Try putting it through the dishwasher with two tabs.
Dont try to paint it coz it just bubbles up.
Like the man says the fuel permeates through from the inside, there is no coating available that sticks to oil, petrol and polyeurethane, trust me, I tried it, what a bloody mess.
May I suggest buying a tank cover or a metal tank if you want it to look pretty?
Heres a pic of a red frame TY 250 mono hope its of help.
Stripped the clutch mechanism, the plates had a sort of waxy stuff on them which I took off with emery paper, put it back together with fresh ATF and its working better than it ever did before.
Do'nt you just love happy endings?
Thanks for all replies.
Thanks for the replies lads, I,ll change the clutch lube and give it a run up the farm, hopefully that will sort it.
The bike has been unused for a couple of months due to work, holidays etc.
I,ll report back.......
Hi Guys.
My clutch refuses to disengage. When I pull the lever it feels normal but as soon as I put it into gear it just shoots forward.
Its not slipping or anything, quite the opposite.
Any one any ideas?
See "monoshock query" post of Jan 12 2005.
Paul from Dorset alias the Scarlet Pimpernel
Thanks Mr HondaRS.
Thats exactly what I wanted to know.
I,ll flog the other and use the money to have it rebuilt.
I,ll have it rebuilt at some point.
I tried all the settings, but the replacement shock definitely comes up a wee bit quicker than the original one.
Thanks for the help Mr HondaRS.
I,d be interested to know where you come from and possibly your first name, as I,m sure others would just a thought
I have the white framed model of TY.
Its fitted with the monoshock with seperate reservoir.
The rubber hose is too short to reach the bracket provided for it.
I recently purchased the correct monoshock for my bike off Ebay.
I swapped them over and now I can clamp the reservoir to the correct part of the frame.
Only problem is that the replacement shock is'nt damping quite as well as the one which was on the bike when I got it.
I,m thinking of keeping the original (wrong shock) and fitting it with the reservoir and hose from the other shock.
Can anyone tell me the procedure for changing the reservoir and hose?
I,m not keen to just take it off as gas/oil/something will escape
Hello fellow riders and wannabe private eye's
Some of you have taken way to many falls and or spills. As all this looking at spelling mistakes, local sayings from countries, are very amusing to say the least.
And now the poll is pointing to BillyT as the idiot. I love it
And Martin is running a close second
My condolences to both BillyT & Martin
So, my original feelings about trials riders being a smart and very witty bunch is very off the mark. The rebuttles are at best Wimpy (We Imploy More Paddies Every Day) (that is a clue for some that understand what WIMPY is......................
Surprised that no one has thought of or mentioned Penny Lane
Here is a little mystery for you to figure out. Read carefully and let it soak in. The question is actualy very deep and the answer very mind blowing.
We all can agree that an object once in motion stays in motion. And once an object moves in one direction it has to stop to change direction (not an ellipse or circle). In other words if it is moving to the left it has to come to a complete stop in order to move back to the right.
With that been said and agreed upon here is the question.
A truck is moving down the highway @ 60 mph (or KM). There is a bird traveling from the opposite direction heading into the trucks path also @ 60 mph (KM). The scenario is that the truck and the bird are on a direct collision course with each other.
Why did you post a picture of you and your wife as your avatar. (SM4rt@$$)
Ex wife if you do'nt mind.
And tell me Mr SM4rt@$$, is a Burberry baseball cap and anorak the latest Glaswegian fashion accessory?
Thats what they all seem to be wearing this season
Mr M4rt
As you claim to be a member of MENSA I would have thought you would be able to spell simple words such as;
"tounge", did you mean "tongue"?
"invouluntary" did you mean "involuntary"?
"pursoing" , did you mean "pursuing"?
Etc Etc
Perhaps you should ask your six year old daughter to go over your drivel with you before you click the "add reply" button.
Please do'nt come back with a $M4rt@$$ reply as I,m easily upset.
