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Everything posted by steve1979
  1. Hi guys, just a wee note to say i've sold my fantic to a friend who will hopefully put in an apperance here. Thanks to everyone for your advice on things in the past. Kinda regret selling her as she was a great fun bike, but hopefully she'll provide alot of fun to my pal too. All the best everybody on the fantic side. Cheers Steve
  2. Hi Paul, thats brilliant thats just the sort of answers i'm after thanks for that VERY much appreciated. I think i'll try a small adjustment on the lever but if that doesn't help i'll look into the reverse bleeding on the clutch slave then seals on the clutch slave seals and so on as needed as the vids on you tube described. That videos are brilliant very easy to follow. Thanks again i'm feeling reasured about the slight rumble. Cheers Steve
  3. Hi guy's, as the title says i've just bought a 2003 250 txt pro. I'm pretty chuffed, i used to have a 92 fantic which was fun. Typicall though, got the new bike and now the snow lol. any way i need to iron out a few kinks. 1) She is kinda difficult to start and also once warm. could i need to clean anything in particullar to make it start better i'e electrical connections. 2) The clutch drags a little i'e wont disengage fully making it difficult to get neutral without her creeping forward or stalling then hard to start again. can this be adjusted at the lever? 3) There is a slight rumble from the clutch when the lever is out but goes when you pull the lever in again is that normal? I bought her from a trials dealer who stated on their website all bikes are serviced and ready to trial so hope fully the rumble aint to serious or they would have noticed surley? I'm looking forward to getting her out and having some fun. Please dont bamboozle me with complicated answers lol. just looking for tips to better starting etc i'll look forward to your replys and thanks in advance Cheers Steve
  4. Thanks guys, i'm still fairly new to trials so all advice is much appreciated. Woody and motofire your advice is very appreciated it proves i have along way to go yet but as they say practise practise. Unfortunatly there is no trials events in Shetland so most technique is just a case of trial and error otherwise it would be great to watch experianced guys live. Thanks Steve
  5. Hi guys, perhaps this may be in the wrong section but i'm wondering if a newer bike ie a couple of years old is easier to hop than my 92 307 or do i maybe have the wrong technique. Maybe 16 years of wear and tear has taken the (bounce) out of the bike. I am considering getting a much newer bike next year but my concern is will it be easier to bounce. I got the Ryan young dvd and he hops his sherco like it ways nothing. Bear in mind though i'm not as fit as i should be lol. Merry christmas too Steve
  6. uh oh where's the rear brake lol. I thought i'd share a wee pic of me on my fantic that a friend took at the weekend
  7. Thanks Lee, i've got 5wt oil as it was that or 10 (all the shop had ) and the gas gas guys seem to opt for 5 so i'm going to try that and see. Cheers Steve
  8. Been looking at gas gas set ups as a friend has a 92 gas gas with usd which look similar to mine and the gas gas guys seem to steer towards 5wt oil and between 280 + 300ml so i'm thinking 7.5wt maybe it's just what feels best, pehaps there's no real answer
  9. Hi guys, i've replaced a leaking seal in my front fork ( the other side was done before i bought her) and i drained approx 300ml from the upside down fork, i think approx 220ml goes into the normal forks but as these are usd does 300 sound about right also i'm thinking of using 10wt oil. Hopefully be doing this tommorow night. Any ideas, help...................... Lee....lol Cheers Steve
  10. Hi Zoup2nuts, i'm not sure how to fix your sight glass leak but if your worried about damaging the gasket could you (just a suggestion mind) buy a sheet of gasket paper and using the old one as a template make a new one and if the gaskets beyond using as a template you could clean the side casing smear grease on it carefully place it on the gasket paper and remove carefully and you should have the outline of the shape you need to make a new gasket, and just to be doubly sure you could use some instant gasket on it too with your new gasket to ensure a good seal. By the sound of things you wont get your sight glass fixed permanently without removing the side casing. Cheers Steve
  11. Hi Lee, thanks for your reply thats the info i'm after. I spoken to Chris from classictrial too who is very helpfull he has given me sizes to go on as well, when i changed the carb for the OKO i took the reed valve out and had a look down into the barrel and the side of the piston which did not look scored but until the head is off i wont know. I think the next step is to carefully lift the head and have a look, you never know though, with a 16 year old bike perhaps someone else has replaced the piston at sometime although i doubt it. At the cost of spares for these fantics i think after i'm married next year i'll start saving for a newer bike, although i would like to keep the fantic also as it's a great bike.
  12. Hi guys, i am thinking of giving my 307 a top end strip down and replace the rings small end bearing etc, how do you check the condition of the piston (ie is there a certain tolerance for the piston) someone told me a size but i can't remember it now, also i'm not sure where to use that size lol, i will recrute a fellow mechanic freind to help with the strip hopefully. I was told (fingers) on the piston can wear and snap off, how thick should they be?. Also i have a leaking front fork seal, i have stripped normal forks in the past but never usd ones, i have been told these are quite difficult to do! does any one have a exploded diagram of how they come apart. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks Steve
  13. steve1979


    Yup there i am lol
  14. steve1979


    wonder if this works
  15. steve1979


    Hi Brim, i'm not that sure, i've not done it on this forum yet but other forums i'm on you must attach a pic by a host like photobucket or something. Hope this helps. I would like to see your old new bike anyway. Cheers Steve
  16. Hi Lee, thinking about your advice i have e-mailed classic trials about a replacement oko carb as there is definate wear on the throttle slide in the original dollerto, here's hoping Cheers Steve
  17. Hi Lee, thankyou for your advice it is very much appreciated, i'm glad to hear all the engines are a bit rattly i feel a bit more reassured now. Its good to know replacing the seals can be done in situ if and when they need doing, the bike is a wee bit smokey on alot of revs over a small distance, i do this as i read somewhere it helps clear the engine out. But as long as she doesn't dump the oil out i think i will leave the engine alone. The fantic 307 is a great bike, really good fun. Thanks again Lee Cheers Steve
  18. Hi guys, my fantic 307 does not idle too well and have been told by someone possibly the crank seals are worn. I have a friend who is a mechanic who also does scrambling so is used to stripping his motocross engine i was thinking of asking him for a hand, While the engine was out i was thinking to replace the piston rings, smallend bearing, gudgeon pin as she seems to have a slight rattle at the top end. Another friend of mine has a 307 also and says his make's the same noise but it's never bothered him and his idle's perfectly, do the seals come out from the outside of the engine as in a tap in fit or does it require splitting the engine. Thanks for any advise Steve
  19. Hello Lee, thankyou very much for your reply, thats excactly what i wanted to know :-) i have ordered a new chain tonight a 520, the person i bought her off told me to chop a link out when it went past adjustment as it was a cheaper chain and they tend to stretch faster before they are really past it. I thought i would just buy a new one anyway and the sprockets look fine as well. I wish i had taken this sport up earlier on in the year and got the best out of her through the summer, but i suppose through winter give's me a good chance to do a small refurb and replace a few worn out items. Cheers Steve
  20. Hello, can anyone tell me what kind of chain i need for my fantic 307. Whats the difference between a 428 pitch and 520 pitch i don't what i am looking for, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou Steve
  21. Hello everyone, i have just joined your forum looks good. I have recently bought a fantic 250, old but great to learn the basics on, i also have my road bike licence and have an aprilia falco and a honda hornet, so i thought i'd have a go at trials. Also i am engaged to be married next year anyway great forum and i'm sure i'll have a few questions i hope there are a few fantic owners amongst us. Cheers Steve
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