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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. Come on Cope your fighting the good fight out there. I talk to techs every day all day. I am on the fix it end of things up here. When a dealer has an issue I go hunting for the fix so we are basically in the same department. You guys give me the ammo to tell the engineer that their baby is acutally ugly. The red tape in my company has been drastically reduced with our reduction in size which makes my job a lot easier and allows me to get stuff out their in days rather than months. It is quite amazing the changes up here. I can't speak for the company your involved with but with the government involved I would suspect more red tape and not less....


  2. The shoot out looks like a great idea. Nothing like a crowd and pressure to top off a great day. I just hope they have energy. Im working through the night just to get everything perfect and i leave after work tomorrow with Firstgear. Should be a lot of fun! See you all there. Look for Biff and his WGASA gasgas.


  3. Leave it to zippy to discover how to may anything motorized wheelie......

    He got his kids these little 4 wheelers one time. (i think it was one of those gifts for you but really for me stories)

    As a good father he was trying to show an example of how to ride responsibily and end up rolling it like 4 times at high speeds with out a helmet (dont worry the brain cell lived) hahahahahahaha.

    Since we are on a lawn mower kick. STORY TIME! (on break at work so its legit)

    I had this lawn mower that was alergic to grass. Didnt have to touch the blades to the grass it just would develop a whooping cough when ever it was near grass. Runs all day in the drive way with no issues. My lawn is like 10ftX10ft so it struggled through and no biggie. One saturday it was running and went wide open throttle. There was this little flame that came out of the stock briggs muffler so my beer and myself stepped back a few to watch the debris show (that safety shut off bar was zip tied so it ran). It calmed down and kept running horribly so i finished the job.

    About an hour later with several beers later I decided that I needed to take it appart. Several beers after that and many hours later it was back together with a red white and blue paint job and a decal across the front naming the newly rebuilt lawn mower "Bitchin".... Go to start it up and it still ran like crap. (Beer was probably not that good of an idea)

    A week later the lawn was high so i had to cut again but on that first new pull the damn recoil broke and the spring wound out.... Damn. So i removed the recoil and figured out that i could wrap the line around the top of the engine and pull it that way. That lasted for about a month or two then one day the rope stuck to the top of the engine and acted like a gauntlet swinging around. So here i am mowing my lawn with an athsmatic red white and blue lawn mower named bitchin that has a swing rope driven by the motor. Time for bitchin to die.

    I put her by the curb and within 10 mins some one was a new proud owner. Woosh gone.

    Time to get a new lawn mower. Im not dealing with these 20 dollar craigslist finds any longer. So Mitch Da Bitch (roomate) and myself go off to Walmart. There it was! The 99 dollar yard master in all of its glory. A heavy set african american lady (I live in detroit its common) was hanging around this thing talking about how this was the last one and that a manager was on the way getting it for her. It was zip tied to the display rack. I told Mitch to distract her.

    He went up to her and said "Oh i think that there are several of these in boxes in this other isle". They waddled off and i got out the leather man and found my self running through the Walmart with this semi claimed Yardmaster. Apparently she was quite upset to find that there were no other Yardmasters in that other isle and that this one has magically disappeared. 99 bucks later and some change we brought it home and named it "Bitchin 2". I will probably go to hell for that and other things but it was a good story none the less.

    Thanks for time.


  4. Hey Biff,are you going to make the vermount and New York nationals.We are planning on going to thoses events.JR

    Looking at the budget looks like vermont may be out but my pop is going to be my minder in ny and i wouldn't miss a Davey Reed event for the world. I hear it should be spectacular as always. See you there. Cody comming to Tennessee? I will be there.


  5. And some think I am twisted?

    God man, you read some wierd ****!

    I think you need a cardboard cutout of me in every Zippy section! Holding up a ONE!(my trademark) :D

    Yeah i am weird. Hmmm maybe we can make that picture happen....hmmmmm

    May need a lot of card board.

    COPE you commin to tennesse? Where you stayin?


  6. We ride bicycles down town detroit over the hobos and such. Don't let it collect too much dust they are a great training tool. You gotta come to rays mountain bike this winter with them. You will have a blast. www.raysmtb.com. We went about 8 times this past winter. Awesome cross training. Im me if your ever going and we will meet up.


  7. Woops! I have been so busy at work (still here at 8 pm by the way) that i forgot to check TC and look at all of this biff talk! hahahahah Love it.

    First off expert was right on the money. There was some talk about tightness of markers but i look at it this way. Sure it may be too tight but its that way for every body and nothing was impossible. Makes me a better rider.

