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Posts posted by rabie
  1. there is no legal definition of "public place" I'm afraid - it was written deliberately vague so the coppers could do you for just about anything.

    its not just next to road, or path (especially with this right to roam coming through) - technically a supermarket car park (that is closed) is "open" to the public but thats what the law is used for

    rabie :D

  2. cozzer is probable right

    you need the permission of the land owner

    you need to notify the police under one of the road traffic acts (unless its permitted by a governing body)

    and most importantly, you by law (also under one of the road traffic act) have to be insured because you are in a "public place" - the law was designated to stop boy racer in the supermarket car park (ie your not on the highway) and it lets the traffic police screw you

    hence land owner permission is insufficient - you need 3rd party liability insurance - eg if you hit some bobbly who is asking for it there is something to claim against

    rabie :D

  3. we have internal combine trials, internal centre and the inter centre

    depends on what you've got but

    sidecars ?, youth? pre65, etc

    who do you invite - the trials one has mcui over, amca, etc, etc

    as for running .......

    we generally do it on club or centre basis. often to fill up an event we have "A" teams and "B" teams if its a big club, etc

    scoring can be done by a variety of handicaps (as outlined above) to ensure its fair

    eg there must be one pre65 on each team, one youth, one sidecar, etc - and penalties for non compliance

    we tend to have one novice, one inter and one expert on a normal team trial

    at last year's internal centre team trail they had one novice, one inter and one expert - but riding one route......

    up to you and good luck !!!

    rabie :huh:

  4. we have expert, inter and novice at centre level but at combine level we also have expert-B for those "trapped" people.

    dunno if such a national system would work as you could be really good down south and yet not have ridden any/many rocks while all you up north ride is rocks ;)

    rabie :lol:

  5. current acu polciy is no longer covers personal accident insuracne - only death, limbs, etc and off work for more than 6 six weeks

    so you can't get anything off the acu mate for that im afraid - from what you say

    rabie ;)

  6. We have three colours of rider number red,yellow,white.

    Or at some clubs a red cross across the number for expert route.

    Gives us older folk an idea which route to dive into when a rider sneaks up on our dodgy hearing aids too.

    thats what we do - sorta

    we used to buy the numbers 1-99, 100-109 , etc from Stacey's but now ahve started printing our own - eg Sidcup & DMCC Jack Thompson British Bike Trial 2003, with number and colour of route (white or red)

    such as



    cheers - nice to know how other people run their events

    rabie :rolleyes:

  7. ahh so you don't hand out number at the start for riders to use !!!

    we have programme with names next to numbers and the riders collect their two number when they sign on - one for the front of the bike and one for the rear / back of helmet

    edit - so you "Normally" / "used to" ride like my avatar is with no number ?

    re nationals and such - i take you run "closed to clubs" and then what "open to Scotland" (of some kind) and then "open to all ACU" and then "internationals" say ?

    makes much more sense now

    rabie :rolleyes:

  8. as in orange arrows

    we get them off Stacey's as we use loads for enduros - the welsh two day use a different supplier aw we were considering them as they do different colours

    for event direction from the roads we also have used number plates and proper sign written jobbies

    rabie :D

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