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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. Grab some objects such as small blocks of wood or pieces of paper and place them on the ground in some random spots. Practice pulling a wheelie and setting the front tire down on each object and stopping. This will help you work on tire placement such as on a log or approaching a rock. Tire placement can come in handy and it looks simple but you will miss the markers the first few times you try it. I have illustrated what I mean in the picture below. Mix it up and throw out random markers to land your front tire on.


    The other thing I would suggest is hopping off the bike while its in motion to the left and then hopping back on then hopping off to the right all while running next to the bike. This will give you some confidence in getting off the bike in an emergency so you don't get caught up on the bike. This one gets tiring but really helps you gain some respect for what the bike is doing underneath your body.


  2. I'd like to see how other organzations run thir events. Our clubs attendence is low and we have very few returning "new" riders. I would like to see if its something we are doing wrong or if its just because of the U.S poor econmical state.

    If you have an online rulebook could you either PM me the link or post it here. You can also email it to me to the addy below.


    Heres ours...I appreciate your help.


    Sent an email of ours to your email address.


  3. Thanks guys. I am not trying to start a fire here I was on the hunt for one and was surprised by this information. If these can be brought in legally then I was mis-informed. Bringing bikes from Canada to the states does not always take place legally.

    As for the whole world round thing I just didn't know if one enforcement would lead towards a major problem.

    Here in the states they can get pretty strict about things and once they set a precedent they tend to hold on to that.

    After this post I am sticking with Gasgas.... less drama.


  4. We understand, it is the dealers fault that you posted a load of cr@p on here.

    Man-up and take responsibility for you own posts!

    So am i miss informed or do you want to just insult? I don't get it.... You seem angry. I am Manning up because this was a reply to "Me checking My sources". You need to read the post.

    So I am giong to post this question as my question. If I wanted to get a 2009 montesa LEGALLY in the US where would I go? If you are a dealer then I will be sure not to go to you (the observer).


  5. Total Nonesense. There are no 20 bikes stuck anywhere. Some of these rumors are amazing. Feds, Government Smackdown, No more World Rounds, Lions and Tigers and Bears, OH MY! You guys should question your sources.


    My source was a dealer and when I asked what it would take to get an 09 in the states this is what I got. If the reason for not importing is just cost that that is a reasonable explaination but this was not what I was told. Amazing? So is my dealer misinformed?

    As for the world round issue. That was a question that I had. A what if senario.... Detroit Lions stink. I know I work 500 yards from their training facility. Detroit Tigers are ok when they feel like getting off their a$$. Chicago bears time has past.

  6. We're from Connecticut. There is an event in Exeter RI that same day, but we thought your event may be a good change of pace and scenery. Sounds a little goofy with no checkers?

    They are really laid back crew but have a huge following. You ride in groups of three or so and check yourselves. Its actually pretty cool because you can ride with a mix of tallent and you end up learning a lot. The whole lack of checker thing works off of the honesty pollicy.

    No problem Jim! My event up in Flint Michigan lands on that same day so I will be all tied up. Have a blast!

    For those of you who don't know the area. It is right outside of Phonecia in the heart of the Catskill mountians and only about 30 mins or so from Kingston. It is also over the hill from Woodstock and there are tons of state camp grounds and great white water rafting in that area down the Esopus river. If you love the outdoors then make a long weekend of this trip. My grandparents used to live in Boiceville just down the road from Hunter mountain.


  7. The cross winds of rumor have indicated that montesa will no longer be imported to the States.

    Looking on their website confirms this to a point.

    US Montesa

    Seems like parts are still available but there are 20 some new bikes stuck in a warehouse that the Government wants to boot back to Spain or Japan. Will they be able to be used in a world round here? Would this make this country unable to hold a world round? So many questions. Apparently paper work was ignored and the Feds put the smack down. Hmmmm maybe honda can import them as a honda. Put one in every dealership like yamaha has??? That would be cool.

    We shall see...... (Note other than the official release all of this is rumor based and not the stance of Trials Central)


  8. I see they were thinking of you Kinell when they designed the new one. How many other bikes have got a waterproof cigarette carrying case?

