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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo
  1. Cool, never actually seen Splat Shop before. Still cheaper from TB including postage though. Got mine on Friday- I was half ecpecting it to be a rehash of all the youtube videos but it's actually quite different, more of a behind the scenes documentary of his life, travelling to the different places before quickly attacking a spot before moving on before the feds turn up. Still some pretty cool riding and a good watch.
  2. Hey guys, sorry if this has been posted before (or if this is in the wrong section) but I've just noticed that Julien Dupont's DVD 'Ride the World' is now available to buy from TartyBikes. It previously only been available direct from France and depending on exchange rates was about
  3. Sorry, will get some pics against a white background tomorrow . Need to get some stickers made up to break up the ally frame. Don't know if anywhere would do camo Beta stickers for me so might just be dark green or black.
  4. Yowza... Ok maybe this isn't such a good idea! Edit: Had a reply back from Beta UK and the price is approximately
  5. Ah ok. Will have an ask at my local Beta dealer in the week to find out how much I'd be talking. Cheers
  6. Hey guys, I really like the 2008 Beta Rev3's in white but there don't seem to be many around. Someone's selling a 2007 250 Rev3 locally and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if the 2008 rear fender is compatible with the 2007 bike... They look remarkably similar but would like a definite answer if possible! Cheers
  7. Hey guys, had a search but didn't come up with much. I know there are loads of clubs around but was wondering if anyone could enlighten me on areas to practice around Southampton/Bournemouth/Weymouth sort of area. Hut Hill near Southampton is the only place I know of... Portland used to be used lots but I don't recall seeing many people out there more recently. I've been doing biketrials for years but have only just got my first mototrials bike and have been used to just riding wherever, be it a town centre or rocky outcrop by the sea.
  8. Are the bikes actually available to the public anywhere yet? And any news on a UK importer/distributor?
  9. Hey guys, after riding biketrials for over 10 years I finally got round to getting myself a bike with an engine! To play with for starting I've got myself a 98 Beta Techno which seems to be in reasonable nick and I'm not going to be bothered when it gets dropped or ridden into a tree... Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could point me towards places which are acceptable to practice on the bike- having been used to just riding in town centres and anywhere that takes my fancy, the addition of an engine has thrown a spanner in the works! I live near Bournemouth and work in Southampton and have so far had a quick play at Hut Hill near Southampton and Portland but still not sure if I'm likely to get the Rozzers called on me everywhere I go. Any info would be gratefully received!
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