PS, Whats a neophyte ?
Made a lovely job of my Le Creuset grill pan but still not powerful enough to degrease a TY tank
WALLACE just out of interest how much did that pike weigh (Endo Kid)
The pike weighed 36lbs and was returned alive to fight another day.
She was caught in Loch Oich, SSDT country, gets a mention in Neville Ficklings book of Mammoth Pike and
is the most northerly pike over 35lb ever recorded in the UK.
No great skill involved, I was just in the right place at the right time.
And I was fair chuffed. Gordon
What a helpful group of lads you all are.
Wish I could buy you all a pint!
If I had known that tank covers were available I would never have touched the paintwork.
I,ll look into it this coming week.
I do'nt want the bike looking like its just out of the showroom you understand, just looking decent and running reliably would be fine.
You're a very helpful chappie, Mr HondaRS for a "Scarlet Pimpernel"
You're so right Mr HondaRS, I gave it a dunt with my knuckle this morning and a great big chunk of "coating" came off.
One consolation, a good hammering with a rolling pin or similar will probably be enough to strip the tank again.
Looks like I,m going to make Sammy Miller even richer
PS Mr HondaRS, please consider updating your profile?
All the best for the coming year......Gordon
It never even occurred to me that petrol could percolate through plastic.
Oh well its done now
The paint that I used is designed for use on plastic. I,m sure that the tank was well degreased in the dishwasher particularly as I used caustic soda christals and 2 tabs. Tank looks great at the moment and is curing in a heated cupboard.
Keeping my fingers crossed
Shame you tried painting the fuel tank
Compression a wee bit better with the new gaskets, still knocking though. I,ll have to learn to live with that. Happy that I,ve had a look inside and saw nothing to worry about.
On a more positive note, I successfully painted the fuel tank. Its made of soft plastic as you all know. I emptied it and ran it through the dishwasher using 2 tablets and a half cup of soda. It came out clean as a whistle so I dried it, gave it a scuff with 400 wet or dry and walloped on the primer. Stuff from Halfords called Plasticote. A few coats of the primer followed by a couple of coats of gloss and it looks good, has not wrinkled, and in the morning i,ll give it a final coat of clear laquer.
Watch this space
Thanks for the quick replies lads, I put it all back together this evening with a new small end bearing and gaskets. The compression has improved. Turned out the lack of compression was due to the cylinder head gasket leaking.
Cheers, Gordon.
I have noticed a lack of compression and a fair bit of knocking from the top end of the engine and this morning removed the head and cylinder barrel for inspection.
The bore measures 67.98mm and the piston 67.73.
I measured this with a digital caliper.
I could only get an accurate measure of the bottom part of the bore as there seems to be a part of the top of the bore not touched by the piston. This impedes the prongs of the caliper from finding a accurate measurement.
The piston and bore look to be in good order, apart from the gap of aprox 0.20 between piston and bore.
The piston does seem rather slack on the small end bearing. I will definitely replace this part, but I am in doubt as to the need for a rebore and new piston.
I am not hard on the bike and do not compete in trials. Its more for my fishing transport than anything else.
Any advice/input would be most welcome.
Thanks in advance.......Gordon Mills
I started this thread on another part of the forum and thought it had been deleted. Obviously it had been moved to the correct place. DOH!
In between the bitching and arguing I think I may be enlightened.
Best to get permission otherwise bring trials riders/riding, into disrepute.
PM for you Slapshot.
Another query about this Hontesa 200. It belongs to my buddy Scott.
The compression is very high, making the bike very difficult for Scott to kick over.
Scott is tall and thin with long legs and finds it hard to give it a good kick.
2 or 3 half kicks and the carb is flooded.
Its not in the process of seizing because it kicks over freely with the spark plug removed.
I noticed that there is no head gasket fitted, rather some black looking silicone. I wonder would fitting a gasket lower the compression significantly enough for him to start the bike easier?