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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. There are similar concerns here in the states but i think we use a lead by example method to try and show common courtesy. In our clubs if you budge then speak up and we tell them to get to the back of the line. Our nationals let the pros go by but for the most part budging the line is off limits. If they are running their bike I usually do one of three things. Lean my front tire against their rear to push the bike over. Sorry I say i dont want your exhaust in my face so i am leaning your bike over. Or if i know the rider i put my hand over their exhaust to grab their attention. Or i just start talking to them in a low voice till they shut their bike off. If they try cleaning their tire with out looking back for other riders i will certainly get them back next section.

    Have your club post rules at the start of each section. No cutting no reving unless your next and save fuel by shutting the engine down. Keep it simple. They are kids.


  2. Look at it from their perspective and where the Pirates are comming from.

    What do they have to loose? Nothing... Literally nothing. (ie food shelter or clothing) Just their lives which are not helping much.

    If you lived in the hood, were unemployed with no food and saw a slowly moving truck full of money driving past your house all day long every day you might be thinking that this was a good idea.

    I am not defending them and getting shot was probably a good thing but its a cottage industry there. They will only stop when there is a better option or we start making our ships cooler with razor wire and more guns then they have but that may just pause them for a short while.

    --Biff (who apparently had a rare humanitarian thought)

    Ps shoot them first i agree....

  3. I was really missing this event enough before I saw the video..... now I am really feeling like I missed a great time! Too many things to do and not enough days to do them. Glad to see that your knee is better and got you back on the podium Jim!

    It sure sounds like you put togehter another top notch event Sam!

    The Refurbish of old Faithfull is still slowly taking shape in the garage- (I have lots of spare time between midnight and 6:00am every night) Here is a pic of the "new blue 2004". (so far) Still waiting for some parts to finish.


    See you guys soon (will try to make it to Flint- not sure though).


    Can't wait to see it on the trial. Hope to see you soon. Sell some trees!


  4. Politics thats all this is. If the insurance is present and they promote riding I will support them regarless. Some organizations do it differently than others and some people get into the politics of the sport.

    "AHRMA's tyrannical leadership" ??? Me the bike and the woods is what i see. Niave or not thats what I am many others are there for. Chalkboy if your into riding as much as i am then i say go for it as long as you feel comfortable with the insurance end of things.

    AHRMA has its fans and its enemy's but if you want to be with bike people its a good thing. Have fun and enjoy the sport.


  5. Notable notes included Joe Kutchey(MI) showing up to practice with te Pros!(No Biff) Chase Harker is just better than ever!(This kid has talent!)

    Good times had by all! :thumbup:

    I know i was totally bummin! Bike was appart and Kutchey went with John Mason who learned how to kick my A$$ by the time he got back north. Next time... I'm commin.


  6. Ok got her apart last night and the winner is!!!!

    Laser1 you called it...!!!! <damn that's good

    Cope.... It was one of those hmmm i don't think i need that much throttle..... Oh cra....

    One of the two ratchet arms was not only bent but it cracked off the little ear....

    First thought from me is.... Ooooo damn that looks expensive... Alas! Another Michigan gasgas rider had a shift shaft. Back in business baby! HA!

    Here are some pictures of the breakage.



    Thanks again guys!


  7. Ok so I had this knarley crash the other week. The bike was basically suspended by the shift lever when it was all said and done. After wards I noticed that it would not shift down easily and it would only catch every 5th or 6th time. It would shift up fine and it would return back to center spring loaded. 90% of the people i talked to said that my sheer pin shift shaft end was broken. I thought that this would cause my shifter to just free rotate 360 degrees... Well i ordered the sheer pin assembly and thats not it. Something is popped inside of the case... My buddy who has a puller for a gasgas is not going to be around till tomorrow so i am stuck with my brain wondering whats the root cause. Thoughts? Experience?


  8. Sam / Biff,

    I threw together this signup page for MOTA riders to use to signup for the New Paris event. Please do your best to have everyone you think will show up use this signup page. It will help tremendously on Saturday morning if we have this done. Let me know if you need anything else from me.

    CLICK HERE for MOTA signup



    Awesome Phil! I just signed up and noticed only one thing.

    Our class structure is









    I will make sure that they sign up as expert for mota expert and not champ

    I will make sure that they sign up as youth b for beginner class

    All of the rest seem to fall into place. Thanks again man that really rocks!


  9. Sam, I got a bulk email out to the TI members last night. I think you'll get a great turnout for this event. I'll be bringing the TI scoring computer with me so hopefully it will make signup a little more automated. Do you think you could get many MOTA riders to email me their info so I could pre-register them and at least have their scorecards printed before the event? I could give you the parameters of information I need. It would definitely help the signup girls because the quickness of computerized signup flies out the door when they have to enter a bunch of new riders. Let me know and I could post the parameters I need on here or email them to you.

