Everybody who has this fantastic bike knows perfectly that it's not a piece of cake to find parts ... I'm in trouble at the moment because my spindle gearshift is bent and I'm afraid to break it if I try to fix it ...
On the other hand, the one on TLR 200 seems to be the same according to the fiche that can be seen on CMNSL site even if part number is a bit different (beginning "24610" is the same in both cases)so I wonder if it could fit what would be great because it's available on CMNSL site or others. So, has anyone tried this compatibility ? Is it true that bottom engine has a lot of items in common (I mean gearbox except gear ratio of course) with the RTL ?
Thanks for any information,
I suppose you want to say Creuse .... this is the place where I'm born and been living for 25 years : trial's paradise, isn't it ? I belonged to the club A.T.C for all this time. I did the classic last summer with a friend ant it was absolutely GREAT event if a bit hard for the last day because of the rain ... and I'll be again next year of course ! See you too.
Hi Chewy, you're right ! Bagnols is not very far from Pont St Esprit. I have some friends there too, perhaps you know Thierry Lopez for instance. At the moment, I'm using a NGK DRP9EIX-9 spark plug and a DPR9EA-9 in th e past. To be honest, I didn't notice any difference ...
Hope we'll meet one day on a trial in south of France !
Have a good day.
Hi everybody,
I'm back on this forum in order to get some technicals datas from this bike. I know that the engine can stop when it's hot (seems to be something particular on this bike that has been solved adding a oil radiator) but on mine it happens even if the engine is not so cold ! I noticed that spark is very week, almost invisible and for this reason I think it could be responsible of this trouble. Does anybody know which values (resistance, tension etc ..) must be found for coil, stator so I could check for this ?
Last thing, I have some litlle problems with gear box : sometimes it's very difficult to go from second to first gear and I fall on a "false neutral" what is very annoying ...
Any help appreciated of course.
Hi everybody,
Now that I have got my new piston (Omega one +0,10) and my cylinder repaired (nickasil treatment) and as I have too new valves the only thing I need is to replace them. I suppose this has to be done by a specialist but is there any thing special to tell him before or are special tools required ?
Thanks for any help.
Hi not ron,
Thanks for your answer. It's a good news that according to you cylinder can be rebore because I've been told not by some guys .. Next monday I'm gonna go to the mechanic's to have my parts (cylinder, piston, valve guide) checked and I will decide what to do after. About oil consumption, when I said my engine run like a diesel I meant it smoke a lot like old diesels do sometimes and for this reason consumption is about 200cc after one round of a trial (around 15 kms). Head of piston was covered of oil when I took off the cylinder head and the spark plug too so engine run very poorly. Do you know if TLR and RTL cylinder are the same because it could be easier to find one I suppose.
So I'll tell you next week.
hi everybody,
I'm back on this forum after several months enjoying riding my bike without no more ignition problem but now my engine runs like a diesel one.... When it happened for the first time last year I noticed that ring end gap was too important so I changed them but after one year (let's say 40 hours running)they are now out of use again (more than 1mm !). Valves but not guides are new as seal valve as well, unfortunately I didn't find a piston. As any one got an idea ? Could be an abnormal cylinder wear perhaps and I'm going to make it check by a professional (max 70,10mm according to owner's manual)and the piston too of course. Does anyone know if reboring cylinder is possible because I'm afraid to replace it : more than 800
Hi Barfy,
Finally I decided to do it myself ... it's not very difficulte provided you do it very carefully ! Of course, as I didn't ask a specialist I've got no more gas but anyway it's much better now with new oil and new oil seals (CR80 fit) than before. I keep the URL you gave me just in case when I have more money to spend ..
I just received the float set carb from CMSNL and it's OK so I'm gonna practise this afternoon ;-)
Thanks again,
Hola companero,
Escribiendo desde Espana, supongo que eres Espanol entonces me voy a practicar un poco (disculpame por que hay mucho tiempo ...). Bienvenido en este forum donde encontraras muchas respuestas a tus preguntas, Por mi lado, he comprado una RTL250S de 87 en el verano pasado y casi siempre me comunicaron paginas internet o a veces informaciones sacadas del manual cuando alguno lo tiene. En tu caso, intenta la pagina siguiente http://www.cmsnl.com/honda-tlr200-87-us_mo...list/F++10.html por que parece que hay una (acabo de comprar un "float set" para mi carburador y he comprado otras partes en el pasado. Nunca tuve problemas comprando en el internet.
Hay algo que no entiendo en tu pregunta : dices que la palanca esta adentro ? ??? no me parece posible ...
Abajo encontraras otras paginas que cierte te ayudaran en tus buscedades.
Claro que tenemos que decir GRACIAS a los Ingleses ....
Hasta luego
Hi, I finally decided to open it , I did it with care and it wasn't as hard as I thought and it allowed me to notice that there were no more air in it. Is that normal ?...
Now I just have to find parts like oil seal and so on but, above all, although I dit it carefully, I lost some oil during the operation. Does anybody know the exact capacity of the rear shock absorber ?
Thanks to everybody for any help
Does anybody know where to find these part for a Keihin PW22 because mine is out of use. I tried to repair it with resin or with a blowlamp but it didn't work ... Unfortunately, I have a little oil escape frome my rear shock too and I'm afraid it will be empty soon. Impossible to find someone who is equipped to fix it in France. Is there anyone in G.B. ?
Apart from that, this bike is absolutely FANTASTIC when it runs and it gives me lot of fun each time I ride it !!!
I Thanks a lot.
Hi, Does anyone have got document on how to change it or at least to adjust tension because it seems a bit difficult, for me of course because it's the first time I have a 4 stroke (wonderfull bike !) ? Do you think it's still possible to get parts and instructions manual ?
A guy from France.
Hi everybody,
First of all I'd like to thank you again for all tips and advices given. You won't believe it but my ignition problem was due to this bloody spark plug cover ! Doctlrtl from this forum gave me all electrical data so I could check that all components were OK (good news because I was afraid of trying to find them if needed ...). and I discovered that the spark was fine without this fuk... cover (because of it I couldn't use my bike 2 weeks ago for the Ventoux classic trial which was GREAT).
Hi everybody,
First of all, I'd like t say that it's very pleasant to see that people on this forum are very kind and want to be helpful ! I'm a bit disapointed because I couldn't participate to the Ventoux Trial Classic last W.E. on my RTL ... I had to do it on a 240 Fantic .. shame. A guy on the only RTL250 (Rothmans colors : SPLENDID ! told me that it could be the ignition coil ... Got to check all components (CDI, HT ...) one by one, the main problem is that I don't have any electrical caracteristic for them (power, resistance etc ...).
I'm afraid the switch killing (I think it's the thing situated on the handlebar because didn't find the translation) is not responsible because it's the first test I did disconnecting him completely (both wires).... It's gonna take some time :-(
Anyway, thanks again for your help again.
I've got a real problem with my bike (RTL from 87) bought this summer on ebay, it runs very, vey fine (engine is FANTASTIC !) but suddenly stops ; no relation with engine temperature (I know this could be the reason when engine is veyr hot) because it can happen at any time (engine cold or not). Of course, I've changed the spark with no success ... has anybody got this kind of problem ?
Any help appreciated
Hi, I just bought a RTL250S from 87 and I'm restoring it at the moment. I havent got a clue how much fork oil is needed and what kind of oil .. Does anybody get these informations ? Any help would be appreciated ! Thanks. Victor