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Posts posted by steveo
  1. Tony Blair was visiting a primary school and he visited one of the classes.

    They were in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.

    The teacher asked the Prime Minister if he would like to lead the discussion on the word "tragedy".

    So the illustrious leader asked the class for an example of a "tragedy".

    One little boy stood up and offered:

    "If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playing in the field & a tractor runs over him and kills him,that would be a 'tragedy'".

    No," said Blair, "that would be an accident."

    A little girl raised her hand:

    "If a school bus carrying fifty children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.

    "I'm afraid not," explained the Prime Minister, "that's what we would call a great loss."

    The room went silent.

    No other children volunteered.

    Tony searched the room.

    "Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of tragedy?"

    Finally, at the back of the room, a small boy raised his hand...In a quiet voice he said:

    "If the Air plane carrying you and Mrs Blair was struck by a friendly fire" missile & blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy."

    Fantastic!" exclaimed Tony Blair. "That's right.

    And can you tell me why that would be tragedy?"

    Well," says the boy "it has to be a tragedy, because it certainly wouldn't be a great loss and it probably wouldn't be a f*cking accident either!

  2. In the US our presidents are limited to 2 terms(8 years). They cannot seek election for a 3rd. So Bush is done. If he was able to run again IMO he would still be done.

    In Austrailia is the Prime Minister elected by the people or is he/she acting as a rep of the majority of the senate? Sorry if thats a dumb question.

    Fair question, I was unaware of your two term presidential policy.

    Over here the people elect a member to an area we call an electrate, there is around 150 electrates across Australia. The party that recieves the most representatives is then called on to form a government.That successful party then elects a leader, the prime minister, and a deputy leader and then on to parlimentary members that control portfolios, foreign affairs, health, education and so on.

  3. Seems Australias have been quite emphatic in removing the Howard lead government here in Australia.

    With a couple of key issues being blamed for the fall of the eleven year reign by the conservative parties, the most telling being work place aggreements, rising inflation and rising interest and its on going participation in the very unpopular Iraqi war. On top of losing power, John Howard is only the second prime minister of Australia to lose his seat by being voted out by his own electorate.

    Maybe he should have moved on like Blair to avoid this most humiliating demise.

    It will be very interesting to see the America peoples decision on President Bush at the up and coming election.

  4. Wait for the Big Bang chap's.

    At the moment i have to work 7 Day's to make the same money i used to make in 5 day's,,3 year's ago i was making 5 day's money in 3 day's ,that can't go on something's gonna break.

    You are absolutly right here bilco.Just a little off topic, I am stripping out and renovating and old colonial farm house.The difference in the daily rates between carpenters has varied from $200 to $480 per day.When questioned, the higher rates are from builders with multiple employees that have to fork out huge overheads as mentioned by Atom.

  5. On a golf tour in Ireland, Tiger Woods drives his shiny new BMW

    into a petrol station in a remote part of the Irish countryside.

    The pump attendant, obviously knows nothing about golf, greets

    him in a typical Irish manner completely unaware of who the golfing pro is

    "Top of the mornin' to yer, sir" says the attendant.

    Tiger nods a quick "hello" and bends forward to pick up the

    nozzle. As he does so, two tees fall out of his shirt pocket onto the ground.

    "What are dose?", asks the attendant

    "They're called tees" replies Tiger.

    "Well, what on god's earth are dey for?" inquires the Irishman.

    "They're for resting my balls on when I'm driving", says Tiger.

    "Fookin Jaysus", says the Irishman, "BMW tinks of everyting!

  6. A major earthquake, measuring 9.1 on the Richter Scale has hit New Zealand this morning.

    350,000 New Zealanders are missing, and over 100,000 have been reported injured.

    The country is totally ruined and the government doesn't know where to start with providing assistance.

    The rest of the world is in shock:

    Canada is sending troops to assist the country.

    The USA is sending food, medical aid and money.

    France is sending doctors, nurses and medical supplies.

    Russia is sending tents and warm clothing.

    Australia is sending 350,000 replacement Kiwis.

