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Everything posted by edouard
  1. edouard

    Gear Ratio 315

    Hi there I thought this forum was supposed to email me when I get an answer... Again I missed all replies. I have made my choice for a 43, since I do not know (bike is in France) what the front sprocket is. Any particular brand (Apico, Tryall, Jitsie ?) someone can recommand ? Will try to get a 10 and a 9 as well for the front anyway. Thanks again for your help Cheers E
  2. edouard

    Gear Ratio 315

    Hello There I own a 315 R probably 99 or 2000. I believe it is too high geared, I can reach 95 Kph on a flat road... Rear sprocket is 40 teeth, could someone confirm (or not) this figure Thanks a lot E
  3. Hi all Sorry completely missed your welcoming messages.... I have been back at the office with work up to my back teeth. Tried to get rid of the fat I accumulated in France, went on my DRZ in Karapoti yesterday (for the NZers who know the place!), managed to bugger myself, the bike and my helmet Took the day off for recovery. Sorry for the non new zelanders, but where the heck can I find a calndar with trials events around wellington ???? Although my Montesa is in France, but the idea of getting one here, on top of the DRz and the Aprilia is seriously tempting... Cheers E
  4. Hi all New to the forum, I have already posted (how rude) without introducing myself. Place of living : New Zealand, Wellington PLace for Holidays : France, south West Place where I will die : most probably New Zealand I have both citizenship though I tried to sale my french passport to Oussama, he did not want it ! I am geologist but moved away from being a scientist for a decent job (where at least you get paid for what you do) Anyway, I am 43 in few month, have too many kids and not enough bikes (DRZ400E, Montesa 315R, Aprilia 250RX 1986) I am a crap trialist : I usually use super8 to shoot stuff for youtube (see drdoud, with a Super8 on the ISDE in Taupo NZ). That's about it really. Cheers Edouard
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