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Posts posted by biffsgasgas
  1. ...Sherco is at this time preparing the appropriate legal actions to require the company in question to respect the rights of Sherco and discontinue the production of this product.

    Like to see how far they get with this! :D

    I wonder how much this will add to the price of the sherco? Lawers aren't cheap... I can only assume that a lawer who speeks Spanish and Chineese at the same time will be even less cheap.

    Pump out a million xispa's if they only sell a dozen then the problem will fix itself. Every hardware store in the world will have one sitting next to the scooters and pocket bikes collecting dust. Inner city kids around the world will have one rusting away in their sheds after it throws them for the first time.

    My only worry out of this whole thing is for a newbie who buys one (for trials) and gets totally disgusted with the sport because he has to wait for parts and when he/she finally gets the said part the same thing will happen again.

    If sherco goes down in flames of legal bills it might be a nice side story but I would still be sad because it is so easy to pick on them... Oh boy now I've done it.... ;)


  2. The AMA notary deal is intended to speed up signup at events so that you are on file with a release and you really won't need to sign one at the event. Of course if it's a trial with 30 guys that's hardly a concern, but most amateur AMA events end up with a long line at signup so I can see the overall benefit to the average member. My bank will notarize something for me without charge, so it's just the minor one time hassle to go by there sometime to do it.

    Dan will you have that system at the national next year? Do we even use the card swipe system in the nationals? I dont remember it at ohio this year but that was the only one I rode.


  3. Biff,

    There are some pictures of your dad at Dickson posted on the Britbike.com web site. Look under 'Forums' then go down to 'Competition Section'. Gordon Gray who rode with your dad and I put the pictures up with some comments. The ITSA site also has the listing of the winners catagory)/comments in their forum and pictures of the trophies. A fellow that rode with us took a bunch of pictures, both days - as soon as I get a copy I will either post them or send you a copy.

    So; Is it time to start a thread about Barber


    Great pics Alan! Looked dry down there and good traction.

    Thanks for the info atilla.


  4. Here in the states you have two big suppliers of euro videos.

    Lewis sport


    and Ryan Young


    and in PA.


    Youtube is the wave of the future and you can see the trialers of most videos up there before you buy.

    If your like me i need those videos to get me through the winter months.

    I too remember when cosmo was the place to get all of your stuff.


  5. Next time turn it right side up and make us ride into it.

    The only thing i am thinking now is how can I one up that in flint. The rail road tie box is penuts compared to a boat. hmmmmm i love the challenge. :(


  6. Thanks for the update Alan! He is still in limited cell phone acess. He said he got his butt kicked in ahrma but he really was excited about itsa. Knowing him he might just move south. I wouldnt be surprised if he did. 45 years of Syracuse 150" a year snow can wear on ya and each year they talk about moving down more and more.


  7. I kept brushing off dirt each loop, looked like somebody was throwing dirt on it? :)

    HEY you j#rk! :( I was putting sand on there to grab traction! hahahahahahahah thats funny! read my post above yours hahahahahahahahah!!!! I was being pretty sneeky about it too. I would put power ade on the bottom of my boot and step in the sand then drag it up on the boat...It didnt help at all..... hahahahah I even tried to do a burn out wiht my foot down once but my front tire was sliding too much and i almost drove the bike off the other end. Thats funny! Biff and Sam need to communicate more thats what i get from that.

    --Biff :)

  8. How did you boys/women end up this weekend. My dad was down there but the cell phone access was slim to nadda.

    He sounded pretty excited to join itsa finally after being a member of ahrma for years and years.

    Both sites didnt have the results as of yet this morning.



    Any write ups out there yet?


  9. Our German Compadre Martina is emailing me a picture tonight. I will post the picture when i get it.

    That damn boat cost me a point each loop! I couldnt believe how slick it was. I even tried tossing some sand on it with little sucess :(.

    The v hull in the front was at an angle where it would kick you about 3 inches sideways and the experts had to cross the keel which was only about 3 inches high but you had no traction to hop over it with. Very cool. (i cant believe i am using nautical terms on this forum)


  10. Wow... They like to stir things up over there. Principals over personalities. My principal goal is to ride trials. I dont let others personalities get in the way of that. Just leads into politics and as an american i can say that i am no politician...hahahaha...thanks for the info.

    By the way on a side note. RTW i love your website. About a year ago we had a "Superbowl" type party with about 8 people comming over to a buddies house. We fired up the big screen, got tons of beer, logged into your website and watched all of the Kickstarts you had up there. Thanks for providing a bunch of yanks a night of fun. Hats off.


  11. I expect the price to vary from dealer to dealer.

    I am not sure if this is the case in europe or just the states but over here you can go to 4 dealerships and ask about the same brand new bike and have upto 1000 dollars difference from one to the other. The list price seems to be a bit flakey and you know that nobody is getting rich off of these things. Certainly not in the States.

