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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. NICE!!!!

    We shall see you there. My roommate spent all weekend finishing up his montesa (polished frame oooo) and you will see a group of us from michigan. Perform a good weather dance.

    One question. I heard that the ahrma trials will be on the opposite side of the property from the fun in the sun. Will we be parking in the same lot? Thanks in advance.


  2. If the state of our legal system is the issue then how can then even more litigous US, where trials is even more a minority interest lay on a round?

    Our government here has no clue what trials is.

    Our neighbors (especially in tennessee) are miles appart from eachother.

    The passion of the riders over here make it happen as a group effort.

    Last year we had no world round.

    This year we are thankful that Mr. Brown and the TTC made it happen.

    And of course no ACU. Litigation really doesnt stop much for trials over here.

    5 hour drives to ride with your closest buddies does.


  3. Hey Biff, Who all is going down to Ocala? Joe (sr) mentioned that you guys were headed down there. Is Robert R going? I can't do anything that weekend, but am thinking of a long weekend sometine in March that will be for both off <mention of this company is not permitted on Trials Central. Please delete this post>. I have a buddy in NC who guides us around Brown MT area near Morganton, NC. (great rock & hilly terrain) Was thinking of hitting TTC after that. Joe Sr is up for that one, perhaps a few others as well. NO plan yet- just ideas. Any interest? Do you have a go fast bike too?

    Hey Sam, I sure wish I could make to your new event ground for the two in April- just way too busy that time year- no fun- just work. Will you always be doing your event in April? If it's after May I can make it.


    Well Keith here is my plan.

    Ocala will be Aaron, Joe, Pat and myself. Pat might not have his bike there if he does not get cracking. We are polishing the frame on the montesa and it has been sitting in my kitchen for the past couple of months. Pat and i are flying down to tampa next friday and back on monday night. Weather permiting my pastey white a$$ will be on a beach for part of that.

    In april i was planning on going to ttc to watch the world round and work on our trials in flint. (think mud section)


    No ttc this winter? I will let you know when I am going out next.


    How much oil does an 03 rev3 take? 1000 cc? I have to practice to stay just a little worse than you man. Besides you have your brother trying to get back in it so you two should be out there every day... hahahaha.


  4. In NC we ride all year. Had a get together last weekend at a local farm - 60 degrees by noon, pealing off the sweatshirts. It's almost nicer this time of year. Doing a complete trial in 90 degree weather is tough.


    Are you going to Ocala Alan? See you down there if so.


  5. That would be the Joe Keutchey <sp? and jims old sherco in his barn up north.

    The kid is amazing. I think i have convinced him to stay down in advance but when (not if) he moves up to expert i will be bumped down a place. He wont quit and has zero fear.... sucks for me...

    We are going down to florida for the fun in the sun here in a couple of weeks and were out practicing in his barn. Shhhh its a secret. If it gets nice this weekend I might be heading to the Rouge. Randy you down? You still have to come out there to ride with the hobo's hahahaha.


  6. I couldnt agree more. Rays rules!

    When you think you can do anything on 2 wheels there is a whole other group. If your ever in the Cleveland area durring the winter go there.

    Bikes are there to rent. You will ride so much you will want to puke... <thats a good thing

    Did you go last weekend Sam?

    When are you planning on going next.


  7. Put it on Sam and see how badly its misballanced.

    I have a couple of meathods to ballancing a shaft on the vehcile.

    I have a vectronix on vehicle ballancer if needed but i dont know if i have all of the necessary stuff needed.

    I mainly use it to measure vibration not source it out but it can ballance a driveshaft.

    That would be meathod 1.

    Meathod 2 is (very hit and miss)

    Get all 4 wheels off the ground. Have the wife spin it up for ya and hold a pencil to the shaft to see where the high spot is or point of mis ballance.

    Install two 2 hose clamps with the screw portions facing 180 degrees appart from eachother at that spot. Loosen and bring the hose clamps together a bit. Test. Loosen and bring them closer again. test. loosen and bring them farther apart. If your having problems visualizing this call me.

    When are we riding out back and how is that barn comming!?!?!


  8. i like the GG idea ! let me try something with that.

    Biff i have a Mutoh 1300-S 1,45 meter max media but for this job i use 60 cm vynil. The stika is a piece of c&*p forget that one please ! I started a few years ago with a GCC Bobcat same priced as the sticka and not bad made for the money and it takes 60 cm media. Try to get a second hand Mutoh,Summa or Roland 24 inch machine would be my advise.


    Good advise. Hontestly my reason for getting a plotter is because i am adicted to stickers and want to make my own when ever. I have been purchasing for the past three years from various job shops and every time i do i wonder why dont i just do this for myself. Thanks again..


  9. btw i don't want to give the impression that i am a fuels expert I am just a lowly Product concern engineer here in detroit that works with the design and specialist engineers to help resolve issues in the field. My degree is in manufacturing with emphasis on automotive engine design and release. My job is to relay field information to the engineers and then getting that back to the field in the form of tsb's. I get to see a lot of stuff in the pipe line through training and did a lot with fuels in college but i am no chemist. Internet personalities can be deceiving and i don't want to make my self out to be a guru in fuels or anything..... and like yourself i am looking for a good alternative as well.

    there thats the disclaimer


  10. I actually posted about a different product here in this post yamaha ring free. Haven't tried it yet but i am glad that you brought this up. I too want to find an less evasive way to clean deposites


    At Fo mo co we promote Chevron techron 2 (2 makes it diesel safe 1 was alchohol based 2 is keroseen based i believe both have a huge additive package) to clean up fuel deposites on sending units. It is supposed to make a protective film on the copper sending unit while cleaning off the calicium and sulfer deposits left by fuel. These deposits have been known to cause opens in the sending unit.

