No markings on my 02 barrel either..
haha.. Fooled me easy there::
This is some job, but not too difficult. The videos are very helpful.
Before you begin you will need to get at least a flywheel puller, paper gasket for case halves and a new base gasket for cylinder. Personally I would have got new seals and O-rings for the crank bearings too.
The puller is a M27 Dia x 1mm Pitch, right hand male thread. Unfortunately they dont have this at Biltema :-( Where in Sweden do You live? Maybe I know someone nearby that you can borrow from.
Tools needed are - besides the flywheel puller - standard stuff. A hot air gun is useful for expanding cases befor mounting bearings, but hot water or even baking oven can be used.
Good luck, and dont hesitate to ask if your stuck at something.. :-)
Thank You very much!
Too bad the puller set I intended to order didnt contain this type. Only 27/1 left thread..
Tried to search the forum, but didnt find any secure answers..
Does anybody know the thread size on the flywheel puller for PRO models?
I was more thinking about a newer 125. Dont know how the market looks like in UK, but here the difference between a 2008 and a 2011 is now about £1.000,- maybe less. Probably less in UK?
£130,- is a good start on the savings..
Enjoy the 08 for a while. Do your technique training well. Unless you are riding 2 meter ledges a guttier bike wont help you much.
Sorry Shercoben for beeing a negative dumba**, ( ) but I still think you should go put that £130,- in the bank and save up for a newer bike. Comparing gut with a 280 your 125 - and any other 125 - will loose every time no matter what you do with it.
My very honest opinion!
First.. unless you are riding expert level, even a worn 125 should make you fly. In fact it makes me fly and I weigh almost (I repeat almost) the double of your weight. Are you using its potensial? I am talking about throttle and clutch here..
But of cause there can be something wrong. As others said: Clean air filter, carb, exhaust are essential. Check the reeds too. I south of england original jettings should be good.. (unless someone changed the jettings).
You put in new piston, but on a 08 the barrel could be worn enough to need an oversized piston, but that requires exact measureing to find the right size.
New barrel would of coause do it, but now we are talking too much money. Before spending a lot of money on it, consider selling and buy a newer bike..
Youre not the only one..
Use Google Chrome...
Now theres pics
Clutch is usually easy to bleed. Just take of the cap on the master reservoir and pump/"fiddle" with the clutch lever until all air is gone. Make sure the reservoir are the highest point in the system.
If this isnt enough, you may open the bleeding screw on the clutch cover to let fluid run through.
Make sure you use the right type of fluid. Green cap = Hydraulic oil. "normal"cap = Brake fluid
Cant remember if 2005 or 2006 was first year with hydraulic oil.
Never heard about worn shaft on a bike that new. Could be dirt in coolant maybe??
One important thing. Make sure the overflow pipe at the radiator cap isnt clogged. If that happens there will be high pressure in the cooling system, that again pushes coolant through the water pump seal.
So the fact that we are arguing about the existing rules is an argument for making another impossible rule?? I dont get that?
Deciding if you are in or out a section are pretty easy. You are either in or out. Should be as easy to decide stopping to. Either you stopped or your not. I see Cabestany stop in the video...
Dont know what you practiced in UK. In Norway we had a rule for touching markers. It was allowed to bend the markers that much, but too much was a fiver. Impossible to judge. Now its a fiver for touching. Eather you touched it or you dont. Harsh sometimes, but much easyer to judge.
And btw.. I can answer Yes on all the questions earlyer in this thread. In addition to participate myself.
I see what you mean. Backing isnt allowed now, but all riders do. On purpose with no consequence. So Cabestanys bike definitly stands still several times in this video. I wouldnt give five either. So its OK to stand still in a non stop trial. For how long? 0,1 sek? 0,5 sek? 1 sek?
I dont know. Thats the reason I ask You that already have non stop trials..
The news have reached the north too.. :-) We in Norway havent experienced non stop for many years and wonder how it works. Was just watching this video. If non stop means that it is not allowed to stop, this ride would give more than one fiver in my opinion?? Or have I missed something??
Seen that before for sure.. Result of kicking the kickstart without engaging the gears first, and/or engaging the kickstart with engine running..
Im curious.. have you found out something??
Went out in the garage and looked at my two bikes. They both have that 2,5mm gap between the swingarm and the frame on both sides. I guess You can relax then..
There are some needlebearings under the clutch basket, and under the idle sprocket between the clutch and the kick axle. Check them first.
But I am afraid that the needles probably are from the nylon bearing on the outgoing shaft in the gearbox. To fix it you need to split the crankcase. You must not start the bike until this is sorted out!
I do think the 2011 clutch cover is bolt on.
Not very much, but yes.. You can definitly feel the difference
This is very interesting!
Anyone else tried the HK1520-2RS bearings??
I notice you saying this.. You dont say what bike this is, but I assume its a PRO? The spring on a PRO is to be wound ONE turn before putting the shaft in. If you did more that can be your problem..
If you dont have a clue of what I am talking about, take a look at this video from about 3.55 :-)