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  1. thanks all... have got a couple bpr5es plugs to try... no difference. have cleaned up around flywheel and stator etc. pretty good anyway. have traced wiring manually...fine. kill switch fine. have obtained some figures for resistance across cdi terminals.... and i think its the cdi unit 'das ist kaputt'. approx
  2. hi guys.... you've all proved an extremely helpful wealth of knowledge with past problems, so here's another for you all to help me with!!! (please!!) 1995 GASGAS 250 Contact Ducati Ignition Running NGK B5ES Ignition bang on the marks. Mixture screw 1.25 turns out (1.5 standard i think) (When referring to changing plug - always for a brand new one.) Problem. A couple of times now over the past few months, my gasser has stopped pretty suddenly, no warning, just dies.' With a fresh plug, it fires first kick and runs to perfection. Within 10-16 running hours later, dies. change plug. all ok again. TODAY Running fine for couple hours, cuts out. changed plug (previous plug ran 8hrs approx) ...... AHHHH!! Wouldn't have it! Kicked it, (not literally! perhaps should have!!) it started, but by the time i had put my gloves back on, it had died again. Now i have no spark, from the plug, or direct from the lead. Even with another brand new plug, lead and cap, nothing. Am now in process of checking for damaged wires etc, though id post this while im doing so. Also in process of major recouperation.... will leave it down the valley if it happens again!!!! thanks.
  3. a slight variation on the carpet glue theme, but last time i fitted some grips - i used lino glue. still in a spray can, but seems to work a tad better again, than the carpet variant. (due to being designed for plastic/rubber flooring i guess!) wd40 will deffo help you fit the grips......... but if you want them to stay put, i'd use summat else!
  4. i too am a 'little' over 13st and when i bought my first bike, a beta, i thought i'd wind the rear shock up a bit, but all this did was make it too hard, and i couldnt get any grip! put it back as was and was fine. have left my gasgas as was when i got it and seems ok. i also used to play at the MX, and trials shocks do get a bit of getting used to after a 'crosser.
  5. my 95 250 contact is fitted with a rear brake pedal that i'm finding difficult to find sometimes! its the 'older' flat, solid style, with serrations on the top of it. not only do i miss it quite consistently(!), but due to it being ally, over the years, the serrations have lost their edge and the sole of my boot slips on it too. i have noticed on newer models, they have a 2-piece pedal. what i would call 'conventional', with the end piece sprung to move on its pivot axis. now... a. will this fit my bike? b. what bike(s) do i need one off? c. where do i get one? (BVM? or anyone got one? or know of one being broken for spares?) p.s. have looked at bending mine out, but there's no room. only other option, is weld or bolt a slightly bigger,grippier plate to the current one.
  6. i'm using ngk bp5es i think this is the right plug anyway - but mainly i use 'em cos i can get 'em dead cheap!
  7. Have been having a few problems with my bike since i got it a couple weeks ago. bike will run 100%, but then will not tick over, when you start it again, it dies, then will not evan try and fire up. replacing the plug cures it. until it feels peckish - and eats another plug! was leaving the plug really oily, so;- reset fuel screw to 3 1/2 turns out. reset timing to original marks (was very advanced - previous owner used it to follow his son around trials, so had it advanced for better top-end.) using silkolene comp2 premix - 60;1 today had same symptoms - but plug was not 'oiled-up', instead was black, and rather 'sooty'. any ideas on where to start trying to track the problem down? ta for any help
  8. As it happened, i didnt have time last week to get on the machines at work to knock one up, so i had to buy one friday eve. ! (hondaRS - you win!! lol) this was the one listed in the book as correct - M27xP1.... this however was not the correct one as fitted on my bike, my local dealer (S&R) was really helpful though, and let me try different ones, the one that fitted was M26xP1.5! he said he can remember using it on gassers in the past, but couldnt remember what size or type. (its a ducati flywheel.) so there we have it...... have altered timing......but thats a whole new post...!
  9. wasnt the best day in most respects, but still had an enjoyable one. i did go a bit heavy on the front brake on my first section (3) (much,much more effective than my beta brakes!!), and had to abandon ship! but the only use of my boots was on the kick start! you probably are right, but how much is the tool gonna cost? 10-15 quid? that money will pay for at least one entry fee, maybe 2. as such, i will happily endure vast amounts of hassle in which to allow me to ride the events that i would have had to miss out. The puller would be a fairly easy tool to make, it wouldn't take that long, and if i can, i will. but dont get me wrong - if something needs buying, i will. i'll just have to sell a kidney or something...... now which ebay catagory would that be?
  10. D'oh! Re-read post, do you mean a NGK-R rather than a BP5RES/BP5ES? If so, i think a NGK-R type plug is a 'stronger' plug, as in it will stand up to higher heat ranges and to shock.
  11. a BP5ES plug, and a BP5RES plug will be identical in heat range, electrode size etc. the 'R' simply stands for resistor. this resisitor cuts out interference to tv's, radio's etc. manufacturers are obligated to recommend resistor type plugs, but in reality, it won't make a blind bit of difference to your bike. Buying a BP5ES from a bike shop will prob cost about 3quid, but as it's used in Mini's, my local AutoComponents place do them for 1.60.
  12. i know i'm pretty new to all this, and at the trials i've done so far there haven't seemed to be any real 'scrutineering' type checks, but do you think you'd get away with using a van? surely it would get stuck in the river sections? My bro-in-law who's my riding partner has a peugeot partner - which is the smaller brother of the expert. we can fit his ty and my gasser in it at a push, but it will accept either bike on its own with ease. So going on that, i would think the expert would swallow 2 bikes easily, and i'd think would cope with 3 as well. to echo cof, get a turbo one though, cos the non-turbo ones are slugs!
  13. Only got last weeks TMX today, flyer in it for the new trialsworld (?) mag, the subscription looks like a good deal, 30nicker for 12 issues and ya get a pair of Hebo Trials gloves thrown in to boot! billy-bargain! Can't wait to get it, not enough trials publications out there, hope it gets good support, and therefore stays around.
  14. Does anyone know what thread the inside of the flywheel is on my 95 gasgas contact 250? need to get the flywheel off to adjust timing, and am hoping to make a flywheel puller to get it off. looks to be about 26-27mm, metric fine? left hand? YES! i know i could prob buy one for a tenner, but as well as being an engineer by trade, and therefore i enjoy making stuff i can use, i am also exceptionally tight!! can't get pitch gauges in to check cos of the crank any ideas anyone? (a yam/honda/suzuki one don't fit, that's LH thread, but dont know what size.) cheers! 77 views, and no-one got any ideas yet??!!!
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