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Everything posted by franky
  1. An Update......... I took the clutch apart, sanded the steel plates with 320 grit paper, couldn't find dextron 3 so used 2 instead. Started the bike, put it into 2nd while holding on for dear life and nothing! the bike now has about 3% clutch drag, it'll just about tick over with the clutch in. I've quicky bled the clutch but i'll be giving it a full bleed with new fluid and try adjusting the screw mentioned. Big thanks to everone for there help, still can't get it in neutral when its running though!? is this a common trait or just because the bike has a tiny tiny bit of clutch drag still?
  2. its a persistant problem, 99 percent sure its not the clutch m/c. I'll try the dextron 3 and doing the plates and see what that brings, after that i might have to spend some money. thanks for the help i'll let you know what if any each change brings.
  3. I've been looking through the posts and now i'm a little confused! The bikes a 2002 montesa 315r, the clutch drags on it so how do I sort it, a full set of steel and cork plates or can I put in the correct oil(which is elf? where do I get it!?) and lightly roughen up the steel plates, or is there an aftermarket jobbie that will solve it forever? I'm a novice so the cluch drag is causing more issues than it would most! I just want to sort it but not waste money if it doesn't need to be spent!
  4. First of all, hi to all....... I'm new to trials and have brought a 2002 montesa as I've been looking into it and it was a good price for the bike! However I'm wondering if there's anywhere that does any sort of tuition!? I'm based in lincoln and would prefer not to give myself too many bad habbits from the off..... does anyone know of anywhere/anyone that could help? also where do most people go to ride in lincoln? forgot to say, i'm nealry 30 been road riding/moto x/track days for the past few years. Thanks in advance.
  5. I'm looking to buy a used trials bike...... I thought that there would be a sale/wanted section on here!? How come I can't find one?
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