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Posts posted by dabber
  1. Attended the Lampkin Trials School yesterday. A good day out with a real mix of people, age and ability wise. Good to ride with the former World Superbike Champion too. It's amazing how much better you can ride with a big name shouting 'youre on it, nice,' seems all I need is a minder!

    In terms of the quality of instruction the results speak for themselves. I rode much better in the morning being coached by M Lampkin (and J Dabill) rather than D Lampkin, J Miller and J Sheppard in the afternoon*

    *Martin told me to say that. ^_^

  2. my take on this for what it's worth is that people will attend a world round only if they want to, not out of duty. I happen to want to attend because I think a combination of the venue, Martin Lampkin's section plotting ability and Jake's organisational skills should make for a great event.

    I'm also enthused by watching the last couple of rounds on Sky - I think the tight time limit in the sections has made for better viewing. When you compare it with last year most of the extra time allowed in sections was used for balancing anyway. I have nothing like the experience of Jake or Andy, but I've been to the majority of UK rounds since Bainbridge in 82/83. The least enjoyable of those was Carlisle - i just found the sections incredibly samey with a splat, turn, gap, dropoff being used over and over.

    With regard to

  3. Looking at the videos on Todotrial I think that the shorter time limit has spiced things up in that is is better to watch - more action/less farting about! They clearly got the severity wrong though. The fact that the riders aren't spending ages lining up must make more mistakes creep in so in turn more marks are lost which in turn makes it possible to ease the sections back a bit.

  4. Big (real deal) John has accepted my offer to take up the gavel for the auction. His performances during the last two Scott Trial auctions have been great. He's not quite reached cattle auction vocal speeds yet but he's still got time to practice. :thumbup:

    I fully expect this to be a very successful auction as part of a very special and unique event. Now where are the rest of your donation pledges?

    I'd better stay off the beers then eh BJ?

  5. Used to do this regularly - slice it open, pull out all the old packing and gunk, repack tightly and weld. makes a huge difference to the smoothness of the bike.

    Not sure about timing though.

  6. Climate change is a reality and it would be foolish to assume that the actions of humans are not a contributory cause.The thing is, the knobs that come up with things like we must stop eating beef because of the cows farting etc... stopping us having plastic bags! complete B*****ks! :rotfl:

    The main driver of the "Lets not eat beef" campaign is a Buddhist vegan. Balanced view there then. :D

  7. All Scottish trials have been no stop for many years now and I feel it works fine. That said I have no problem with stopping rules either. Both work well but the sections, as has been said elsewhere have to suit the rules. Ther is nothing worse for a crap rider like me than turing up to a no stop trial to find complex tight sections which really can't be rider no stop other than by the top 10.

    I couldn't disagree more. The key to all observing must be to remain consistant throughout. That way no matter if its a slack or strict observer you know that your competitors are all being judged in the same way. Due to a lack of observers and riders at times at our local club we rider in groups and observe each other through the sections. This means that one group may be letting each other off lightly but others are being very strict. Its not ideal and I wish we didn't have to do it as I feel its spoilt some good event. We all know of groups that are marking slackly but what can you do? we just cant get observers. My point is that the lack of consistancy is what's spoiling some events.

    I agree with BF - the problem is inconsistent marking. Why should an observer give anyone the benefit of the doubt because theyve just ridden 110 sections. Maybe Tom Watson should have been given a few extra shots at the open golf, he's old you know and he'd just played 71 holes.........

  8. How much do the trade stands pay the organisers / council?

    The more I look at this the more I think it's an organisation point rather than lack of space. The Google maps aerial shot is taken when the trial is on. Worth a look........


    Not exactly organised is it?

  9. Still not voted as I'm not sure. Only a spectator, but I think moving the whole trial out of the centre would lose a lot of the atmosphere. If there was a really well sorted shuttle bus service a move could work well, giving the trade stands etc all the space they need and the town centre hotels the business that they need too.

    What does the town centre business community think? Quote from the Visit Fort William site - "Lochaber is proud to host this prestigious annual international event, which is held in May and has been based in Fort William since the early part of last century".

    Keep the local community engaged and happy and the trial will survive. Simples :wacko:

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