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Everything posted by jandyb
  1. jandyb

    Free Play

    At rear end I assume? Check for loose bolts in links and shock mounts, but most probably your link bearings/bushings/bolts are worn out. -Jan
  2. jandyb


    Stings right. The thermost.. ehh thermoswitch is in the front of the radiator upper right side. You need to remove the radiator to get it out. I guess you already have tried bypassing the switch to check that the fan is running? -Jan
  3. Second what sting32 says. If You like how it behaves now it may be a good idea to ask the previous owner what he/her used for transmission..
  4. jandyb

    Thanks for your answers. Hehe.. Not buying it for the shock, but the price is about the same, 09 is way better condition according to the loocks, has never been used in competitions just cuddeling around in the woods, AND it has the
  5. jandyb

    Need Help.

    http://translate.google.com ??
  6. Well... could be worth trying to get the dealer to sort it out..? :-) Almost new... more with same problem etz..
  7. Looks like you are not the only one with problems.. http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/42803-i-have-given-up-on-formula/
  8. Yes thats what I mean. (Was thinking a bit car here ;.) ) -Jan
  9. jandyb

    Hello Community. I am looking for new bike now, and am looking at two 250 s. One is a 2010 with sachs rear and one is a 2009 with a Öhlins shock (original taken from a 2011 125 Racing). Other than this they are pretty similar exept for colors of cause. I like the 2010 design better, but somehow wonder if the ôhlins is worth taking the 09? i have tried some easy riding on both, but I cant notice any difference with my skills. What do You think? -Jan
  10. Excactly same problem as my brothers bike. Tried bleeding, new master, new hose.. Problem didnt go away until fitting an AJP slave.. :-( -Jan
  11. Hello As topic says I found an incredible nice 09 250 that I am about to buy. Looks almost like new. Only thing I am scared of is that its got some child issues that isnt yet solved because it is so little used. In example I have heard that it comes with different ignition systems where one system had a lot of faults. Do You know anything about this? Thanks -Jan
  12. You will probably find this video interesting :-) http://youtu.be/_PMt6GoKk0Y -Jan
  13. No problem. Just put in spacers - or longer spacers if there are before. Can be done with forks in frame, but recommend to clean out the foks and replace the oil while he is at it. Not a difficult thing to do. -Jan
  14. jandyb

    Engin Oil

    Hmm.. says 400ml on page 11 and 550ml on page 22.. , :-) -Jan
  15. jandyb

    Engin Oil

    Hi The "book" says 550 cl, but about 450 to 500 cl will do up to the middle of the glass. Air leaking through spokes means that the tyre probably is OK. You need to remove the tyre and check the rubber band that seals the spokes. If its OK then remove, clean and refit properly. If the rubber band is in bad condition, buy a new one.. -Jan
  16. Ive got a "well worn" 200 cylinder from 2002. It has no letter marking on it, but I presume its an A. Fitted a new A piston last year, but it is ratteling a lot. I should actally put a B piston in there? -Jan
  17. Thats exactly how their build for both technical sections AND travelling. Dont know the gear ratios, but the first four is very low geared, and fifth and sixth are high for travelling. -Jan
  18. Thats exactly how their build for both technical sections AND travelling. Dont know the gear ratios, but the first four is very low geared, and fifth and sixth are high for travelling. -Jan
  19. If you ever pull a GasGas Pro gearbox apart you`ll realise that the "extra" gears doesnt drive the weight.. Take a look at this document http://www.trialspartsusa.com/diagrams/Pro%20Transmission%20gears.doc -Jan
  20. +1 on this. Bought me a 2011 GasGas 280 earlier this summer. Beautiful bike, wonderful to ride, but way too powerful for a clubman like me. Rode it one trial and then happily swapped with my 16 yo kid. He gets the 280 and I his old 125. He has the skills in the guts, and handles the 280 excellent while I benefits from having a bike I can control in every situation. Win win situation.. -Jan
  21. So.. its a Boy? (not the child.. the bike.. ) -Jan
  22. What?? Do You mean they are incompetent?? Didnt you read the disclaimer? It says: "The activities depicted are performed by trained professionals..." I didnt have a puller at hand that fit, but had a press. It really did work well. Tried heating btw without any luck this time. Looking forward to see a pic of the puller. But I wont need one now of course. I have decided to maintain the lubrication more often (guess what I decided last time too.. ) -Jan
  23. If I remember right I think the motor on the 2001 Rookie (50 and/or 80 ccm) are the same as the 2005 Rookie witch You will find the parts catalogue for down to the right on the page. http://www.trialspartsusa.com/manuals/Motor_txtrookie_2005.pdf This isnt really a GasGAs motor is it? Think it is manufactured by Franko Morini (or something like that) -Jan
  24. Hmm.. had Marzoccis for several years. Never ever bled them... But I guess the screw is there for a reason.. OK.. I want maximum performance, how do I bleed? Just open the screw, or is there some pumping involved? -Jan
  25. Was going to change head stock bearings again today, and searched of course the forum to get some tips. Then I found this topic with my own tip... Anyway I also found a video that showed pushing the stem through the lower triclamp. Tried it and it worked like a charm. After changing no my 08 I thought I should check out how the 2011`s bearings looked like. Happy I did, cause the lower bearing on the under one year old bike was already full of rusty water! Cheers -Jan
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