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Posts posted by steve1979
  1. Yes they do!!

    unless the new gas gas rear shocks are different to a 2003 gas gas, because my mate upgraded his rear spring on his 2009 beta evo to a sxs one supplied from steve saunders. When he did this he leant me his old spring to try in my gas gas and it fits, excact same shock just upside down on the beta, so i then ordered a sxs spring for my gas gas and my god what a difference, they come with measurements to set the spring to a specific length to suit your weight using the two rings on the shock

  2. What are the symptons of a faulty stator, mine has latlely started to now and again decide it wont want to start too easily when hot, might take up too anywhere between 10-15 kicks to get going again.

  3. When you get the new bearings pick the seals off the sides and pack more grease in, there's never enough in there from new, and if you can wait put the new bearings in a plastic bag and put them in the deep freeze overnight and they will shrink slightly making putting them in alot easier do this as well as the boiling water over the hub as previously mentioned and they will go in a treat

  4. Try filing up the reservoir, then putting the empty syringe on the bleed nipple and as you pump the break lever start to pull the syringe creating a vacuum and when you get to the end of the syringe lock the nipple and repeat process, worked on my road bike clutch after i changed a seal in the clutch slave. oh and don't let the master cylinder run empty during the process

  5. hmm, strange, i was rooting round looking at pdf files for bike's of different ages to see if the set up changed over the years, and the 2001 model shows the regulator washers on the rocker arm where mine was but only shows two washers on the dog bone links, mine is definatly a 2003 so how come the 2003 pdf does not show the regulator washers on the rocker arm. Strange

  6. Thank you Des, yes that does help, it confirms my suspicion thats where they came from, i cleaned the grease from around the lower part of the swing arm and it shows signs of the washers sitting there, just got to wait for the new bearings to arrive then i can bolt it all back together again.

    Thanks again


  7. Hi guy's, can anyone help, i was replacing the dog bone bearings that also have 4 washers, 1 each side , however while i was at it i thought i'd grease the bearing in the lower part of the swingarm, when i unbolted the triangular shaped link i think there may have been a washer squeezed in each side as i have 6 now but on the pdf file i looked at, it does not show any washers next to the top hat bushings, am i losing my marbles or should they be there, i stripped it down a few days ago while i was ordering new bearings, and now i'm racking my brains to remember if they came from the front of the dog bones, on the pdf file it only shows 4 washers altoghether, any help would be greatly appreciated, she's a 2003 txt pro 250

    Thanks in advance

  8. Here's a link to a good video on you tube

    It's not specific to the gas gas but certainly points you in the right direction, i didn't use the steel wool around the perforated pipe as i don't think it's needs it ( i may be wrong but if i am perhaps someone else will confirm that ) one snag you will encounter though is the perforated pipe in the centre of the can is not straight it's S shaped slightly which makes rolling up the packing more tricky, to be honest i tried that method first and it wasn't working for me so i took time and chopped it up into smaller bits then just used a long narrow stick to push it in right to the bottom and worked my way up, push it in firm but don't ram it in till bursting point, i even poked it in around the end cap before lining the centre pipe up and pushing it home.

    I see in that video he has a mask on defiantly worthwhile. Oh after packing my exhaust by using the smaller bits technique it sounds good and performs well, sounds exactly like my mates 2009 beta which still has the factory packing in it.

    I would defiantly change the packing though because if yours is a 2003 like mine and in the same state as mine was, it was just oily gloop in there the packing was saturated,

    I hope i've been of some help


  9. Hi, i cant help with the performance issue but repacking the exhaust is relatively easy, there's a perforated pipe inside that is probably sooted and clogged up a rub with a wire brush would be needed for that, there's video's on you tube that shows how to do it, just when, you do it, wear a mask.I didn't as i'm a joiner and used to working with fiber's and so on everyday but after re doing mine i got a real sore throat, might be coincidence but worth getting one all the same



  10. I agree 100%!!

    Going back to point of this topic,to help the guy who has asked the question,his gearing at the moment is 11/38,i have suggested 11/42 for him to try as i feel that if he went straight to 10/42 that would be the equivalent of going up 8 teeth on the back sprocket and this may be too big a jump if he has been riding 11/38 for some while?