    But as for combustion deposits i have not heard of any huge results. In the oems we are always concentrating on 2-3 model year back results. Now I do know of a product that hands down changed my life when it came to carbon build up but I can not find it any where. Chrysler had a complete intake cleaning system that was arasol based. You had to keep the idle up and spray this stuff in. Then as soon as the can was done you shut the vehicle off for 15 mins. It built foam on everything! even exhaust manifolds. 15 min later you start her up and kill every bug for a 5 mile radius because you will billow smoke from any car that has over 1000 miles on it. Using borescope the stuff made a night and day difference even on the back of valves. I was told that it was highly epa non friendly and they had problems of valve damage due to chunks of carbon trying to be passed so they offed the product. I never tried it on a 2 stroke but having used it in the past in the lab we found great results.

    Have you used water? Get the engine hot. Pull the air filter and raise the rpm to about 4000 and spray a short mist of water in the intake with out your air filter out. Just a couple of puffs and let it smooth out. Repeat a couple of times and just a light mist. We did that on my old gasgas and an 02 sherco of my buddies and both times we got chunks out. They did that in radial engines in the military to cool intake temps and clean turbos. Dont spray too much.

    Up north we clean creasoat from chimneys by leaving a bowl of amonia in the wood stove over the summer. Come back in the winter and send down a broom and the stuff falls right off the wall. I dont know if that works in this case with a trials bike because i cant go without my manifold for more than a week..... get that burning itch sensation.

    wow long winded today....

    Tomorrow a bunch of us trials guys are off to rays mountain bike... www.raysmtb.com


  11. sweeetttttt. What plotter do you use? I know your a sign shop and i dont want to go all the way but I was thinking of getting a roland sticka. I have a mac g3 g4 and g5. Unfortunately corell stoped making software for mac's.


  12. Dear Mr. Studious ,

    It has been ....well, ...many Moons since I have confided in your vast and infinite wisdom .

    With all and many apologies , I humbly submit that if you ever happen to cross paths with the " One Legged One " !! .....!

    Tell him to "GIVE ME A FRIGGIN CALL "!... please :huh:

    Yer Bud,


    ? :D ? Whaaaa???

    I have dreams of checkers with no fingers and no ability to count.....


  13. His name is Dave Jackson and he is from Dist 4 up here in NY.Not sure what he into now he is a great guy.He is always looking for something new and exciting to try.I no he raced jet skis for a while and last I new he was into mx racing.he could pick a good line in the sections.And he rode many nationals.Saw him take some nasty crashes to.I will have to ask around and see how he doing these days.Later JR

    Man i remember Dave as a kid. He could ride up the straightest walls with no fear. I also remember catching his bike one time at the bottom of the hill. I was in line waiting to ride and i heard something to my left and here comes his bike hunting me down like a cheeta on a stray deer. I remember seeing him at Unadilla back in the late 90's. He actually remembered me at the time. Great guy.

    Here is a video of him Dave Jackson

    He would never give up no matter what.


  14. Can't you get a fuel injected 289 or 302 into that Miata?

    Last year here at work a buddy and i put a bored and stroked 302 (up to 333) in a 95 miata.

    It had a 97 tbird rear with a torsen diff from a ranger fx2. I built a t5 for it.

    We used a gt intake from a 2000 explorer 5.0 (we had to bump the hood to make it clear) and square block heads from roush across the street.

    We machined the hubs to keep oem wheels and tires on it and put dual mufflers on each bank. All you could hear was intake vacuum and altenator whine at idle.

    At 70 mph in 4th we almost lost it into a bridge. Insane!

    We have a ranger in our garage here with a gt40 drysump right now that puts the miata to shame. That will never see the showrooms.

    It a perk of the job to do crazy stuff like that.

    I also autocross on rare occasions and drove an scca ITA car in college so I am trying to keep the miata sorta stock for spec miata some day. Trials is the first and foremost love so who knows if that will ever happen. Trials is also more along the lines of my budget.


  15. Then there's the Yamaha Ford SHO engine and so on and so forth. The crossover technology is amazing.


    Ford has a Yamaha 4.4v8 currently in the volvo xc and s80 currently and I heard that they were pondering it for the mks in the future.

    Great power plant. The sho was limited to 7200rpm not because of the engine but because the accessories on the belt would come appart.


  16. Yes i am a flat paint fan even one of my cars is flat black :rolleyes: i think GasGas did a great job in the design but i like to give it my own twist that,s all.

    Go man go!

    I am also going over my own customer graphics on my 04 300. Carbon look every where with a bit of a modern twist. I will post pics when i am done.

  17. Have I met her at any of last years events?

    Yeah she checked my swamp section last year with me at flint. She comes to the ti events every once in a while. She lives in the beach comunity of Buffalo NY so we try to time our visits around my trials and her horse back riding. Believe it or not i get quite distracted by woodsy areas and the smell of 2 stroke in the morning.


    PS there will be another swamp section but even more gooey. MUUAHHAHAHAHAHA

  18. Wow that is interesting.

    As No Jive said we have no one organization like that over here.

    MX is its own enterprise over here and they have money comming out of their ears.

    Enduro is large as well with plenty of personal endorsements at the pro level.

    In trials here in the states if you can scrape up enough money to go ride and come back then its a go. No organizations other than possible help from a dealer. Most riders work in some way for one of the hand full of dealers out here.

    Whats your thought Jive? Hit up AMA? I am not sure if now is the best time.... hahahah


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