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Everything posted by dabber
  1. Andy, car park fun - you dont need snow for that. Just wait for it to turn dark, switch on your interior light and wait...........
  2. I think those people who havent yet subscibed should do. Simple as that. Get your hands in your pockets - its not like Andy is trying to stash the cash himself. It all goes on keeping the site up to its current high standard.
  3. I went to the day and agree partly with the original post. I suspect the tenner was to put off tyre kickers, but must also have gone only part of the way to covering the days costs. Hotel must have charged, six bikes on the go constantly, memebers of staff looking after booking in and the bikes. Sandifords were very unlucky with the weather, but a couple of points: Freezing cold bacon butties is disappointing when the blurb says catering on site. Only one dealer there - Appleyards selling discounted 05 bikes as well as new!! I think that's called mixed marketing messages? Bit of a waste having your 7 time world champ holding down awnings rather than riding a bike. However did think there was enough land to go at to form a view on the bikes and will probably buy one in due course. New or secondhand or discounted - who knows?
  4. Outer cases were different, so not sure about crank cases etc. Theres expoloded diagrams available on todotrial.com as part of the full owners manual (scanned in).
  5. ......but you might go up to Adam and say "careful you dont trip"
  6. Prima donna sports star from south west Europe...... Raga Prima donna sprts star from south west Europe Ronaldo Spooky! Any others??
  7. Somalians - lovely people. I met a very talented one in The Crazy Horse bar in Geneva. Very good with languages - asked for "favours" in French, German, Russian (so I'm told), Dutch and English. NOT
  8. Are the TDN and Ladies champs dates right for IOM 27th Sept is a Thursday? (date shown on todotrial)
  9. Commercial property investment. This is one of ours - anyone know it apart from Kinell?
  10. Should be veeeery interesting between Dougie and Grimbo as I think the observation scores will be very similar so fastest man wins?? A single 5 or puncture cocks the job up totally. All Doug has to do is catch Jarvis up (4 mins 40 secs) and sit on his tail, watch lines etc. SIMPLE
  11. Yeah, like a classified section?
  12. dabber


    Jitsie are aTC site sponsor - click via front page.
  13. First trial - thats the worst you'll ride. My first trial - didnt finish, second one I lost something like 160 marks and it was won on 9.
  14. dabber

    I got in touch with these guys, but am still awaiting a response. Link
  15. Was there too and not having ridden since April noticed the increase in numbers of Monts. Was chatting to a bloke on a Repsol who is on his second RT. He rides the easy course and has had the engine turned right down to "clubmam" spec. Veeeeeeeery smooth and was gripping like a grippy thing in the woods. He loves it because it will still pull up big climbs etc but not firey off the bottom. Memo to self - build house before buying new bike!!
  16. I'll be spectating. Er, where is it exactly? Any route maps about - couldnt find any on the 2 day site.
  17. I dont see that trials folk would have a problem with this? Manchester Evening News Article
  18. Speeds shown here. Vidoe and another
  19. Oh yes. Veeeery nice people!
  20. Heath, is that Butser '84ish? Saunders won on a Fantic? It sure was wet toward the end of the day!
  21. He must be about 76 - he scored his first world championship points in 1984 when Lejeune, Schrieber etc were still about and some in Italy last weekend. My hat is off to him.
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