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Posts posted by rabie
  1. As being the winner of the Pinhard last year I might put my awe in ....... :)

    As it has been said people nominate various people and put together "a campaign" for want of a better phrase to "promote" the case to the panel of judges (who i don't know who they are)

    All I can say is the trophy is a *proper* trophy and its the only big trophy I

  2. John has hit the nail on the head (as usual)

    Down souf where I (normally) live we don't have road trials - just 3 "long distance" trials - so everyone specifically gets this one day insurance (one club even made everyone buy it which is perhaps OTT)

    Up north in the land of real beer, and big "proper" trials you haven't been aware of it as such as us southern fairies

    Unfortunately its another cost ...........

    rabie :(

  3. you can get insurance for the road but it will exclude taking part in competitions - ie between groups of sections (via the public highway) - the acu sell 1 day (and 2 day and on request under 21) insurance to top up your existing insurance for that

    hope that makes sense

    rabie ;)

  4. As for the handbook the ACU have pulled it because they are concerned about people quoting it online or something weird I don't agree with / understand

    Every affiliated member of the ACU "SHOULD" have received a handbook.

    The insurance company (ACU's) require it.



    a) I

  5. Public liability insurance - the law was designed to stop joy riders in supermarket car parks, which aren't part of the highway

    Hence every vehicle, road registered or not, regardless of age of driver, needs public liability insurance because in most places you ride it, it

  6. trials riders are tight arses who don't wast money on performance boosting parts that really do very little when its the rider that could do 90%+ of the improvement

    MX riders like they're stickers, grafix kits, DEP pipes, etc etc, etc to make them look faster (err)

    its your money to waste ...............

    rabie :lol:

  7. I've got a Kodak LS443 and I'm might pleased with - enduro, MX, trials and student photography - got my photos in TMX and local paper - 4 mega-pix and a 128mb card - its all good to me.

    I've broke it twice in the first year and got it fixed under warranty no problem

    can't really fault it when I'm walking about next to the ray archers, dick laws, etc with huge

  8. I'm trials i can see how this works but when it comes to MX and road race, where the top riders will get paid real money (for RR its LOADS) - i object to my (a humble clubman) money paying for these prima donnas

    now the normal training trust money that helps the clubman / youth is OK by me to an extent. I'm of the philosophy that you pay your own way. if your that *good* "the teams" (an infamous cause of all problems in MX / RR :D:o:D ) will help you.

    so in this sense trials is different to MX / RR (which is from where is see the motorcycling world, as opposed to the trials Point of view) and is justifiable.

    hmmm - interesting debate

    rabie :D

  9. youth MX (6 to 15ish) is done on age based class (autos, small wheel 85cc, big wheel 85cc and then 125cc - there used to be many more) so the youth moving to adults at 15 have ridden a 125 for some time (and are quick). previously we were getting the very best move up to expert and 3 races (ie beating the local juniors hands down) but being stuck on a 125cc bike in the experts (we only run "open" experts) as the experts are all running 450cc.

    anyways in trials cc isn't "such" a big thing as MX.

    BTW don't know what the enduro rules are re age and cc without looking

    as to whats 450cc plus, well most manufacturers have stopped making MX bikes above 450cc, but European makers make up to about 550 (KTM, husaberg, Husqvarna, TM, VOR, etc). 650 is only used by supermoto people :D

    rabie :D

  10. in the north Kent trials combine each club run a round (once event a month) and that club's riders observe and then get to ride the other rounds through the year

    a good theory but doesn't always work.......

    i suppose the AMCA MX system is similar to the above but has mandated numbers and really makes the rider "work" - well it works for AMCA MX

    rabie :D

  11. i think your supposed to be scrutinered a the trial but you don't need an ACU sticker - quite why i don't know. in MX and enduro we have to have ACU gold stickers on helmets (and all helmets get one put on when sold new)

    should really have a sticker for trials as cycle helmets and pre 65 (made) helmets are jokes......

    then again the fall out of compulsory helmets means you'll probable p*** loads of people off trying to introduce a sticker

    rabie :D

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