  7. You'll be heartened to hear the latest one then - can it really be true that they have banned Santa in Australia from saying Ho Ho Ho this year - because it is offensive to women......... Apparantly, all would be Santas are being trained to say Ha Ha Ha. For god's sake what is going on. Why don't the people who dream this crap up recieve a f*****g good kicking instead of an endorsement to make their proposal happen. And why don't the people who have these rules imposed upon them just turn around and say f**k off, we're not doing it. The time is coming when this has to happen - surely - please - it just has to.

    The reason for this nonsense is because Ho is short for whore and this may offend the women


    Think thats bad, on a local level near my home town there is an Aboriginal mission village ( Australian aboriginals are mostly b l a c k ) that is adjacant to a creek that has been sign posted as Black creek up until a couple of years ago. There is now after a period of no signs, a new creek name, Plumbago creek. Nothing was said about the change, they just did it, got to keep the natives happy !

  8. No qiute clearly it doesn't and I wasn't saying it was dumbass.

    Sorry about that, Im probably not the sharpest knife in the draw but it is encouraging to hear that some of the other member riders have the riding skill sense to feel a difference and can use it to the advantage it was obviously designed for.

  9. Thats OK, maybe Im just a bit fussy and can feel the difference a little bit of grooming can achieve.

    I have a 250 as I found it was all I needed for my capabilities.

    If I rode it any more Im sure there would be an impending domestic ! ;)

    Would like to take up your offer for a test ride but then I would think it unfair if you could not evaluate mine........pretty sure you could have a lend of my file !

  10. Never did on mine no difference till 8000 i'm sure of it.

    How fast is your tickover?

    If you need to rev your bike to 8000 to feel a difference between the switchs function I would suggest you do not spend enough time on your bike.

    I idle my bike at a quick tick over. Have found to really smooth out the engine tick over, I file off half a ml from the slide cutaway. this in conjunction with dropping the needle one notch ( this will depend on altitude Ive found) as well as the addition of a set of boysen gives a silkie smooth engine that is almost impossible to stall. The only time I would ever use the sunshine setting is on a long trail ride or if in a section that has minimium approach and required second or third gear, steep enbankment or a long hill climb. But Im no expert rider !

    Advance and retard is correct.

  11. On the sunshine setting the timing is advanced and gives a much more aggressive power at the expence of a rougher idle speed and a tendancy to easily stall or bog the motor of the bottom.

    The cloudy setting gives a more even idle with a much smoother and predictable engine responce from right of the bottom.

  12. Lane found out what happens with personal attacks !

    It is obvious why the world is now seeing the USA in a different light, if this is the American way.

    It's my understanding that Australians have no right to freedom of expression under the Australian Constitution. If you're comfortable with that in Australia, then I suppose we're both in the right places.

    We had the APEC meeting held here in Australia earlier this month Don. To protect your president for a four day visit was the official line given for our Government to spend over 300 million dollars in security measures. As well, they closed down the entire inner city centre of the largest capital city in Australia, to prevent the world from seeing the freedom we should enjoy to protest, so yes, maybe you are right on that point. Like America we thought we had freedoms you enjoy, but they are slowly being eroded by the propagation of fear and the ongoing charade of peace keeping as the reason for these unpopular measures by OUR leaders.

  13. But no one has the right to make personal attacks on people whether it be on here or anywhere.

    That may be true in Canada (which definitely has limits on unpopular speech), but in the United States we have a Constitution that guarantees us the freedom to make personal attacks (though it does not supply us a forum, and posters have zero rights here or on any other privately owned forum). In fact, down here, we cherish that right and we put in right up front in our Bill of Rights. ;)

    Lane found out what happens with personal attacks !

    It is obvious why the world is now seeing the USA in a different light, if this is the American way.

  14. Sod it!! we would of been two place's higher up the score board if Bob hadn't fived that last section, he let the team down.

    That is exactly the point .

    The best riders from each country are not always in the selected team. An appraisal of the ring in or prefered riders that have been chosen over much better credentalled riders does give the selectors something to answer for when the results are not forthcoming !

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