Try here
these seem very good
I find the best way to look after waterprof clothing is to wash in the machine in a not to hot wash with no detergent, it may not get the very badlly soil items looking like new but for trials/sports gear does it matter
try "In Motion" at Bultaco uk 01784 440033
In Motion are part of bultaco uk and supply a decent selecton of parts fot other twin shocks etc
fast and friendly
why anyone would want to start a topic in any forum questioning Dougie Lampkins ability is beyond me,
perhaps the fact that it is turning into a childish slanging match may go some way to explain
Any news from kinlochleven?
Seem to remember there was 1 or 2 buzzing around the parc ferme at fort bill maybe three years ago
think one even had stabilisers on it.
Some one will put me right I`m sure but I also thnk that a uk importer for one of the mainstream bikes
had some involvement, sure I read that in TMX
Cheers Whiz
This is GasGas specific but the principal applys to all makes.
Hope it is of some use.
item 13 forks is what you are after
click here
glad you posted this as I was about to order the draper one, whats the problem with it? is it just to big to get in there?, as it defo goes round the lead is this only a problem with the mont? or with all trials bikes? sorry for the twenty questions.
Don`t worry if it doesn`t fit Sandifords service is fantastic i`m sure they will exchange it.
would have to say that all trials shops that I have experience of are the same.
let us know how the new lid performs
Hi folks
can anyone tell me how much fork oil or what level it should be in each leg in a cota 200, also what weight would you recomend for an eleven stone rider
if anyone has a good set looking for a new home pm me with
check out classic bike decals .co.uk, Iv`e used them for montesa decals and found them to be very good
It is with regret that the Skye Trials Club have had to cancel the youth round scheduled for 3rd june.
The round scheduled for July at Kyleakin will now be held in Heaste.
Hi all
think you will find that you are not towing the bike if none of it`s wheels are on the road, so kerb weights etc may not be an issue
nose weights possibly will apply, but if you are worried about those nice tax collectors with the diced caps then your rack manufacturer
should be able to put you straight, personally i prefer the ostrich approach. or you could try "sorry officer i never thought about it, but if you let
me off I will cut up that nasty rack thingy with a hacksaw, honest guv"
Went to a talk at the Nevis center in Fort Willim last night, first class night, a very informative talk by john Moffat
Great pictures and video from years gone by up to 2006 trial, good to see the trophy`s up close.
Brilliant display by Danny and Duncan on the pushbike trials bikes.
many thanks to John and everyone involved.
read all the replys, and I`m afraid just about everyone seems to have missed the point for me,
Mechanical failure, in most cases, comes from corrosion and wear,leaving your bike covered in
muck from one outing to the next is just plain silly.
All that muck and crud is made up of tiny bits of grit which are wearing away at all moving parts
such as chain/sprockets, it`s getting into your bearings, brake pads, perhaps even into caliper seals
and depending where you were riding there may even be corrosive substances in all that muck and when you are tucked up in bed it`s busy munching away at all that lovely alloy, and the nexy time you wheel your bike out with all that dryed on crud, which has now turned itself into grinding paste and you are hurtling towards the bottom of that mega hill climb, having not quite made it to the top and you pulled the brakes on and the callipers went psssss
Don`t blame the bike
washing and cleaning is an essential part of maintenance, and maintenance is an essential part of safety.
prize for best reply goes to jumbostu
don`t know if this will be much help, but I have a techno, found it to be a really good bike,
the only peculiarity with it is, it would be a total b***ch to start if you forgot to turn the fuel off
when you put it away, even a short van journey with the fuel on would leave it difficult to fire up.
remember to turn the fuel off, and it would fire up first kick every time.java script:emoticon('', 'smid_1')
Hi Guys
the guy on the clip is Danny MacAskill, he is from The Isle of Skye,now living in Edinburgh
He is rekoned to be the first guy to perfect the forward flip on a trials bike,
He must be one of the best there is.
If any of you have a sony psp then this is the guy on the promotional video
he is also one hell of a nice bloke.
Hi folks
anyone got a postcode for the venue?
Hope there is a good turn out.
Two teams down from the skye club,
360 ml each leg check out beta-uk .com previous models
Hello folks
I have recently bought a rear wheel for my beta,it`s a techno and was hoping that I could get a talon adaptor kit so that it would also fit a rev 3 but I`m not having any luck in finding where to buy one, as talon do not do trials hubs any longer.
Hoping that some of you folks might be able to point me in the right direction, or have spacers/parts that you might want to sell.
it`s a did rim but the chap that i bought it of said it was a talon hub.
try goining a golf club, it`s still a cheap sport
Hi guys
just been looking at the top trials web site and the home page looks to have James Dabill on an 04 beta, don`t know if I`am seeing things but it looks to have a right hand kickstart and gearshifter and left hand chain/sprockets and exhaust.
i`m sure one of you guys out there will know the answer,
I don`t think you can expect the wheel to spin freely with the chain on and adjusted if you consider that without the chain on you are only spinning the wheel and with the chain on you are spinning the wheel, chain and shaft in the gearbox along with the friction within the chain tensioner and gearbox. I may be wrong but I would think that eveything is ok if I am wrong then i have the same problem!!
Cheers Whiz