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Allan Jefferies Trial 2016 10th July 2016 Just a quick heads up for you to pencil the date in your diaries for this years Allan Jefferies Trophy Trial. Work began on planning and assessing options for this year event way back in August of last year – barely a month after the 2015 event. Nobody can ever accuse those two (old !) stalwarts, Major Injury and General Disdain, of not being keen. At the moment the stats are for a total mileage of approx 28 miles, with 36/38 sections on offer for riders to pit their wits and test their skill set. The currently proposed 28 mile route has drastically reduced the overall roadwork to a mere 4.2 miles – the rest is all off road (yippee !). It is also envisaged that the off road element will incorporate 3 new moor crossings. Of the 36 sections to be tackled, there is a brand new group of 3 (never been ridden) sections, along with the 2 new sections used for the first time last year at Redmire Farm having been modified (enhanced ?). Also at Redmire Farm, the upper reaches of the beck has seen a great deal of chainsaw action over the winter period and now has an additional 4 brand new sections. Throw into the mix 4 sections being brought back after not having been used for a number of years and it looks to me as there will be plenty on offer to keep competitors on their toes(pegs). I have been advised by MI and GD that inspections, undertaken after the winter storms, have revealed the sections are in PRIME condition. There should (nay, will) be some tired shoulders and legs at the final section up the (infamous) waterfall behind the Halton Gill Reading Room. Halton Gill Ladies will again be in attendance all day, serving their usual fare of liquid refreshments and home made food. (This is a treat in itself, not to be missed). All in all, a great day in prospect and I will have more details and updates as the big day approaches. Ride safe.
I thought it was covered under my contents policy. Let my ignorance be a lesson to all. It wasn't!! Gutted doesn't begin to describe how I feel.
Here she is.....
Chassis number VTDMT04C1EE050034 Thanks guys
My pride and joy Cota 260 Mont' has been stolen. They knew what they were after, but it is data tagged. The non Repsol 2014 4RT. If anyone sees or hears anything PLEASE let me know. Or Skipton Police, North Yorkshire. Peter
Noises off…… The precision click of a Parker 25 ballpoint pen. The sound of a Snap-On ratchet tightening a bolt. The rope winder on an ocean going yacht. The burble of a V8 engine. The sharp crack of a Montesa 4RT engine. The irritating high pitch whine of a lone mosquito in your hotel room in the dead of night. Emotive sounds each and every one. Think back, if you will, to bikes and cars you have owned or aspired to own. Then identify which of them you were most attached to and hold the fondest memories. Then ask yourself why. I remember vividly my first push-bike with proper tyres. Passed down from a cousin who had outgrown it and still a little too big for me (8 yrs old ‘ish). Kneeling next to it and listening intently to the crank/freewheel as I rotated the pedals backwards. I remember too (13 yrs old) the Sony cassette player my friend had. A top loader with “piano key” controls that when pressed were quite special in that they were firm, secure and robust. You knew they wouldn’t fail or stick. A bit like an Audi door handle. My first car I bonded with of course, but why? Not just because it was my first surely? The solid and secure clunk as you closed the door to the outside world, then perched upon the hideously bouncy vinyl seats but basking in an air-cooled glow as the engine started instantly despite the -12C temperature outside. The flat four engine located right at the back waffling and clinking through its tortuously complex exhaust/“heat” exchanger. So why did I bond with my next car, given that it was such a dog?! A 1970 (this in 1985) two door coupe with only one functioning door, fortunately the driver’s near side front. Yes, you read that right. Near side front. And as I write this I’m struck by the irony of going from one car with virtually no heater, to another whose heater I couldn’t actually turn off! But I forgave it it’s faults because it was a very rare beast(dog) indeed being a Dodge Challenger (BFC 154R) with a small block 318 cubic inch 5.2l V8. Nice! Also benefitting from the manual gearbox with the proper Hurst competition shift. Very nice! And talk about torque! A pity then it had drum brakes all round, a wing and door in primer and a lot of filler, the remainder in metallic moss green. But with that Hurst shift it returned better mpg than would my old “K” reg’ Range Rover later. Also a dog, also green, and also manual. And I’ll leave you to decide at which end of the reg’ plate the K resided……! After my all too brief flirtation with American muscle, I went back to something a little more Teutonic with a beautiful Audi Coupe GT (BFU 363W). A proper thing though sadly, not the hairy chested Quattro, but that five cylinder engine sounded glorious when you got on the loud pedal. But after 60k miles, what began as charmingly quirky electrical issues, got to me. Then one day I was dazzled by a 3 series from the Bavarian Motor Works and the Audi was gone. A beautifully engineered oatcake. Bland. Dull. Reliable. Swapped with a dodgy dude in Durham for a Range Rover Classic. Not bland. Not dull. Not reliable. 