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  1. I put a new tube in the rear tire, somebody left it out! (Really, the tubeless valvestem was junk & it was easier to do the tube than shop for a stem) I did an oil change w/ mobil1 gear oil, after riding for a few minutes in neutral with the clutch pulled in & revving the engine, the plates broke free & work fine now. My kick lever goes forward, which seems weird but works ok. The only major issue left now is to get the cooling fan to work. The bike will burp out its coolant when it gets hot, which makes a mess... I flushed clean water thru the system & got out a bunch of rusty spooge, but haven't seen the fan come on yet. When I get that sorted out, I'll worry about the seat. There's a local place called moonrocks perfect for trials bikes, you should bring a bike down when you're in town for a gunshow.
  2. Thanks, redneck. My bike idles fine, and even starts on the first kick! The clutch does drag when in gear, I'll do an oil change and see how it works afterwards. Don't know how long the bike sat unused, the clutch plates are no doubt gummed-up. I've just got to fix the rear flat now, then I can go play in the back yard for a while. Who needs a seat, anyway? kevin
  3. hello, all! I've just acquired a 95 Fantic 249 Section, it was unwanted and given to a friend. He didn't want it either(non-running), so I traded him some work on another bike for it. After a simple carb-clean and some fresh gas, it runs again! Woohoo! I've always wanted a modern trials bike-I've also got a TL 250 in the fleet-now I'm eager to start riding it. Naturally, I've got no information on parts resources or service info on this bike, so I started exploring the internet & wound up here. I'll post some questions in the Fantic section, hopefully the answers will pour in. I'm located in reno, nevada, usa. It's high desert country, with easy access to the Sierra Nevada mountains. cheers! kevin
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