Had a similar problem with my Fantic, It turned out that the switch had actually broken. These thermostatic switch's usually work with a small plate like a diafram. Under normal circumstances the switch is held open by the diafram and when the bike is hot the diafram clicks the switch into the closed position. However this also means that if the switch gets a bang and breaks, the diafram is now not working and the switch stays in the normally closed position. ( Commonly known as fail safe.)
Cheers for that honda rs..
Milly bobs, i tried that number for Bill Pye phone says the number is not valid.
I am calling from Ireland but i think i used the correct code (0044 ?)
Could anybody give me some contact details for this Bill Pye fellow.
Also I think i read somewhere that he only does old stuff anybody able to confirm this (im looking for this part for a 97 model fantic).
Any help on this is greatly appreciate d.....
Cheers for the help lads.
Lineaway thanks for the info. Just wondering what effect would this operation have on bike performance.
I dont belive that this part has been working for quite a while as it was broken when i took it off.
Does anybody know anything about this part. Will it improve the bike performance if re-assembled?
Thanks in advance
Cheers NBUU. Have mastered the art now.
Just realised how bad those pics are.
Will try get some proper pics tomorrow.
Thanks in advance
Yet another picture.
This cable has broken. So can anyone also tell me of somewhere that stocks fantic parts??
Has anyone ever come across a spare parts list for a fantic??
gratefull for any help on this one really am baffled.
O and just a note the bike seems to be running fine without this cable.
This is a really not good picture of a cable that goes from, around the water pump, up to just above the exaust manafold on my fantic. This cable controls 2 small valves.
Thats what i know.
Now can any of you experts tell me what this cable does??
Cheers for that stuart
I shall be trying again then so.
Thanks for that Andy.
Is there a difference between Jpeg and Jpg??
Also is there anyway of changing the format of a picture??
Thanks again.
Hey im trying to place a message on here with images but it says the file may be of the wrong type or too large. Just wondered what is the largest file size and what formats are allowed??
Thanks for the help
It was definatly petrol that was in there. Drained the air box. cleaned the filter. Fitted a new plug. And gave it a few kicks with the plug out to dry it out. Reasembled and she started after a few kicks. However i am still a bit confused(as always).
What oil are you talking about here. I know this is going to seem daft but i dont know wat oil your talking about here charlie.
Can anybody explain this to me??
Thanks again lads
Sorry Munch
Yes i meant the air box. The carb was flooded could petrol have come from the carb into the air box if so why??
I have very little mechanical knowledge and this is probably a dumb question, but if one of you experts could give some advice that would be great.
I need the knowledge of some of you expert mechanics.
Just spent 20 mins kicking my usually reliable fantic section. However it wont start, i tried all the usuall (i think??) i heard some splashing near the rear. it turns out there is a water/petrol mix in there. What could have cause this??
Cheers in advance
That manual you got is it in English???
Recently got me a fantic and the manual is all it Itialian (I think never was good at languages).
Anyone know if these can be d/loaded or bought anywhere???
Cheers Noksey
Think ill book my tickets during the week. Anybody ever been to the Odyssey Arena in belfast that would be able to give some advise on where is best to sit etc.. Really looking forward to it now.
Will there be stands selling stuff at this sort of event or will it just be the main show??
belfast indoor trial for info
Im relatively new to this sport, but ive followed the indoor champs on euro sport for a while. As i live in dublin i was thinking of going to the Belfast indoor in March. Ive never been to an indoor event before is it not really all its made out to be. How much of the sections can you not see etc?? Is it worth a look anyway?
Any advise appreciated cheers
Cheers lads very helpfull found this in the hand book. Anybody speak italian??
Fig. 2 - Numero di motore
Essendo il primo periodo d'uso, molto im-portante per il successive rendimento del motore, si raccomanda di seguire un accurate rodaggio durante i primi 500 km. di per-correnza.
Durante i primi 500 km. non sfruttare la massi-ma potenza del motore, utilizzare non piii di mezza corsa di apertura del comando a gas; in seguito aumentare progressivamente.
Usare sia in rodaggio che dopo, miscela di be-zina 97 N.O. super al 2% di olio CASTROL TTS PREMIX.
Dopo i primi 300 Km. e assolutamente ne-cessario sostituire I olio del cambio con 500 cc di olio CASTROL EP 80W/80.
Al primo cambio d'olio consigliamo dopo averlo scaricato di smontare II coperchio frizione e la-vare accuratamente gli organ! intern! con benzi-na o petrolio ed asciugarli con getti di aria com-pressa; questo al fine di eliminare eventual! resi-dui metallic! dovuti all'assestamento degli orga-ni. Successivamente sostituire I'olio ogni 3.000/4.000 km.
Controllare che non siano allentate le viti ed i dadi che fissano le principal! parti del veicolo, in particolare quelle che fissano il motore al telaio ed il manubrio. i dadi che fissano la testa ed il mono-ammortizzatore.
Verificare che, anche le fascette fissaggio dei manicotti carburatore-cilindro e carburatore-cas-setta di aspirazione, siano serrate.
Says in there somthing about using EP80W/80 does that mean anything to yous??
Anybody tell me what sorta gear oil i should use in my fantic section? 1997 model.
Cheers didn't realise it was that big over here,
Thanks for all the help,
i did however come across a bob sheeran when i was looking for a bike seemed like a nice chap very helpfull,
Unfortunatly i wont be in the country on the 19th kenny but email me (ronoc88@hotmail.com) and sure we might meet up sometime.
Im from Dublin Ireland im new to this sport, i was just wondering is there any irish riders out there at all, this sport seems to be quite small over here, does anybody know of any trials taking place in the Dublin area???
Hi all
Bought a Fantic section 250cc a few weeks back. and need some parts i live in Dublin Ireland just wondered if there was anybody in Ireland that supplied Fantic Parts..
Recently bout a fantic section 250cc. As its my first bike i would like to read the hand book but its all in itallian. does anybody know where id pick one up in english??