12 mpg. Brake failure on the drive home. Nice! But I loved it! Burbling V8, commanding driving position, what’s not to love? After that life changed and space was required, the resulting aberration manifested itself in the form of a Montego (no hint of ginger) Estate. Bland. Dull. Reliable-ish. But I did like the rev’ counter. Then I got my multi-cylinder mojo back. A Rover SD1 2.6 (D874 MOJ) . A lovely drive but with appalling build quality. When it rained I could have kept fish in the glove compartment! But that six cylinder engine was a delight, all wrapped up in a body that was a blatant copy of the Ferrari Daytona. Bonded! That gets us up to 1996. And the good people of Weissach, Germany, tempted me. Since its launch in the 80’s I was totally smitten by the Porsche 944 styling. A more svelte and elegant sports car was either Italian mega-bucks, or simply non-existent. But at the prices they were asking, way beyond me. Then I spied one in another dodgy forecourt in a lesser known part of Bradford. It was black, and it was calling me! Yes it only had four cylinders, but they were BIG. And I could afford it. From the very first moment I sat in it and closed the door. Clunk. I was having a Beetle flashback. And then when I first looked through the wing mirror and gazed down the swoopy flanks to its rear arches? Bliss. And it was plenty quick enough too, with the handling simply sublime. It wasn’t the finest example of the marque but there was something strangely empowering as you turned on the headlights and watched them rise smoothly and silently from the bonnet. Since then: Volkswagens many and various. All fine in their own way, brand new through work, but none of them food for the soul. Lacking that certain something. That brings us back to two wheels. Regular readers of my ramblings will know that I dallied mercifully briefly with the two stroke. Noisey, rattley and smokey. Until I settled on the proper suck, squeeze, bang, blow, that was the Beta Rev 4T. Two wheeled civility I thought, kneeling down beside it listening as it waffled through its short and efficient exhaust. Bonded. Then onto the 2011 Evo 4T. Not quite as waffley, but nevertheless, beautifully softly spoken. Bonded. Then right up to date with the current Montesa Cota 260 4RT. What a thing! It reminds me in a lot of ways of my Dodge, lots of torque from minimal revs with a sharp crack through the exhaust. Bonded? I may move into the garage!! The only thing lacking in my automotive cv is electric. Now. What did I say about mosquito’s……?! Keep ya feet up! Peter
AJ2014 Just a sneak preview as to what is being planned the Allan Jeffery Trophy Trial on the 13 July 2014. Overall, there are some significant changes planned for this year. Namely, out goes the usual loop out from Kettlewell, up Park Rash and back down into Kettlewell. Course plotters Major Injury (MI) and General Disdain (GD) felt that the usual sections in Diamond Pastures were “getting a little tired and in need of a rest”. In comes new, never been used sections at Ellershaw Farm, Hagg Gill and Bouther Gill. Add to all this, a different route over the final moor and riders should have a great day in prospect. Riders will depart Halton Gill Reading rooms, first man away at 10:01 sharp. To get riders warmed up and on their way, the first group of sections will take in the 3, “very easy sections” at Flamethrower. (It might be worth noting straight away, that any words quoted, have to be attributed to what has been gleaned from my spies out in the Dales). Fountains Fell is the next group, again 3 sections which are never too taxing on rider or machine but could hold a sting in the tail for the big boys. Next, it is down the Litton Track. Care and slow riding along here, RAMBLERS about – I know from first hand experience it’s not always easy but just try to be pleasant and cheerful. The 3 sections are off the track to the right and are on the “medium side of easy”. Now, it’s a short ride down the track and left on to the tarmac. An easy couple of miles and then it is into Ellershaw Farm – this is where the fun starts with 4 good sections in a ”never been ridden” gully. Initially, these sections were planned as the next to last group of the day but GI/MD felt that it might be too much for the clubmen so late on in the day. So you see, those evil course plotters do have a heart. A short blast a cross the bottom of the moor and into Wilks field for a quick pit stop (Petrol/drink) and that’s the first 13 sections sorted. Arncliffe Scree (4) Water Works (2) Next up it’s Sleats. Not much more can be said about this roadside section - the limestone outcrop is always very slippery and guaranteed to take marks, even from the top lads. If the exit on the grass bank turn is tightly flagged, ear defenders are a useful accessory for both observer and spectators. From here it’s back to the road and the short 3 mile run down into the garage at Kettlewell. A quick pit stop and maybe a quick ice cream from the café across the road, but don’t dwell too long, especially if the sun is out like it was last year. So that’s it for the first half of the event, 20 sections down, only 20 more to do. Next for the riders as a 7.25 mile stretch of road work, take your time and enjoy the scenery. Hagg Gill is next up. These 4 sections (not to be confused with the sections in Hagg Beck which run up the middle of the moor) are all brand new. The first one being only 10 metres from the roadside and is severity rated as being easy-medium. The next two are much of the same standard, but keep an eye open for the old iron bedstead littering the bank side. Why would one want, or even require, such a piece of kit on the lower slopes of the moor is beyond me. The last section lays only 200 metres from the roadside and is possibly the stiffest of the group, but nothing a good clubman should be able to cope with. It is only a short gallop down the moor and along the road to the group at Yockenthwaite. These 4 sections are the usual fair for the Allan Jefferies – the higher up the hill, the harder they become. The top 3 sections are all above the wire fence and always take marks from the unwary. Now it’s back down the hill and on to the road for 400 metres, turning right into Raisgill. This will be the last you see of