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Everything posted by tom1
  1. thanks for the reply fellas, i'l get it sorted before i take it for a spin on sunday
  2. Finaly got round to buying myself a proper trials bike a rather tidy 05 rev3 250, just really want to know how i check the gearbox oil level and coolant level before i take it for a spin? as it didn't come with manuals or anything. i presume the gear box level is checked through the viewing glass just forward of the gear selector? is that right? and what level should it show, currently shows half way on the glass when the bike is dead up right . i have no idea how to check the coolant level though having been riding an air cooled up untill now cheers for any help, T
  3. Cheers fellas, sounds like its just personal choice again, i dont mind the maintenance its part and parcel really isnt it, but i dont have a huge amount of free time so didn't want to go down the route of buying a bike that needs fixing as much as riding! lol Christoff i'm down south mate in surrey, where are you i'd be very interested if you are selling
  4. was planning on getting a beta 250 or 200 but cant find one in my area but i have found a 200 gas gas, never ridden one so just wonderd how they compare to the beta? i've riden an 05 250 and it was a bit lively for me, is the 200 a lot more gentle? and are there any common problems to be aware of? ta
  5. its not the leaky fies that's puting me off, its the fact that the bike nearlly killed me when i open it up in second!!! lol the only 250 i've ridden was the one mentined above and it felt so lively compared to what i'm used to i need to try and find one with the fly wheel weight on and a slow action throttle to see what the difference is, before i buy one i think!
  6. ah so it was the throttle not the fly wheel weight that made it that lively then? well, what ever it was, it seemed a hell of a lot livlier than my old mans scorpa 250, which feels pretty good, i'd be tempted to go for one of those just really fancy a beta, maybe i'l look at a 200 then or a 250 with slower throttle and fly wheel weight, thanks for the advice on the leaky carb too, easyil sorted or just something to live with??
  7. right, thanks for advice, and hints fellas, just had a llok at a realy tidy one at a local dealer, but it had the fly wheel weight taken off, and it was a bit lively to say the least!!! lol anyone know how much more gentle it would be with he weight back on? without it, it was going to be way to much for me at he mo shame as it felt very comfy
  8. right, i'm after a 250 rev 3 04-06 what if anything should i look out for? i know most bikes have niggles just not sure what the betas are, cheers,
  9. ah right i see, thanks for the advice the forks dont seem to be leaking and feel fine when working ( no stichion or play and they fell quite plush and the damping seems good too so i guess nothing to worry about, could be an expensive weekend then! lol
  10. just been looking at am 06 rev 3 250 there seems to be quite a bit of wear on the fork stanchions, the black coating of the fork legs has been warn away up to about 3 inches from the seals (when the forks are at rest) is this likely to cause problems? the stanchions feel smooth and i couldn't seen any large scartches or anything just the caoting having been rubbed off coming from a mountain bike back ground f this sort of wear was evident on a set of forks it would mean they'd most likey need new stanchions pretty soon as they'd start to leak, is tgis the case with the forks on the beta? or am i worrying about nothing? cheers
  11. thinking about chooping in my 125 scorpa 4t for something with a little more section performance and poke, i really like the hasssle free nature of the little air cooled unit but just want to change to a more trials specific machine, not sure weather to go for something like the scorpa 160/200 air cooled 4t or beta 200 2t or would i be better just gettimg a 250 either 2t or 4t or will these be way more powerfull than what i'm used to??? any thoughts would be good
  12. ah right, ta maybe when i upgrade from my 125 i'l get a 165 and do the mods then, instead of going 250 2t like i was considering
  13. cool, cheers fellas guess he'l just have to get used to it!
  14. ah i see, looks like i'l have to stick with a white one then or get the spray can out!!! lol cheers
  15. its not the wheel baerings i've checked that, its definatly the disc moving on the hub
  16. Blimey! Trials bikes have floating discs! i thought that was only big road bikes and crossers!!! shows how much i know! lol. the wheel moves about an inch the disc itself moves about 5 mm i'd say. would he disc be worn or something is it the cup wsshers that need repacing??
  17. thespikeyone, does that 10t gear box sprocket make a lot of diffrence to 2nd? i find second pretty much unusbale on tight sections but like it on bigger/longer climbs, do you find it more usable in genral?? (i ride a 125 not 175)
  18. my old man's just bought an 05 sy250 2t and the front disc seems to be loose on the hub (when you grab the fron brake you can feel and see the hub and wheel move about an inch even though the disc is locked) bolts seem tight enough and the right length, the shop it came from said ths is normal and they all do it, but on my little ty125 it doesn't! anyone know if that is the case or is something up cheers,
  19. PETE, bit off of the sublect i know, but where the hell did you get a blue rear mudguard for your sy 125??? i cant fi d one anywhere for love or money
  20. looking at an 06 sy 125f and its done about 800miles is this a lot for that sort of bike or about right? ta
  21. yeah the long ride kit includes a bigger tank so no need to stop every 20 miles or so, wasn't planning on doing load of miles just using it to get out localy when i get the odd hour or two for a bit of a spin ,
  22. as the tiltle really, thinking of a rev 3 with a long ride kit so i can use it for a bit of green lanning too, anyone got one or ridden one? any problems etc, i've heard that they dont like being held open and revving for longer periods, they prefr to be oprned up and shut off , this true?
  23. i think i'l buy a pre road registerd bike so shouldn't need to take it to the dvla for inspection, but ta anyway, i've heard it can be a pain in the a*** registering a second hand bike, would a digital speedo be road legal??
  24. ah thanks fellas seems as long as its road registerd and well maintained it would be fiarly straight forward to get it through an MOT, i'm glad you dont need indicators and mirrors! that would look well good on a trials bike!
  25. tom1

    Ty 125f Any Good?

    i'd love to try a beta, just cant find a 125 for love or money in the south
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