6004 2RS is correct.
Used on about every trial bike I think? At least rear wheel. Different on front wheels on bikes with marzocci forks due to larger diameter axle.
Would never had thought about the rope trick! Smart
If you have an air pressure wheel nut tool, it will do the job too. Both loosening and fastening.
What you call "fan relay" is actually a rectifyer (?) (converting AC to DC) as the fan needs DC. If you are getting 12V AC into the rectifyer and 3V AC out you probably have to get a new one.
All You need here I think:
I have had my Marzocci`s apart for seal and oil change a couple of times, but its a pain in the a.... every time, an all found descriptions seems confusing.
If anybody could make a detailed howto on these with pictures and all i am sure many GasGas owners will be happy!
-Jan (who is about to do his Marzocci`s again soon..)
What model and year are your bike?
1. Blue stuff I suppose.
2. ATF Dexron III (suppose Dexron II is not that bad either)
3. Pre 2002 models. Don`t know but may remember 650ml oil. From 2002 TXT PRO models there is a glass on the clutch cover. Fill to the middle of it. About 330ml on 2002. About 500ml on 2003 and up.
90ml is too much. I use 75ml but thats too much too.
Experts say 80/1 wich is more like 65ml I believe..
Sorry to say that 2005 was the last year.
Sorry cause the 200 was a perfect match for motionists like me.
Lucky for me I have a barrel and piston from an old 02 200 that fits rght on all newer 125`s. Currently use it on a 08.
Found the steel plates:
Jon is of cause right. Dot 5 and Dot 5.1 is not the same.
But..If Your clutch is heavy it probably is because Your clutch fibres are swelled. This makes the clutch pack too thick which again makes the moment for the clutch "fingers" wrong. (search the forum and you will find plenty of posts regarding this).
If you remove clutch cover you can easily measure this by measuring the hight of the "fingertips". It should be about 17mm. Thicker clutch pack means lower fingertips and harder clutch action. 0,1 mm difference in clutch pack makes 2 mm difference in fingerheights.
3 solutions:
1. Buy new clutch pack.
2. Adjust clutch pack by changing the metal plates in clutch pack to thinner ones. Trialendurodirect.com used to sell these in different thickness, but I dont know if they still do.
3. Carefully sand clutch fibres by using fine sandpaper (600+) on a glass plate. This can work but if you make fibres uneaven new clutch pack is only solution.
Nono.. the mineral oil in clutch is from 2005, so unless the pumps are rebuild to use mineral oil, You should use normal brake fluid dot 4 (or 5) on a 2004.
ATF Dexron III works good in gearbox.
Whatever reason, fuji staying home led to Norway staying in top 6 group.
At least we are happy
(From Norway)
My first tial bike was a 99 TXT 270 like yours. If I was into trail riding I would never concider changing. The good old 270 is extremely strong and reliable.
However if you really want to spend some money I would go for a 4 stroke witch excludes GasGas. Any other brand will do, but I must say the Montesas are really wonderful..
My thoughts
Thanks. found and read. Useful info.
I see the irony in this too, but there are some explanation..
Until now I hav ridden a 06 125 pro Racing modyfied with a well worn 200 (167 ccm) barrel/piston from an older bike. This has been a perfect combination for me as the 200 delivers just the power I need for my almost 100kg.
When buying a new bike now is not to get more power, it is to get the benefits of a new bike. I would rather go for a 200, but GasGas dont make them no more. Second choice would be a 250, but for some reason the norwegian importer does not take them in resulting in no one available used.
And for last I got it redicoulus cheap.. (due to the beating I recon) it dont look well for being half a year old, but it rides like a beauty.
Well I will ride it as is for a while trying to get to know it better. If it doesnt work i think i will go for the low comp insert and maybe a slow throttle.
Well David... you saught for opinions. Now You got two..
If You dont intend to buy a newer bike, dont try one!
On the other side, if You are open for it, go to a trial training area one day and borrow one for 5 minutes. (you can borrow mine if You come to Norway). Next go find one for sale..
Not only cluth are better... everything are better. Much better. (Perhaps exept for reliability, but we dont talk about that..)
Sorry for bouncing up such an old post, but had to comment this...
In Norway we have som vetaran trial riders who also play music - preferrable blues. We are called "The Trialers"
Not too well known though. Dont expect any Norwegian to have heard about it...
Hi from Norway
Bought a 2011 280 Racing yesterday. Used by an expert for three months. Pretty beat up, but in good technical state I think.
Case is that the power in this beast kind of scares me. Does
the low compression insert for the S3 stars cylinder head make a noticable difference?
As said earlyer in this tread first checkpoint is the retaining spring and "top hat". This You should be able to do yourself even without too much mechanical experience. Just remove clutch cover and clutch pack to get to it. If You are lucky all your problems is here..
If not, next checkpoint involves spitting the engine.
I would definatly go for a 06 (or newer). The almost not noticable changes in foot peg location together with some other small changes makes a HUGE difference in balance and handling!
How to spot the different years? Tricky. Besides that the stickers tell the year (that of course can have been changed) up to 2006 there are only minor changes.
Try to mention some. Others correct me.
Tubular frames from 2009.
From 2007 the frames are coloured on all models.
2006 125 RACING is the first with magnesium motor and swingarm? (Besides 2005 RAGA)
From 2006 the thermo is situated in the radiator - not in the hose. (or was that from 2005?)
Marzocci forks on 125 racing and 250 up from 2006.
Bolt for rear brake goes through the frame from 2006.
Sure there are more..
(From Norway.. sorry for the grammatic errors )
The 2002 TXT PRO had a smaller gearbox with only 330 ml oil.
From 2003 the manual says 550ml but most use between 450 and 500 ml. Just check the sight glass.
Btw: Dont forget to let the oil run into the gearbox. The channels between clutch and gearbox are tiny, so it takes a while before it levels out.
Well.... It is actually a good idea to ask here. What are we else here for?
For your bike the right answer is 650cc (according to http://www.gasgas.com/Pages/Technical/Home.html)
Ich sprechen nicht deutsch. Aber schnell..
Someone that does? There is a clutch handle on it. Does it work??