ride this weekend. We were goofing around in the mud and ice. 2" down and you hit solid ice which was great practice and after i broke the gasser I got to try out the newish camera. Excuse the drunken video editing. We Michiganders are

    ! Gotta go play with some more footage.


  7. Bugger..I'm always late to the party..It says the video has been removed by the user :)

    Woops i accidentally posted the video in anything goes and i dont know how to move it. Not only was i late to the party i missed the complete address... hahhahahahaah story of my life. Anybody know how to move a post?


  8. Ford has me really busy these days being on top of SYNC for the dealers. 60 hour weeks and some snow boarding have me stuck under a rock. I have been getting on the bicycle a bit but thats about it. This weekend i will be in the barn riding.

    HA hills out here... We ski on trash hills here. I am heading to Mount Hood here in a week and i have been to Gore and toggenburg out there this year. Don't try to learn to ride rails at 33 years old. hahahahaha. I will be on TC more. Business is good so we have the opprotunity to distribute the load over more boddies.


  9. Yeah still infotainment guru. MS SYNC is huge right now and taking up about 60 hours a week for me. I spent come quality time in the garage today with the mopeds and selling junk on craigslist. Then i looked at the gasgas and a tear rolled down my face. She needs a good solid day of hands on time. I will probably attend to her after i visit the Detroit auto show tomorrow. I think obama should make an 8th day of the week for us. Were paying enough for it mind as well get a free day. hahahahahaha.

  10. The tyz came out after the aprilia and was a bit lighter. The current scorpas acutally use the tyz engine and transmissions so parts would be easier to find than the tyz. The aprilia is heavier and turns larger but there are a lot of bikes out there for the 2000 dollar range a lot newer. We are just here across the bridge from windsor and I see bikes pass by all the time. Being from toronto you may want to look this direction in craigs lists. Also search rochester ny or ithca ny. Lots of trials there too. Most of these bikes only have a bill of sale and I cross to niagra falls from detroit all the time with mine. They just ask if its comming with me and do i own it. Sure i say and i go on my way. I know its a haul but we have an event about 30 mins outside of detroit comming up soon. May want to come for a look.

    www.motatrials.org We have a whole windsor club as well that may be able to keep an eye out for you.

    Generally speeking a 2000 bike runs you from 1800 to 2000 us dollars possibly less over here.


  11. Guess what its me!!

    I'll have to get the lathe stoked up again!!

    The US ones are copies of mine!!!!! They may be better you never know!!!


    Ian I want to thank you for a great design. That little bugger saves me so much time.

    Thanks again....


  12. I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option.

    Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.

    I don't understand the purpose of the line, "I don't need to drink to have fun." Great, no one does. But why start a fire with flint and sticks when they've invented the lighter?

    Have you ever been walking down the street and realized that you're going in the complete opposite direction of where you are supposed to be going? But instead of just turning a 180 and walking back in the direction from which you came, you have to first do something like check your watch or phone or make a grand arm gesture and mutter to yourself to ensure that no one in the surrounding area thinks you're crazy by randomly switching directions on the sidewalk.

    I totally take back all those times I didn't want to nap when I was younger.

    Is it just me, or are 80% of the people in the "people you may know" feature on Facebook people that I do know, but I deliberately choose not to be friends with?

    Do you remember when you were a kid, playing Nintendo and it wouldn't work? You take the cartridge out, blow in it and that would magically fix the problem. Every kid in America did that, but how did we all know how to fix the problem? There was no internet or message boards or FAQ's. We just figured it out. Today's kids are soft.

    There is a great need for sarcasm font.

    Sometimes, I'll watch a movie that I watched when I was younger and suddenly realize I had no idea what the f was going on when I first saw it.

    I think everyone has a movie that they love so much, it actually becomes stressful to watch it with other people. I'll end up wasting 90 minutes shiftily glancing around to confirm that everyone's laughing at the right parts, then making sure I laugh just a little bit harder (and a millisecond earlier) to prove that I'm still the only one who really, really gets it.

    How the hell are you supposed to fold a fitted sheet?

    I would rather try to carry 10 plastic grocery bags in each hand than take 2 trips to bring my groceries in..

    I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die.

    The only time I look forward to a red light is when I

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