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  1. Well I found a used home made rig to use as a starting point. It will need some changes to fit on my SWM320 but might save some time in figuring out how these things work. I also found this pdf on some regulations and dimensions. http://www.actc.org.uk/how/Sidecars.pdf
  2. Glenn Seems the magnetic poles are much more active lately. My boots are seeing much more mud at close range! Bob
  3. There seems to be some confusion as to what is needed to ride an ITSA event. First we are not an AMA chartered club. We are our own entity. Second, join ITSA. Pay your entry fee and ride. Non-ITSA members can ride ITSA events.... BUT entry fee is slightly higher (one benefit of being a member is lower entry fees) and you don't get series points. Hope this clears up some of the questions we are receiving. Bob Ginder ITSA
  4. Hop_sing It would be a good idea if you gave me a call and we discussed your needs. I can then get you pointed in the right direction to obtain an ITSA Charter. Bob Ginder ITSA 615-789-5956
  5. Glenn is correct. B&J racing is the distributor for Falcon Shocks in the U.S. Bob Ginder B&J Racing www.bjracing.com 615-789-5956
  6. Well, let me introduce myself. My name is Bob Ginder, I am the founder of ITSA. I was involved in AHRMA trials for over 16 years as a member of the rules committee to national trials coordinator. It became more apparent to me as time went on that trials in AHRMA was doomed for many reasons. So in the interest of our sport ITSA was born. We were founded under the premise of "Trials for trials riders by trials riders". We are a trials organization. We offer charters for both modern and twinshock trials. Trials is trials in our minds. The only way for trials to prosper is for ALL of us to join together and support one another. We charter both modern and twinshock clubs making insurance affordable for all while building our trials community. We welcome all trials clubs and are looking forward to working with and forming western regions. I am looking forward to working with Tony and commend him for his efforts. I am aware of the commitment, devotion, and enthusiasm that Ed and Evelyn Peacock have put into AHRMA trials. They are truly trials enthusiasts and deserve a GREAT BIG THANK YOU! Bob Ginder ITSA
  7. I have run all my air cooled trials machines(James to TY mono)at 50 to 1 for 20 years with no problems. I use Maxima Super M or Silkolene synthetic.
  8. Thanks for starting this thread Martin. This twin shock time period is my passion. It is nice to see the old bikes in action with the men that made it happen.
  9. Sidecar class at ITSA rounds?????? Hmmmmmmmmmm......... Great idea! Why didn't I think of that?
  10. Thanks again Robin, I was surfing and found this link Should be able to come up with something with your dimensions and this info. Might even be fun to watch!
  11. Thanks Robin I will take a look at the ACU specs again. I think my major question is wheel placement, which you have helped with. If I had the distance from the centerline of the bikes wheels to the center of the car wheel right to left that would be helpful. That may be in the ACU specs, I'll take a look. I'd love to find a used car but not many here in the U.S. Looks like I will be fabricating my own. But that's half the fun. Thanks again for your help.
  12. I'm interested too. I have a 320 SWM that I want to try it on. Seems like "how to build a sidecar" info is a better kept secret than trials. We don't have many of these in the U.S. and could sure use some help getting started.
  13. Hey Steve I don't get on here as much as I should. I'll work on that. We need to get together and work out some events in the west and Canada for ITSA. We are in the process of obtaining event insurance that will allow us to hold events pretty much anywhere we want one. This should be finished by the time you read this. ITSA will now offer sanctions and insurance direct to ITSA clubs. As soon as we have the details worked out we will post them on our site (www.twinshock.org). It is time for the trials comunity to come together for the future of our sport. Let's make trials strong and enjoyable for everyone. Bob Ginder President International Twin Shock Assn.
  14. ITSA's North American Championship rounds 5 and 6 will be held September 26 and 27 at B&J Racing's facilities in Dickson Tn. Mid-west and Southeast regional series points will also be paid. The event will be utilizing the ITSA Scottish section design(no splits, you ride the sections designed for your machine and ability level). The crew has 50 sections laid out for your trials pleasure. Riders are treated to 10 sections per loop and ride 3 loops per day. You will ride different sections each day. Camping is available and there are plenty of local motels. This is a twinshock event and classes are available for all machines from specials to heavy weight pre-65 machines. Modern riders are also invited to come take part. Class structure and info is available at ITSA
  15. Those of us who started ITSA (www.twinshock.org) hear this comment way too often. If you think about it you can equate it to the old question of "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" So, let's look at this issue. It would seem that trials riders in all areas of the country are aware that ITSA exists. We are strong in the areas where riders have joined, supported our ideas, and started a series and held ITSA events. We can help with insurance, sanctions, marking kits and other organizational needs. The reason ITSA isn't strong in your area is because trials riders there haven't joined. If you like our ideas then maybe you should join. Our main goal is to make the sport of trials strong. As far as ITSA being too hard.....Here is how we design our sections. We look at the machine capability, matched up with the true meaning of the rider ability levels (novice, intermediate, and expert), we then design the sections to accommodate both. A rider feeling that the sections are too hard is most likely riding in the wrong ability level and should consider changing. For example, if a rider signs up as an expert and finds they are struggling with the sections, they might just be an intermediate riding in the wrong class. This is easily fixed. Our view is that we need you and want you as members. Take the time to join and participate on the website and together let's make twin-shock trials strong in every part of the country. Bob Ginder
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