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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. Wow this post went sideways quick!

    What happened to you guys?

    Get out and ride to get some agression off.

    300 points or not good job guys.

    With as many fives as they had feet on the pegs is a respectable goal not an insult.

    WGASA for those who did not want to leave the b class.


  2. Glad you had fun Jim. I give the credit to my team mates but i did enjoy laying out the expert sections. Sorry about the tree. It was the most amazing thing i had ever seen.

    You know when you're watching movie and the dude is running away from the train in the same direction that the train is traveling and you say to yourself turn right or turn left... Yea that was my view point. We will be getting rid of some dead trees for next spring....


  3. I removed my engine with out removing the skid pan. remove all bolts, chain and hoses then lift and twist. As for this noise can you be moer descriptive? I made this

    which explains some noises in the lower end. With the transmission having several gear transitions the noises that are there are normal in some cases due to the slack between gears. Here is a bit of explanation on the power flow in the trans. If you have true lower end damage then you usually have piston or cylinder damage.


  4. ...and you love it if she offered to kick yours..!!!

    I don't think there are many "Honda Haters", we all know they have made some really classy machines over the years but the problem with ALL of them has been the price. Even the TLR's were fairly pricey for a twin-shock at the time, the RTL was extortionate,

  5. Way to go boys and girls! Remember this year over there and bring back your thoughts. We hope to improve upon what you have learned and let us know what we can do to help again next year. Keep those feet on the pegs.


  6. All classes starting with Intermediate class,

    Being a large class let me let you into the insight into how i build a section for you.

    First i look at Steve, Mark, Martin, Don and Polack and how they read our sections and what line they pick. Then we look at how they ride the first two times. If they clean it on the first two times i and wont ride it again we change the section. If they ride it two times and five or three it we look at there line and if possible we show them a different line. If there is not a different line i change the section (i have done this three times for this trials so far). If there is a section that makes you want to come back after riding a whole trials i consider that a success. When we have our own riders wanting to stay on a section for 10 ride ins each i also consider that a success. Thats what i am looking for in building a section. When i built my sections for this trials i looked for that. I can tell you that i also look to ride each intermediate and novice line with out touching the clutch personally. Sounds stupid but if i have to pull in the clutch then its too tight and thats not fun. If you can't dab because of ankle twisters or giant falls then thats also a big no no. I concentrate on intermediate and expert.

    For novice we take a beginner line and give you a marker or two. In this case your in the creek twice in your class. We also put Wendy in your line. She says ok then ok.

    Beginner is in and out but in this case we have given you a section to read your markers. A glimpse of the future.

    For sportsman we try to give you half advance and half intermediate. There have been a couple of times in this trials where we find intermediate too easy and advance too hard so we will mark you separate. No big downs but you have to be on your toes and work on your timing. Advanced is about timing in my opinion and not about hopping.

    Advanced class should not have to hop but you should have to know your timing 100%. If you are late then you may have to hop. If you are late then you may not make the obstacle. You should also be prepared for some ups and downs but run out after each.

    Expert is my boys! I look for less than 20 points from first place. I look for some spectator viewing pleasure. I look to give you that "I am god moment". I look to keep you interested with keeping different back to back sections. I look to make one line that is obvious with out any of that "cheater line" mentality while also keeping it "open". I know that with this trials that we have challenged you with some fun stuff. I also know that if you fail at making the section no pain will be incurred. I also know that old school is the key and not very tight is the name of the game.

    Finally we all need a break. If you have three hard sections back to back you are worn out. Since we have most of our sections laid out so far i will be riding each section for about 7 loops to see if you have a "break". If you don't then we will change something to give you one. Walk the sections before hand. Let us know and we will change it. Will you have points yes but will you have fun? certainly!


  7. They have a huge company to back them. I agree. Reduce you're weight and bring a bike that people want to buy to the world again. Your frame is awesome. Your engine could use some weight loss. Your technological thought is hands down 100%. Honda bring back the a competitive club man bike like your 315r.


  8. Mota riders!

    Well I have been thinking (ut oh) and thinking and thinking about the Bentfenders trials. We have laid out a couple of sections. We have ridden the poo out of them. We tweeked we consulted. We tweeked some more. We ran out of tape. We used some other tape. We mowed. Then we went out and rode some more. We are looking forward to a fun event.

    Experts, bring a fresh tire if possible. Hills like you have not seen in michigan. Twist and go. Biff cleaned them you should too.

