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Everything posted by dabber
  1. dabber

    Shock Bushes

    Looking for a couple of shock bushes - Inmotion or SM don't stock the bushes alone. Any ideas?
  2. it's certainly a tricky one. I watched the BTC and what strikes me is the seeming addiction by certain riders to keep hopping the back wheel when there's really no need. Browny and Dibs seem to be able to cope with 'tick riding' still and the likes of Dan Thorpe just ride tight turns without the farting around. As both Dabster and Greeves said the application of the rules is a lot of the problem (whether stop or no-stop). I do actually prefer no-stop as its clear that mistakes are now punished rather than a rider being able to stop,sort themselves out, line up perfectly etc and there's areal art in keeping going when out of shape. The big question, however is, who are the rules for? Spectators? No, we forget how miniscule the specator numbers are even at WTC level and I bet the bulk at Bootle last weekend were family members/pals of riders. The rules therefore should be set to allow marks to be taken from riders at all levels that is easily understandable and marking a 'stop' isn't hard. Yes there will be mistakes, but if riders know they will be 5d for stopping they wont do it. Tough for observers to stand their ground - see . Blindingly obvious it was a stop, but Raga and the crowd were putting pressure on the observers.Other motorsports have changed rules to make them more manageable/accessible, mainly to the machinery (how fast could F1 and rally cars go if they were de restricted?). Time to look at bikes? No answers, just my thoughts................
  3. Thanks - that looks a great trial, but unfortunately it's going to be too far to work for me on that day. Will keep up to speed on the CNW site.
  4. Anything on in North Wales/Anglesey over the bank holiday weekend?
  5. What a good ride out that was. Short lap at Warmden makes for a bit of queuing but doing 100 sections in an afternoon is good for the concentration! Cheers to Darwen for organising and for the observers for sitting in the fog and rain from 2.00 until 7.30!
  6. So with Pidcocks retiring from the role any news on who is next in line? Presumably spares etc can still be ordered from Caroline Sandiford can they?
  7. I see it was in action again at Sheffield. Look at the date behind the podium!
  8. Publicity - Chris Evans currently bidding £50,000 for the 'James Bond dirtbike'. Get Pidcocks on the case to offer to teach him how to ride it. If not Jake does seem to be able to get Dougie's face about. Who better to teach him? Could be done at Goodwood next year.
  9. How's Robyn doing? Sounded nasty.
  10. For far to long the rules haven't been applied. Hopefully there will be no doubt at the BTC in future and its a real shame that Browny lost it due to someone else's actions.
  11. dabber

    Cota 348 Airbox

    Worth a try - http://www.inmotiontrials.com/ and if they cant help may be able to point you in the right direction.
  12. Will be interesting to see what the Aussie sections are like. Have been reading the article about Vesty's bikes in a certain magazine and what is striking is how varied the WTC trials were between countries - some wet and muddy, some dry and hot some more physical than others. All rounds now seem to have exactly the same type of sections - big grippy rocks and not much else. When did you last see a muddy bike in a world round picture? (Bad for the sponsor's stickers eh)? I know the number of usable venues is restricted due to the requirements of the factory trucks, WiFi connectivity etc, but surely a more varied type of round would be a good thing. Seems we are playing into the hands of the Spanish,look at Nord Vue as a venue. All trials held in summer too.
  13. dabber


    According to the rider numbers, 30 Spanish and 31 Scottish (and 5 Welsh). We need more Welsh! Not sure it needs the WTC runners, plenty of atmosphere without and no shortage of riders both British and overseas.
  14. .....you'll shred your rear tyre. I agree with bmseven, get a Dave Cooper type rack. I've used them on everything from a Citroen AX (shouldn't have really ) to current Defender.and they work fine.
  15. dabber


    ....and another http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260967543683&clk_rvr_id=321551638974#ht_500wt_1202
  16. dabber


    looks cheap compared to this. Ebay item just ended.
  17. dabber

    Worn Dogs

    Bit like when a tyre has the edge off it. They need to have a sharp edge to engage properly. My old 348 Mont used to jump out of gear a lot, but re 'edging' the dogs used to stop it. (Ash, the memories - careening backwards down a hill, helmet touching the front mudguard when the gear has jumped)!
  18. Dont know if they are the same now, but I ran original Rockshocks on a 348 when it was new(ish). At the time they were very good - liked the adjustability and seemed miles better than the original hydrabags.
  19. ....What's the point in that? Not been to Sheff for way too long. Looks like crap seat time though.
  20. I don't know if anyone has thought of making trials non-stop again? But imagine the current crop on current bikes floating/flick turning/etc their way through indoor as well as outdoor stuff! [Old fart gets coat and leaves building]
  21. dabber

    2012 improvement?

    The bike that set standard time in the. Scott was five years old and that certainly won't have had an easy life!
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