    As for intermediates i brought two and both broke bikes. Neither break downs were the fault of the trials. I have never seen a gasgas run at wide open throttle for over 2 mins but when it stoped it was very sudden. Looks like we are piston shopping now. DOH! Pats bike started spewing oil so i think a lower end seal or center case gasket broke. DOH number 2. Looks like i got my mechanic hands full for a while.

    Sam on the other hand had the best adventure of them all. Getting ripped down the highway by a couple of the Howard brothers must have been a ride. When you have to make beer and jack stops and the trip takes only 20 mins you know that it must have been scarey.

    I have a plan for my next mud section. I dont know if i can pull it off but you all may enjoy what i havein the works. We shall see.

    THIS WEEK METAMORA!!! What a great month for riding this is! Then its off to Tennessee!!!!!!!


  8. Rock on Andre!

    Some ebay stuff questions foreign purchases but i would suggest having them review this post if they have any questions. This dude is making due with what he has. Thats passion if I have ever seen it. Keep it up brother. Pretty soon you will be out there dabbing.


  9. I had a 2000 280 and rode it for years! Its the same bike as the 01 and up edition model. It is different than the 99 270 txt.

    Rear shock has adjustemnt for both spring and compression dampening but you might just need some swing arm bearings and bushings. (maintaince stuff)

    There are 6 springs in the clutch basket. I know a lot of guys who went to 4 springs for less pull. After a while it may slip in 4th gear or higher. I used to take out my steel plates and rub them on a concrete pad to scuff them up. Clutch is back to life. If not then plates would be needed. As far as seals the only one i would worry about is the water pump but that makes milky red in the oil. I used Dex Merc ATF in my case.

    Good bike. I would not shy away. I beat the poo out of mine and it never caused me not to finish an event.


  10. Thanks for letting us know Sam. Sounds like fun...wish it was a bit closer for me.

    Wanna car pool Jim? You would have to be seen in a Miata which might be a deal breaker. You would have to drive down to Dearborn but I am going and leaving around 9 am. (need my beauty rest you know) HA!

    Mark me down Sam!

    For those that dont know Gary is an awesome person and a great rider from the past. Should be fun!


  11. Poor Sam was the only one in my section who went down in the swamp! He was one of the last ones through and just motocrossed his way into the thing. Got to the first birtch log and went down. The bike stayed above but he fell in that nasty stuff. Poor guy. I am glad every one had fun. We are thinking about putting on a lower class school. Beg, Nov and intermediate. More to come on that as we lay out a circulium and a plan. I loved the log jump! Made me feel like a star and i wasnt even competing.



  12. I rather like the small arrows you have, the only problem would be for the colorblind riders possibly, which would require a number to go with the color, easily done. They could be just a bit thicker, not longer. Single (special )lines may be hard to spot.

    I kinda like it simple. You may have to spell it out for some classes but i think ish is on to something here. If you get too complicated then you could be distracted Cope... Let me illustrate....



  13. So it sounds like it might be a good idea to add some blue RTV to your ignition covers! :blink:

    It might be best...

    The weather looks good for the weekend.

    I don't want to mislead here so the experts will have logs in the mud.

    To the rider who finds my flip flop that i lost in there last year will come a free cleaning of a bike after the event...


  14. Its called a floating disc. It is to allow the caliper to line up with the rotor easier. Some times they will rattle when the engine is running. Most brands have a floating front and some have a floating rear. The gasgas rear disc should not float unless the 08's are different. Can some one confirm about the rear?


  15. Great event 3D crew! I was tired and really just not putting my head into the game. Your expert is just about the same as our expert here in Michigan. After riding in the extreem heat (odd for upstate NY) I drove 10 hours back home and arrived in the driveway at about 3 am this morning. I suspect that today at work will be a productive one... HA! Good times. Thanks again.


  16. Just as an add on here with some sneek previews.

    1 new section across the creek. (dont fall in the sink hole!)

    1 new teeter totter

    Of course mud but shouldnt be any logs in it this time (can you not touch the ground? Thats the test!)

    I have improved the ramp section for the experts. (spectacular jumps are fun)

    Should be a fun event. Zippy I wont be there this weekend. Something has come up and you will see it more about that here soon.


  17. There is a group down in your general Utah, New Mexico area. Look up team Escargo. They seem to be a pretty close group.

    The honda is heavy but it was the bike to have and are hard to come by. Check out adrian lewis of lewissportusa out there. He is the tlr god and loves restoring them.


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