    I know a lot of people looking for the end of the season deal right now and can't find them. Examples i have seen are 3100 for an 01 gg 321??? 2500 for a 98 beta? Yet I have heard of 5200 for 07 gg's.

    4 to 5 grand will knock the pants off of the other makes. But you have a huge trust gap to cross. The two year warranty might just bridge that gap.


    ps. Damn i am long winded tonight. I need a life....hahahaha

  12. I deal with fly by wire and its strategy on a daily basis as an engineer at one of the not so big three. In a automobile and a truck there are certain fail safes that take place that I could find extreemly undesireable in a trials bike. FOR EXAMPLE! (here is a fun one) If you ever have the time try this test.

    Take the trottle body off of your fly by wire car.

    Totally remove it.

    Plug it in and turn your key to run. (dont try to start it)

    Have some one push the trottle pedal to open it up.

    Now take a number 2 pencil and put it in the throttle body.

    Have your buddy let off of the trottle.

    Watch how the throttle body will Chew the H#LL out of the pencil.

    This is acutally extreemly funny to watch and for the most part does not hurt the throttle body.

    This is called ice breaker mode and is in place to do just that, break ice.

    Now if your throttle body fails on a car and it goes into this mode the car bucks and jerks a bit but ehh its a couple thousand pounds and nothing really happens. If this happens on a road bike ehhh it will probably shut the fuel off and you coast over to the side of the road. If this happens on a trials bike just before your hitting that log that you barely got to last time because its at the top of a huge hill.... ut oh...

    In the auto industry we use fly by wire to modify fuel economy, make cruise control, enable traction control, ect..... We have abs on almost any vehicle you purchase today because 98% of the bozo's cant figure out how to find traction after the brakes lock up.

    Which brings me to my point.... Trials riders know how to find traction! Trials riders understand throttle control! Fuel injection is good because it works to our advantage being simple and automatically adjustable for conditions.

    I think electric is the way to go in the future. A front and rear hub motor utilizing super caps (which you will see in vehicles in the not to distant future) and a small displacment generator. Algorythim similar to the Segway to help you keep ballance! Totally feasible. Regenerative brakeing. Bing! 50kg's? Easy. Keep the weight on the wheels and require less of the suspension if you can control the unladend weight. I have a module in my office that can do that no problem and weigh less than 2 pounds. <<<< I have been thinking of this one ever since I left college. :huh:

    Ok enough rant I need to get back to work.


  13. I know I am probably in the wrong forum for this right now but I had to ask.

    I ride bicycle in the off season from october till april to try and stay in a shape other than round.

    I have realized that the monty 219 magura (my present ride) is just too short for me being 6.0'.

    So I am doing my research on zoo, koxx, and other brands. I want to build up a real trials bicycle and take it serious this winter.

    I am seeing this interesting new frame from trialsin (which i was surprised changed hands).

    Anybody used the FTW frame? I want to stay with a mod bike because i like the manuverability. (makes me feel like a hero)

    I am really just starting the research phase and i can build up over the winter if i need to.

    I will dump the monty to some lucky kid for 200 or so and allocate about 800 to get a proper cheap mod bike.

    Thanks for the input.


  14. I felt it were time to finally ask this question and start a new topic.

    Euros, Pounds, Dollars, ect... Whats the price on one of these?

    I heard a rumor this weekend from a trials nut that it was around 6 to 7 grand new here in the states.

    I thought i read some where that it was about 4000 euros.

    I find it hard to find prices next to bikes at times in the trials world.


  15. My club has dubbed me the World's Largest Trials Rider. At 6'8" and 325 lbs (2 meters and 23.2 stone) I'm the biggest I ever met. Any other colossal riders out there?

    Ric Smits, a ex-pro basketball player rides some vintage trials events. he's well over 7 feet tall.

    Your right on the money Craig. Ric is HUGE!!! Here he is at broome tiaoga this year towering over his mx bike. (poor bike)


    He rides Vintage Ahrma Trials on and off.

    If he is not riding and there he is always a supporter.

    If your making a trials for him grab a step ladder and cut down everything you can reach. hahaha


  16. ooo thats a good one.

    The base gasket studs should thread out using a pipe wrench. I have replaced these before on other trials bikes. Mainly gasgas but they are pretty much the same. Industrial supply companies may stock the thread pitch you have. Be ware of striping out the threads in the block that hasle may not be worth replacing the old ones.

    A lot of buddies up here in detroit love drag racing and some work for nhra teams. I know a couple of teams who dont flinch throwing a rod thru a block on a weekend. They just take it back weld it up and resleve the thing Look for a drag shop in your area. They will probably know somebody who can weld that up.


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