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Posts posted by fred_savage
  1. OK, so I am a Trials rider with some experience of sticker/vinyl application as I have worked in the sign industry. I’ve also fitted a full graphic set to a 4RT.

    Some tips.

    Work in a dust free pet hair free environment as the static produced by removing the backing paper sucks any dirt out of the air.

    Before you apply your new stickers create some central line datum points with a fine felt pen.

    Warm up new graphics with a hair dryer, but not too much or it ends up in a floppy mess.

    Have a friend help you, ready to lift off graphics if application goes wrong.

    Do not use too much detergent in water, just enough to form a drip off of a pin into a pint will do, breaks surface tension.  Apply water via a discarded domestic cleaner spray, you want a mist.

    An item like a credit card is good to smooth out water and bubble, but sand the edge as they are sharp and scratch.

    Good luck, it often ends in tears or a fight!

    • Like 2
  2. On 8/2/2017 at 6:42 AM, nigel dabster said:

    I would practice the section too slow. Do it so the bike stalls and then slightly faster and so on till it rides and leave the clutch alone as much as possible.

    4rt and 2t different techniques, as sunt says


    I find I often hold the twist grip dead steady at a set speed through a slippy area so as not to break traction through engine braking effect. I don't think I have a problem with grip.


  3. Have you got each spacer on the correct side?

    If all works well without the caliper fitted it may have a seized piston holding the pad on the disc. Push pads and pistons back in to free up.

  4. I moved to a Montesa 4T after 40 years of riding 2t’s, in that time I had never tried a 4T.

    My initial try outs on a Montesa were disappointing but my son purchased one and I grew to enjoy working on it and decided to buy one to give it an extended go in play and competition.

    The snap on – snap off throttle style will not work on a Mont. When approaching an obstacle I adopt a gentle roll off but limit closure to allow a “cruising roll”.

    I find in some situations keeping a steady throttle and riding it out works best – stick with it.

    • Like 2
  5. had the coil and lead put onto another bike - it works fine.......


    I'm new to 4rt -so who is this 'well know' specialist?


    Google Montesa 4RT specialist


    That will answer your question.............................



  6. Perhaps you wouldnt ......but back in its day it was a trials shop to be proud of and well worth a visit :)

    Thought that was Len Savage(?) who sold his shop and surrounding land for property development, Sat next to him at the first ever indoor at Sheffield and had a laugh at the link that people often made due to our names.

    Its not totally irrelevent to the post as maybe the standard bike isn't as "down specced" as people seem to believe...

    I'm speculating on the bikes value in 10 - 20 years.

    But in response to your remarks ref suspension;

    Regardless of what manufacturers do to new models the press always seems to state "best bike ever". Given the choice I would opt for Showa. Wonder if the factory boys will change as there is nothing worse in sport that having your confidence undermined by the thought that you may be using 2nd rate equipment............................

  7. I suppose, like many, I regret selling some of the earlier Trials models that I once purchased new.

    My Bultacos, Montesas and many twin shock Fantics that in today’s terms cost relatively small amounts of money may have proved to be a sound investment if retained.

    So, why post in this forum?

    It occurs to me that we have just seen the first major changes in the evolution of the 4RT as a model.

    The standard model, in my opinion has been “down specced” and now carries lower value suspension and wheel set.

    So the question is, if a new/old bike could be located would it represent a future classic and therefore a sound investment?

  8. Fellow elbow sufferers;

    I’ve been lucky to ride for some time without too many inherent skeletal or muscular niggles, but.....

    Following a two day event in August involving 120 sections I fell victim to what I am told is tennis elbow, (not w*^”@”s cramp as diagnosed by Dr. Munch), it’s still giving me trouble.

    In an effort self cure I searched youtube for Tennis Elbow physio/exercise and came up with three vids that have truly eased the pain.

    One involves an across the joint massage, I had been rubbing along it.

    The second is an extended arm palm down wrist stretch.

    The third, a rotational exercise involving a hammer for weight, I use a substantial club hammer for this on the assumption that Trials riders should be above average in this dept.

    I can say with all confidences that after 5 days my elbow is a lot better.

    Have a search and try out the remedies.

    Fred Savage.

  9. Dabster – what’s your agenda? I cannot understand your negativity directed at a product you obviously have no intention of ever owning, I find it odd.

    For my part I am a 4RT convert. With a view to purchasing a new bike I tried those available at BVM’s test day and came away undecided. A reliable independent supplier of Montesa’s suggested I invested in an older 4RT in an effort to establish if that was a direction I may consider going in. I purchased a 2008 at what I believed to be a fair price, safe in the knowledge that due to their quality 4RT’s have a following, hold their money so therefore offer a get out clause.

    I rode the 2008 in four events over consecutive weeks; they were my first outings on a four stroke after 35 years plus on 2T’s. Truly enjoyed riding and maintaining the 4RT so I part exchanged the 08 in for a newer item, still very happy with it.

    Once the new models are available I will seriously consider buying one.

    Fred Savage (non competitive inexperienced spastic of a rider that can’t tell a good bike from a bad one).

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  10. 2013 owners, I am considering an upgrade so would appreciate help with the following.

    What comparisons can you offer between the 2012 1nd 2013 EVO.

    In particular;

    Riding position.

    Steering lock.

    Air filter efficiency over last year – anything getting through?

    Teething problems with the 2013 if any.



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