    Also, I see you have spoken about class conversions between MOTA & TI. Please be very clear before anyone rides what line EVERYONE should be riding. I guess you are easing up on the MOTA classes, because I heard all TI riders rode down a class last year. This is the only thing I see as a problem and it concerns me because I hate manually adjusting series points...

    Let me know if there is anything else I can do.


    Phil PM me your email address and i will make sure that i send an email out to all mota members and cc you on it or just email me at biffscell@yahoo.com. I am PM'ing you my cell number.

    Sam i can take care of this part. For those who dont have an email address i will call using the mota book. got it taken care of bro :guinness:


  10. Ok so I don't know about the rest of you but I am done with winter. You too huh? Well if your any where in the upper mid west you need to check out one of the first events of the season.

    April 4th and 5th in New Paris Indiana is going to be a blow out event.

    We are having a combined Michigan Ontario Trials Association and Trails incorporated event!

    TI lost some property and Super SAM is prepared for them to join us michiganders in what will be a great event.

    Last year we didn't expect 100+ riders and a couple hundred spectators but we held true and it was an awesome time.

    This year should be close to the same number since TI and Mota are combining forces to put on one awesome event.

    So here's the deal and the websites.

    Flyer and directions are here.

    You can sign up ahead of time at the TI website if you are in their data base and remember your rider number. (i forgot mine woops)

    No preregistration is required and Mota guys apparently we are using TI's computer system for scoring so it should be much quicker for us this year.

    For SAM's website you can go here.

    There are some video's up there from last year. Hotels are near by and rustic camping is on site. Space is limited so get there early for the prime spots.

    Currently the conditions in New Paris are windy and super SAM gave an inside tip that a bob cat is being used heavily to move some newly downed trees. He is also preparing for a large riding crowd so sections should flow different this year. SAM is his user name on here so PM him or visit any one of the websites if you have any questions. If he does not answer then let me know and i will get the answer for you.

    Hope to see you all there! LETS GET OUT AND RIDE!!!!


  11. htrdoug,

    Welcome to trials! Great little bike you have there. You are going to have so much fun. You are actually pretty close to several trials this year. Elizabethtown In has one every year put on by trails inc. Here is their website. In the first week of April we are having a 2 day event in new paris indiana just south of south bend. It will be a michigan event but all of trials inc will be there as well. Here is michigans website. It is rumored that we will have over 100 riders. All you need is your bike, a helmet, and a smile. We also recommend riding boots and you will have to sign up for ama if you are not already. Come on out and join us. If not to ride then just to check it out. Bring the bike and we will go out after the event even if you dont ride. Ask for me.....


  12. These guys are just too creative(bored) in the winter! Zippy needs the gold(Krylon) rims!

    Much better than that ugly Orange that Montesa uses! ;)

    His wife keeps the gold in her purse... right next to the twins.... (and i dont mean A or S there zippy) HA! :D

    Yacht Varnish huh??? hmmmm is it crash worthy because thats standard issue must have on my bike.


  13. Zippy's right on.

    It loosely based organization that has no major rules. The only requirement for membership is an unusual crash story or crash experience. If you are too focused on impressing who ever or winning then this is not the club for you... Previously this was an Enduro team my dad started and was also known as the polish trials team... No offense to any of my fellow polocks out there. I am one of you....

    --Biff (proud to be part of team wgasa)

  14. Well i guess not only the older guys liked it but the younger guys did too!

    My grandpa is in there his name is Dick DeBolt he placed 20th he beat trials

    greats Jerry Young, and Wiltz Wagner i mean what more can you ask for?

    Hey Mason!

    Bob Hopkins was a long time number one plate from michigan stuffed into the mix there. Lots of great names on this list. I dig it!


  15. Hey try this along with a heat gun.

    Factory effex clear sheet

    A pack contains three sheets worth is is barely enough to cover a bike so i would get two packs since this would be your first attempt.

    Use the heat gun to form it and spread out the bubbles.

    I currently have white on my bike and my roommate cleared over his thin orange and black powder coating.

    The heat gun is the key in getting it to form and it will look oem when your done.

    Its thick stuff and the clear is 100% oem looking. I think you will be happy trying it.




  16. JSE,

    Thanks for that.

    Is there any advantage to running it on one side or the other?

    I would say kick start unless its a beta or a fantic.... HA!

    I did a google search and i couldnt find a side car on the left side of the bike anywhere... Hmmm why is that?

    Are we building one zippy? I have tons of extra wheels and axles even some old bike frames shocks ect... You knew that.


  17. This is the reason why i cant change from any bike but gasgas.... I would have to get all new clothes, User names, email addresses, twitter names. It would be a night mare.... HA! I am not biased at this point just invested too heavily....



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