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Everything posted by jandyb
  1. jandyb

    200 Pro Gearbox

    99% sure: The idle gear between kick start gear and clutch basket. It probably looks somehow like this one: -Jan
  2. Dont you think one of theese should do the job? http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.X12V+Rectifier&_nkw=12V+Rectifier&_sacat=0&_from=R40 -Jan
  3. The results from todays competition is published here: http://trial2013.se/?page_id=484 -Jan
  4. "Fast action" is the standard throttle. Its got white tube. The slow action throttle got a black tube. You dont say your age, but I assumed you have done at least most of your first 20 years? 250 is a good choice and yo should cope OK with standard throttle. Most adult people make the mistake thinking they need a 300... -Jan
  5. Congratulation! What size? 300?? Bearings rear: 6004 2RS Bearings front with Marzocci forks 6905 2RS (With standard forks 6004 2RS) Spot on regardng the plug Try the standard throttle first. If problems, consider change. Dont know nothing about license rules Enjoy! -Jan
  6. Jitsie has made a video with Eddie Karlsson: https://vimeo.com/jitsie/uem-oslo-eddie-karlsson -Jan
  7. And heres an article in Norwegian (tip: Google translate..) No pictures yet, but they will come later. http://www.trialavisa.no/ -Jan
  8. And here are todays results: ResultaterECChampion_juniorcup_over40cup_international_110813oms.pdf
  9. Ill do my very best miss Sophie.. Hikk.. Observing section 15 today. Wether is good. Gonna be a good day. -Jan
  10. Special service for you guys. First on the net European_champ_2013_day1.pdf ..
  11. Hello folks.. sorry for the late response. Been living in the mobile home for several days now.. This is actually a little bit embarrasing. Cant seem to find the results online anywhere, but found an article on Phototrial.it. http://www.phototrial.it/2013/europe/norway-youth.html Will come back to you when the complete results are published. For me it has been a busy day starting at 07.00 ending just about now. For the first time I have been an observer at a non-stop trial. Tomorrow I will be an observer at my second - and hopefully my last - non-stop trial. Although I do think it was quite ok judging in my section I cant really express how tragic I think theese rules are.. Get rid of them! (Puhh... good to get it out.. ) See you tomorrow! -Jan
  12. Watching the sunset from the paddock this evening.
  13. Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/158581707667298/ Join!
  14. Youre welcome. First participants have already arrived.. There is a good chance that somebody goes in there, but preferrably with bathing shorts on. There is actually a beach below that edge.. Time schedule for the weekend is here: http://www.trialavisa.no/resultater/EMogVM2013/Oslo/Tidsskjema.pdf And here is a picture from a section we were finishing off today. Its section 14 on sunday.
  15. Hello We are pleased to welcome everybody to our first EC since 2007. I can assure that we are working our a*** out to make this a great event. For those who will like to come looking its not too late. Ryanair got tickets still for £55,- Time schedule for the weekend: http://www.trialavisa.no/resultater/EMogVM2013/Oslo/Tidsskjema.pdf Weather seems to be ok: http://www.yr.no/pla...bukta/long.html Whats going on (besides trial of course) in Oslo this weekend: http://www.visitoslo.com/en/ -Jan
  16. Springs out and forks compressed.. -Jan
  17. No video I`m afraid. But you may find some info needed here: http://www.trialspartsusa.com/tech.html -Jan
  18. Theres a small magnet on one of the bolts for the brake disk..
  19. Just the giver for the speedo... No opinion bout the airbox exept I wouldnt do it.. -Jan
  20. Try take the clutch apart and give all parts a good clean. Sometimes there can be a lot of grit in there that dont come out in a regular oil change.. -Jan
  21. I have done theese bearings on two of my friends gg lately. One 05 where there was much damage in the gearbox, and one 08 where there luckily was just the bearings. This has made me a little bit paranoid, so when I notice some new whining in my 10 s gearbox when in third and fourth gear I fear the worst. Maybe do the Job just as precaution? What do you think?
  22. The 125`s I`ve owned has had 46 or even 48 rear. -Jan
  23. Looks like this isnt your first time on a trialsbike.What have you had before? -Jan
  24. Can you explain this? Maybe my lack of english understanding, but it sounds interesting.. -JAn
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