    Hi benz19,

    thankyou for your suggestion, i agree 11/42 is the combination i am going to try next, i'm looking forward to it, interesting to see how it affects the nature of the bike.



  11. 11/38 is WAY too tall!!!!

    People may run this at the scottish 6 day because of al the fast road and moore work!!!

    Standard gearing is 11/41 or 42.

    Novice riders use 10/42 o slow the speed of the bike down in a section,but my arguement is,with 10/42 it will accelerate and spin faster!!

    I started a POLE on this not long ago,find it and take a look,some good replies!!!


    Hi i had a look at your post and there is some very interesting replies, i like funtrials explanation, makes it easy to understand

  12. Hi guy's, thanks for your replies, i have the slow tube on her anyway as she always seemed to be a hand full with the fast throttle tube, but if the gearing is a way out that may explain my lack of grip, the sprockets are becoming worn anyway so i think i'll change to a 42 and see how that goes, quite frustrating when your stuck halfway up a hill with the rear spinning while your mate's fly past you. when i bought the bike she was road registered so i wonder if she's had the tall gearing for that :rolleyes:

  13. Hi guys,

    i was out today with a few pals and although it was wet and slushy my mate's 250 beta evo seems to go anywhere and also my other friend who was running a 280 gas gas pro seemed to be finding more grip than me, we were going up some steep hills and i ended having to push my bike all the time. I was trying various gears and different stances on the bike "really leaning back to try and find grip" and nothing, my gas gas just seems to spin up real easy, i'm running a 11 38 . Not sure about front sprockets but the beta was 42 and the 280 was a 43, the beta seems to go anywhere, my pal on the beta is the better rider than me so i leant him a go to see if it were me or the bike and he couldn't make nothing of it either

    Is it me or the gearing, tyre pressure's are fine too as are the tyre's themselves

    Cheers Woody

  14. I've recently had my exhaust repacked and a patch welded on where the tyre rubbed through, so i shimmed out my exhaust with a few washers and a longer bolt, but i also reduced the size of the spacer between the mid section and the rear brake master cylinder, i think this also helps, the original is plastic, i don't know if this is to reduce heat transfer into the master cylinder or not but i used the plastic nut you get with number plate screws and filed it down a bit

  15. Hi guy's, poor bike indeed. Something is strange about it though it doesn't look like a 2003 bike to me the frame looks older, or is it just me, i think i'll need to go into the garage and have a fresh look at mine lol

  16. Okay thanks guys, i'll give the carb a good clean and maybe treat her to a new air filter rather than cleaning the old one :thumbup: possibly dirt in the carb as she did this once before when she wasn't near water, mine defiantly makes a significant noise though only when she's near empty and needs reserve, i presumed they all did that.

    Thanks for your replys though guys much appreciated ^_^

  17. Hi there, last weekend a few of us were out doing a bit of practice doing water trials going up the burns, i forgot to turn the fuel on so after a short while she cut out, turned fuel on and away we went, a short while later when she was revved quickly and let go she made a sort of knocking noise at the end of the revs, the same noise they make when your running out of fuel, she did this once before and i went home and stripped the head of to check the bearings which all checked out fine, put her back together and all was well until it did it again last weekend, there has been a long while between the this time and the last time. What causes this. Is it common just to do it now and again maybe the carb needing cleaned or mixture settings needing tweaked, she did seem to be running rich the last time so i had (slightly altered the fuel mix),

    Any simple suggestions for a simple man lol

    Cheers, Steve

  18. Hi geordabroad, I cant remember where i saw it but i'm 99% sure i seen a temperature kit that you permanently stick on the side of the barrel that tells you what the engine temp is at, it was similar to the one's you find in offices that change colour as the temp rises and drops. maybe that would help reassure you when your riding on hot days, if i find where i seen it i will post it up.

    Cheers Steve

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