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army man

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Posts posted by army man
  1. Well Big J & HL,

    I have always had a policy, that, on a monday morning if a soldier is in the sh-t from the weekend, he should be stood outside my office at 0800hrs ready to confess to the crime and take the punishment.

    If not and I find out secound hand, then I rip his/her head of and Sh-t down their neck from a great height and they go staight to the pockie (Jail) for some corrective training.

    I can make myself avalable when required.


    The RSM

  2. Well Folks,

    I am not saying what phil has done is right, but has any one spoke with this man. It is very easy for us to sit behind a computer screen and type away, give him his right to answer or at least speak with the club, my be he might have already(Highland lassie ?)

    We have to remember there are people out there that have taken bigger trophies at this great event and they did not hand them back for doing the same thing.

    I don't belive what has happened is right, but at least let him make amends for a mistake that will be with him for a long time.


    P.S. On the fuel front don't give up on the Army yet I am still working on it even though I am retiring shortly.

  3. All True,

    I dont know how many times I have been to a trial and watched Dad, who could not ride a bike up the garden path, never mind what wee Johnny is trying to do on a bike that is to big and to powerfull. screaming and slapping him on the head. I have been so close to doing something I would regret, but I have managed to restrain myself.

    My son had a Sherco 50 for the last 2 years, a great little bike, my boy is on the tall side, a bit like his dad and the bike has alway's looked to small for him, has I have been told by so many of those path riders. Well guess what, he won his club, class championship.

    So to those that are pushing, please let them ENJOY and mature in there own time. If he has it, he won't lose it.

    Retired Minder (Jarvis and Connor)

  4. Well Markie Boy,

    You started a "Good One There" I will let some of you fellow trials rider out there know what us serving soldiers think, having know spent probably 4 1/2 years out of 22 years service on operations, but i must watch what I say, because we don't do political Sh-t in the Forces or I might need one of you civi's to give me a job (

  5. As I am the Man that sorts out the Army refuelling for the club, we do not charge the club for the kit and equipment that is needed and used for the week. Go and get a hire price for one 12000 ltr fuel tanker (by the way we supply 2) Some people need to look at the ISDE entry fee,

  6. Gentlemen,

    It makes me feel good to read all this, as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the army Foundation College Harrogate I have the pleasure of over seeing the training and discipline of 1500 Junior Soldiers (16-17) They are a joy to work with, don't let any one tell you the youth of today has gone wrong, they just need some direction with a little discipline throwen in.

    I have riding for the Army for the last 12 years at the Scottish Six Day Trial, but next year will be my last as I will have completed my 22 years service to Queen and country, it has been a privalage and hounour.

    The Army has had some great people sponsour the team over the years. Malcom and Rhoda have looked after us for the last 7 years and long may it continue.

    One day Andy Huddleston might retire so we can get our hand on the Service trophy again. I have been lucky that I have been in the Army team twice and won the Service Trophy, it would be great to win the trophy at my last SSDT before I retire, so if anybody knows Andy's Inspector please ask him do put him on shift that week.

    The shall grow not old as we that are left grow old,

    Age shall not wear them, nor the years condem,

    at the giong down of the sun and in the morning,


  7. Boy's

    Riding the 06 4t from the factory on sunday. I will let you know how it goes. Ishy hope you have not crossed over to the dark side like Big John :)<_<

  8. Not rode the 290 yet, however I rode a 125 on Tuesday. Frame wise the foot pegs feel slightly higher but would need to get the tape measure out to confirm. They do look good in the new plastic's and colours and the frame is narrower at the bottom of the petrol tank. :D

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