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  1. I'm over 50 riding in the over 40 class, last year was my first year riding normandales, I rode six of the rounds and must say I thought it was a cracking series with the severity of the the sections generally spot on but surly three routes are better than two? plus aren't the sections now going too be to easy for the majority of the over 50 riders? Ps, I know it's impossible to please everyone and appreciate all the hard work done by the committee and organisers.
  2. So are you saying there's only two routes this year? Over 40 ride the harder route then over 50 and over 60 ride the same easier route? Thanks
  3. theyve apparently teamed up with the X games people (or similar) going to do mx and all the other stuff..
  4. I own a large unit adjoining the site, this reminds me to call them tomorrow, I've spoken with one of the main guys re temporary offices last year, see if adding trials to the mix is a possibility ?
  5. I've ditched the specialist insurance as renewal premium had doubled, used Hastings direct found them great, insured two 16 beta evos for £160.00
  6. Is mode 1 the more aggressive or softer mode please as I'd like to remove this nonsense off my handlebars, thanks
  7. Similar question but what's the best/worth the most a 175/200 majesty or 250 majesty? Thanks
  8. Sorry for my ignorance but which is the best and most competitive out of a sorted tlr 200 and a 200 Seely? Thanks in advance
  9. Where you fitting the 4 bits of mesh? Just bought a 4rt really enjoying it but the air filter gets stinking every ride, half a ton of mud around it when I remove the rear guard , it's a 16 and there's a plastic piece under the rear guard does anybody tape this area up? or is the muck entering from the front do you think? Thanks
  10. It's not advice my friend although I have ridden trials for 38 years at every level... I'm just asking if any good expert 4t riders can confirm my thoughts either way.
  11. I know Bou is a class above & his bike is special but so are the 2T bikes at world champ level, so even if we take Bou out of the equation there's 3 or 4 other 4t riders in the worlds top ten getting incredible grip in the process the sections are steeper & more slippery so in theory shouldn't the 4t's possible shortcomings be even more apparent? All the 4t riders I've spoken to plus what I've read on here say low gears virtually first gear everywhere which in theory doesn't make sence to me because the back wheel is already rotating less than a 2t at the same revs if that makes sence, does anyone think like me that the 300cc works bikes are able to pull the bigger gears and in doing so take away the 2t advantage at world level? Or am I missing something? (Ive just bought a Mont & rode it for an hr) Thanks
  12. Don't you need to remove the swinging arm to replace the slipper guard?
  13. That's interesting to here you believe the D803GP to be good, anyone else tried them? As I've a pair in the garage on the wheels that came with my bike, was thinking of selling them & buying michelins as people have been telling they are no good, but might give them a go..?
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