    Advance We know some of you are new we know some are returning. Zippy made sure you are all going to have fun. we both want to clear the log section but a 1 is very respectable.

    Sportsman Tough.... yes... Impossible no. Fun ? oh heck yea! Creek section 2 is one of those SWEETTTTT moments

    Intermediate Don and cap should be right at their 1 to 2 point range. off cambers are an art form. Many lines to choose from.

    Novice. We will challenge you nothing is impossible. You nothing is tight but you have to know when to go.

    Beginner look up and have fun. its a trail ride for the big boys.

    Youth. We know you're coming and will be ready for you.

    And the question you have all been asking yourself. Is there a swamp section? Of course not. The creek will get you muddy enough.. Muhahahahahaa.

    In the case of mucho rain the sections will be toned down for your entertainment pleasure.

    chao --Biff

  9. Hey Sam,

    I am heading down there for a bachelors party across the street from Stone in the state park. Do you know if anybody will be down there working over this awesome labor day weekend? I might stop on over just because.


    Look at you acting all confident.... I remember it was just the other week where i witnessed a groan man sobbing to death... hahahahahahaha


    Bring the fantic... If its one thing trials riders are not its fashion conscience. Gaurd your eyes because i am about to show you what the world round guys wear....


    No social skills what so ever this bunch.... hahahahaha


  10. Yeah sorry Sam and company!

    Between work and Trials HD on xbox I have been running around like a headless chicken. <plug for the excuse.

    I went to my trusty microcenter computer store outlet and bought 40 dollars worth of computer fans.


    My goal was to look at the cfm and amperage. Most of these were between 400 to 250 milliamps and looking at my old motor i am no where even close to that. I would guess that my fan is about 1 to 3 amps draw.

    So I brought them back to the office and starting thinking about how to handle this.


    I fired them all up with a power inverter and they all seem to blow a lot of air.

    I realized that most of these fans have a huge exposed motor assembly. Hmmmmm I am not sure if this is going to work. I might start with experimenting with sealing these some how and dipping them in water while running to see what the results are in amps. My concern is not just the fan pulling too much but shorting out the system upping the amps and taking out my rectifier or even worse stator.


    I currently have this trick led fan on there. I will get her fired up tonight and take a few videos of it running in the dark. :huh:


  11. I was up till 4 am playing this game!!!! I am a pos at work now but ehhh I work so I can trials...


    Don't let the first few levels fool you with the motocross feel and look as it gets harder it gets real.

    As soon as you get to the hard and masters level you will have to pull out that whole rule book of what not to do in trials.

    I realized that not only do i stink at trails in real life i am also a virtual failure at trials!!!! hahahahaha :huh:

    I had to comendere my roomates xbox360 and set up a xbox live account but i love this game.

    I have had a few epic fails but a second attempt got me through.

    I had some awesome jap zaps and rear wheel pogo's and nose wheelies into obsticals to get lined up. It also shows me crashing pretty realisticly.

    Thanks QcChopper. Very very happy customer. I am not sure how to do the whole play online or chat yet but its biffsgasgas.


  12. Well thanks Sam.... You jinxed me.

    After saturdays very nasty ride in the rain and with my fan making a banshee leaving he// type of noise the thing finally let loose on Sunday. It might have been the alchohol but was probably just luck.

    So sitting awake last night i decided that first ajenda at work this morning was to start getting this fan back on the up and up.

    The company that made my fan was Comex. I went to their website to look up model F11-12c001-07s but alas they were not really forth comming on that. A simple google search also did not produce any results. Now i work with a large group of "car" guys and they think that i should go with a Power steering or Transmission cooling fan such as this. They are certainly ment for outdoor weather conditions but i cant find one small enough.

    My space dimetions are 3.25 inches deap by 5 inches wide by 6 inches high. The fan blades themselves are about 4.75 inches.





    Im off to search for a fan replacement now. I will keep this updated. Apparently Tryals shop has the cheapest fans out there. This sounds like my best alternative.


  13. I have had minders who don't think that they are good enough to ride a national but want to know what the format and level of ability that is needed before they spend the money. So I label this topic as Minder =experience as well. My father was my minder in NY and it was just an opprotunity for him to ride with me. He really didn't need to be there.


  14. Hey Joeandemma,

    Thats my youtube video from my bike (with a ton of hours on her). I didnt have much play up and down on this shaft to answer your question that you asked me but up and down play would cause hard shifting and possibly gear pop out. If you dont have that then no worries. Really the knock is normal and is nothing to worry about.


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