    What the feck is the awkward black box bolted on as an afterthought? All the electrics in there?

    I think that is the cdi brain. Its there because they could not hide it under the tank as usual.

    It just looks akward but then again so do I riding a regular bike. I would be interested to see how it rides when they come out. It looks like it needs a big pad at the top of the tank to protect the "Boys" from any sudden impacts. <about as political as i can be.


  9. Whats the harm in asking? Who knows maybe they will join you and be the next star of trials. Thats the way things happen some times.

    I dont condone illegal riding but i ride in an abandonded park in Detroit all the time. I figure that our mayor is in jail right now so he is probably too busy to ask permission at the moment. I will catch him when he gets out. ;)


  10. This depends on what year your pro is and what color the clutch reservoir cap is.

    If its a dark green cap then you need to use mineral oil.

    If its a black cap then you should use dot 4 from the auto store.

    Regardless if they are oem caps they should say what fluid to put in on top of the cap.

    If its those really cool trick machined caps then give the year up and we will go from there.

    I think that the transition to mineral oil happened in 2006?

    Can any one back me up on that?


  11. My roommate has taken his 2002 315r rim wheel tire disc and all and installed it on his 2004 300 pro. It was a direct swap. We didn't even need to adjust the spacers. The only major difference is that the montesa disc is floating where the gasgas's is not and the montesa sprocket uses 6 bolts instead of the 4 that gasgas uses. Both bikes have been like this all year with no issues. Plug and play! ;) I am acutally jealous of that rim. I need to find me one.


  12. This is an awesome idea and i have been thinking about this for a long time.

    Currently your fly wheel is acting as a gyro scope (ok not litteraly right this second unless your reading this from your running trials bike. If that is the case then wooahhh that totally rules!) ;)

    My good buddy and fellow Team WGASA rider (pete) and I sketched out an idea like this in theory at a bar a couple years ago and we listed off how the Segway does its thing versus how a trials bike does its thing.

    I would post about it but i can get way long winded so i will spare you.


  13. Nothing would make you think about a section more than a TL125.

    -Since it can't turn your not going to be able to follow everybody else's line.

    -Since it has no power you need to twist the throttle about 10 seconds before you attempt anything.

    -Since it has no real suspension you have to be able to bend your knees more than anything your attempting to go over.

    -Since it is heavy you won't be able to get it out of your transport when you get home from a long days event.

    This is why this bike is a great learning tool.

    Learn to pick a line

    Learn to look ahead so you can anticipate your throttle

    Learn to bend those knees because the bike wont do it for you

    Learn to conserve energy.

    I started out on one of these in 1984 and could barely touch the ground so i just decided not to. When I changed bikes I shot up two classes.

    I have one of these engines as part of my project.

    I say go for it and have fun.


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  14. I melted down my orginal 04 mid muffler in a long run from work to home one day and it had been repaired many many times since so I decided to replace it. I went with the 2003 mid muffler which is steel and was cheaper. Highly recommended. Direct bolt on. Yeah it was a pound heavier but i figure i would just skip mc donalds that week and it would be a wash. I would rather the mounts not falling apart on me and have the luxury of steel. ;)


  15. Wonder where Andy's pics and vids are. It is beginning to look like money spent on Supporter status is not a very good investment.

    Andy was at a Subaru Colin Mcrae gathering this past weekend. The guy doesn't sleep and can't be in two places at the same time. In his absence does anybody have videos that they can post?


  16. This is an awesome trials for those who have not joined us before.

    Its a little hard to find but keep going down the dirt road several miles (Brocker) until it makes a hard left.

    Thats when you turn right following the signs to Sherpa Farms Picknick.

    The loop is big which is great to get your breath back and the sections are always well thought out. With no two alike

    Come join us for a great time in the woods. The hike alone is beautiful and these guys put some real work into making it fun.


    --Biff (who loves mud)

  17. I ride Expert in michigan with pretty much the same terrain as you.

    The side wall is a bit weaker but it works great in the muddy off cambers.

    They last about 1 year with a flip towards the end of the year. I beat up on my tires. (IE ride to work)

    I highly recommend them.

    People like the irc but i felt that they just spun and spun in the mud.


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