Tried to remove the front bolt. Got the lower mount closer, but not close enough. And then it was way out of line in front.
Havent found any cracks anywhee..
Heres what it looked like before removing the motor first time:
What would that gain? It was like this before taking the skid plate off.
Was like this when taking the motor out the first time too. Hence why the mounts were broke in the first place.
So what happens? Bendt frame?
How do I get it ... ehh not straight .. correct?
Bash plate does not fit anyway
My brother came along to discuss this, and thats what we ended up with.
Must be a fabrication error this, and proably the reason the engine cases broke in the first place. If something has bendt this would have been looking different I think.
Well... must find a good mechanic then..
Finally working on the cracked engine case from early this summer. Bought a new alu cases and have moved everything over exept for some new bearings.
When putting the engine back into the frame this is what I get. Rear and front bolt in place, but the middle bolt hole is at least 5 mm out of line. How do I deal with this?
Thanks guys.
Sure it is the magnesium halfes. I dont know if I will bother try to find someone to weld.
Ill go for the alucases. They are not "That badly" priced, and will do the job. Beeing the 2012 Raga it of cause has the retractable gear shift axle. Anybody know the part number for the right half?
I was thinking about using a washer for the oval hole in the frame. If I find a perfecty sized one it should just be to put it in and bolt..
Heres how it should look like...
Da**** Shercoben!! You beat me with seconds there..
Only thing I can remember is plastic/nylon inside there is the stopper for the kickstart. I doesnt look like that, but beaten enough i can imagine that it will become like this..
Dont need lead in airfilter when the guy on top weighs almost 100 kg.. :-)
No I dont have a story for this.. Bought the bike may last year only 6 month old. A 2012 Raga 280 btw. First owner was one of the elite guys. Shouldnt surprise me if the crack has been there all the time.
What I found out later today is that the swingarm bolt was loose, and that the hole in the frame has become oval. Dont know if that is the cause of the crack, or because af the crack.. Anyway the bike is a wreck until this is fixed.. Anyone got a good advice for the oval hole in the frame?
Now its time for a beer.. Cheers
Both sides!!
Only one solution for this I am afraid, but is it smart to use it before fix? Is there anything other that can break?
Oil preferences? Have you tried a search in this forum? Try, and you will find some hours reading. Its one of the most discussed topics.. :-)
My preference btw is GRO gear extreme 75
Aha... sorry..
Jons method works perfect..
You mean a circlip plier?
Probably why they moved it before 09 season..
Hmm.. the 08 Raga probably got the tubular frame? Never tried on that version, but on the "regular" 08 you could twist the rad just enough to get the switch out.
On newer bikes (from 09 I think) the switch is placed on the top right of the rad. Muuuuch easier to exchange. On 13 mod it is moved to under the rad on the left side.
Been a while since changing thermoswitch on a 08, but as far I remember you dont need to remove the radiator completely.
Marked or not marked...
Without the routine its only a matter of time before you face the question: "Did I or did I not put oil in this can??"
Been there myself... several times
Only 100% solution. NEVER put gasolin in that can without puting oil in FIRST
If you are about to strip it completely be sure to replace the "half moon" bearings while in there.
I havent donethis myself when stripping my engines, but after helping two of my friends clean up their gearboxes after this bearings have broke I svear I will never leave those unchanged again ever.
Disiplin, disiplin, disiplin, and the routine nelly1 describes.
Until that. if youre not sure, use the gas on the lawn mover or something other 4 stroke remedy.
Hi and welcome back to trials
GG makes improvements every year more or less noticeable. (And some stepbacks as Formula brakes in 2012..). The rule are as always: Get as new bike as you can afford.
That said, a 2008 GG in good condition is a great bike.
250 is a nice size for starters. Had all sizes from 125 to 300. Now got a 250 and love it!
You mean that the thicker allen head keeps the kicker "out"? Seems like an idea to try.
Tryed fitting the old kick start I`ve had in my garage "for ever". Think its from a 02 or maybe 03. Did not work because of the wider frame one the newer bikes.
Thanks guys. Not only me then..I will definitly try the spare one I have.
Took my sons Raga out for a ride yesterday. Very nice bike, but... The kickstarter seems to be a different type than all my other GG`s. Is there any others having trouble with foot sliding off??
I got a spare good old kickstart somewhere in my garage. Do you think it will fit? (Ill probably find out when I try...)