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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. A woman marries a man hoping he will change,

    A man marries a woman hoping she won't.

    My ex wife thought i would quit trials and stop raceing cars become 190 lbs of rippleing mussel..... hahahahahaha after 7 years we got married. 6 months later i was still the same guy. She fliped a bit and ran off. I wouldnt have done anything different. I will alwasy be Biff.

    My present girlfriend has a life of her own and really digs trials. She hates to watch. She wants to ride and loves to check.


  2. I use www.photobucket.com

    It free and easy to setup.

    Then use the button at the top of your post "Insert Image" and post the direct link from your photo bucket there.

    When your a site supporter (I highly recommend joining this crowd) you can only post about 1 pic at a time depending on size.

    Site support opens up a whole world of extra goodies. Worth every penny.


  3. Ok so I am ventureing into a world of desicration.

    My father has 3 full greeves. 2 Anglian's which we both ride in AHRMA trials. Beautiful bikes and won't be touched.

    1 challenger which is a good runner.

    Then we have bike X. Just a frame with earls forks, 19" rear and 21" front.

    We both think that it is a challenger frame.

    Dad has had this think sitting in the trophy room looking haggered for a while.

    A different seat was put on at one time and bungs were welded to the frame.

    We got to talking and he asked what i wanted to christmas.

    I suggested that frame. He thinks that i am nuts but knew that i was his son so i think he is agreeing.

    I have a donar honda tl 125. I want to have that bored out to 150cc and gone over then install it in this frame. (DON'T SHOOT!)

    Basically turn this into a Hondeeves or a Gronda... haven't decided on a name yet.

    Here is my question. I am seriously pondering purchaseing a reproduction greeves tank from england. Has anybody bought one and does anybody know how many pounds one cost?

    I pick up the bike on christmas and strip it down by the end of january. I hope to make this an AHRMA 1 line bike. Its a dream at this point but with a lot of work i think it will become a reality. I plan on keeping it an earls fork.

    Silly? Yes... Hellafun? Heck yea!


  4. I was married at one point. I had the coolest wedding ring.

    I knew that my present girlfriend and probably future wife would never go for me wearing that ring for our wedding.

    I stumbled upon my replacement. I am going to see if he can make me a special trials tire ring. Frickin sweettttttt.....

    My next wedding ring.

    I have been holding on to the old one for no good reason. Now I need to hawk it.


  5. I have used product like this with a heat gun. Take your time and starting in the middle and work your way out.

    Pink vinyl sheet

    The plotter cutters use this to make decals for trucks cars signs ect...

    In trials under hard use it will last about a season before it wants to be replaced. I get in a funk and change the way my bike looks about once a month. Right now its getting some thick vinyl carbon looking stuff.

    Here are some various phases.

    When i got it I went all carbon but it lasted from may till about september


    Then I decided to go with a wood theme but contact paper is not very trials friendly.


    Now i am using some really thick stuff from factory effex and going back to carbon. I will post pictures when i am done.

    Last winter we did zippy's sherco in skulls. Very trick.



    I want to find some white and green plaid contact paper.

    I have painted in the past and it just ends up flakeing off.


  6. When I was learning trials at 13 to 15 years of age my father never yelled at me but for some unknown reason it would always tick me off when he said "may i make a suggestion". In retrospect his suggestions were valid. I was just at that age where I wanted to do it for myself and not for him or anybody else. That I think is the greatest gift that this sport has given me. Ride over that log for yourself and no body else. Get up that hill because you want to not because your expected to.

    I sold my trials bike to go to college. Sounds kinda weak but i cried that night.... (sob poor pinky never new it was comming) Then when i graduated and got a job I went out that week and bought a gasgas. I had to eat pasta for two weeks and return cans for gas money untill i had recieved my first paycheck but it was worth every penny. That bike spent a month in my new appartment. I didn't have any furniture but i had a gasgas. After i rode that bike in the first trials i had been in for 5 years i knew that all of my hard work has paid off and i was where i wanted to be.

    I have see so many kids being handed new bikes every year, throwing helmets, swearing, yelling back at the parents, parents yelling at them that it makes me sick to think what they will take away from this? I just can not relate to doing something just to win at it. I do it because it is fun and I get some thing greater out of the sport. Sure i get frustrated at myself and what ever obstical i can blame but at the end of the day i am still happy.

    There is a ballance there Ishy. I think your doing the correct thing. Supporting dreams does not always mean financing them. If they wanted to live the sport they would find a way.


  7. Candor! Heck yeah I am familiar. They actually live in Cazenovia to the east of syracuse. I grew up in district 4 trials with raymon peters and started riding in about 86. Did you come up to the Ahrma national this year in Harford? It was a good time....

    I dated a girl in Binghamton and she went to Cornell so we used to go through Candor all the time on the way through.


  8. Hey Brian,

    I think my dad (John Knapp) got a universal wire kit from either motion pro or works connection for his Greeves. I will PM you his email address. I know that Ed Logan has been making a lot of replacement cables for his Cub but i have been with him when he has broken a cable or two.


  9. I drew that off of memory from 4 years ago but it is generically accurate.

    I am thinking that i might have had 4 wires on my rectifier.

    The diode acts as a one way check valve for the ac voltage. Lets the positive voltage pass but blocks the negative voltage from getting to the fan. The fan uses dc volts the stator provides ac voltage. I used a 25 volt capictor so that it could take the spike. I believe that when i disected my old rectifier it was a 16 volt capictor which may have been my root cause for the failure. It went poof in other words and the capictor split from heat.


  10. What exactly is the diode rectifier pack? If it is the black box the sits just below the radiator cap, thats what I burned up, replaced and burned up again.

    Yes it is the black box below the radiator cap.

    Here is an electrical diagram of how it works.

    I had a txt 280 that went after a while. I later found a voltage spike from the stator with an ossciliscope.

    I made a higher amperage one myself and it worked fine. I also found water in the flywheel stator assembly as my root cause to my spike.



  11. CityTrails is from the Chicago area and Phil is the older Smage brother in Wisconson.

    Craig bring Noel and the bunch and come on down for some trials or enduro cross. Let us know ahead of time. Our expert class is close to a TI champ class but we can make build it bigger for Pat and Phil if need be. MOTA trials are generally very very tight and technical with very few huge obsticals in comparison.


    I am down for some enduro cross! I have riden several hare scrambles and I think that enduro cross would be a great idea! I may even head on down to columbus for the series.


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