tarmac before signing off in the Reading Rooms at Halton Gill. Raisgill, with its 2 slippery sections in the boulder strewn stream by the green wooden hut, always catch some clubmen riders out. Riders are well on their way to the finish by the time they leave Raisgill behind but there is still some work to do. Up the steep quad track turning left on to the beginning of the moor. It is not the usual way up and riders need to follow the route marking closely from here to the little gate at the top. On the lower slopes of this side of the moor are many “Shake Holes” and yes, I don’t know what they are either but I’m only repeating what I’ve been told. The “Shake Holes” are numerous, deep and well camouflaged – take the safe option and follow the route flags closely. On a clear day riders will be able to see the 2 brand new sections in Bouther Gill for quite a while before they arrive. My spies inform me that there were 5 new sections originally planned for this group, but with the excessive amounts of rain over the winter months clearing out the gully, it was felt that the full length of gully might be a little too much for the clubmen riders. My understanding is that once in the gully proper, the only realistic way out is up through the sections to the top. There was also the thorny problem of getting sufficient observers with bikes out to this remote gill – but more of that later. A short climb to the top of the moor and then it’s “onwards and downwards” back to Wilks Field. Another quick pit stop here and then you are nearly in sight of the finish. The 3 sections in Wilks Field are right alongside the parking area with the top one usually being a real mark taker. Leaving Wilks Field via the top left hand gate, a quick trip back up on to the moor brings riders to 2 sections in the Robbos(A) group , quickly followed by 2 sections in Newshot Gill. The second section in this group will provide a stiff test for the top lads. From here it is a short ride across the side of the moor and on to the final waterfall section at Halton Gill. This is the last section and being so late in the day, always proves a good test of rider skill and stamina. All riders need to do then is remember to sign off in the Reading Rooms and it’s job done. So that is it, a total of 40 sections and nearly 40 miles of glorious Dales scenery. I have been assured (by GI/GD) that all sections will be set out sensibly, “no initiative tests” (I feel somebody is showing their age here) and with plenty of room for clubmen to get their tired feet down. This route is what is proposed at the time of going to press and could well be altered nearer the time. “Observers with bikes” would be particularly welcome and will be guaranteed a good run round on the day. Keep ya feet up http://www.bradfordtrials.com/
Le Allan Jefferies Trial You know, that if the biggest cycle race on the planet wants to get in on the act, it is a seriously good event! Plans are afoot for the 2014 Allan Jefferies Trial. Dates changed from the usual due to the Tour de France taking a small detour (depart) through Gods own country, the Yorkshire Dales. It is no small task to plan 40 sections around a 40 mile lap, and work starts early for the two stalwarts; Major Injury of the The Royal Engineers (gas), and General Disdain of The South Yorkshire Regiment of the Offcomeden Rifles. Aka Steve Fairbrother and Dave Wilson Accompanied briefly by myself; Private Parts, of the Bradley Hussars. For a week in May, Steve and Dave set up camp in Kettlewell to plot the route, making preparations for this outstanding event at some personal cost. Both fiscal and physical, as Steve had a dab into what turned out to be a rabbit hole. The bike continued without him, his ankle objecting firmly. Major injury. But Dave (onwards & upwards) Wilson pressed on. General disdain. Make no bones about it, broken or otherwise, this trial is a classic! And not only that, you don’t have to enter to get in on the fun. Forty sections need forty observers and some of them are only accessible by bike. A perfect opportunity then to ride in the normally forbidden trials nirvana that is the Yorkshire Dales National Park! You may even get a goodie bag from the delightful ladies of Halton Gill! This year Major Injury and General Disdain have new sections to challenge the entrants, so don’t miss it. Whether you enter or observe, you’ll love it. Keep ya feet up. Bradford & DMC http://www.bradfordtrials.org/
“You made that look easy!” observer section 5 & “the Cota is a better bike than a Repsol” – that from the mouth of a trials legend! Add those two comments together and I think it is fair to say that my first trial/shake down of my new 2014 Montesa Cota 260 could not have gone better had I scripted it myself. It started badly though. I only had it out for a brief one and a half hour practice the week before and you could never say that we understood each other yet. Yes we enjoyed each others company but it was after all our first date. After that life got in the way. We had not really seen each other until round 4 of the Autowbars series at Lady Lane, Bingley, apart that is from a 5 minute potter around outside the house the day before, doing a few figure of eights on tarmac and I have to say that it felt pretty alien. So on trial day, I wasn’t feeling confident at all. I decided to use the event as an extended shake down test. With this in mind I opted to regress, some might say, to the beginners route from the 50 /50. A ride twixt white and yellow for pleasure and learning. A proper date complete with obstacles. What will she drink? Could I handle her and will she bite . . .?! Well like any creature of beauty she drew a few stares and any chap likes that I think you’ll agree. So after a brief warm up and a couple of club members blagging a ride (she’s a tart!) I got in line for section 1. As readers of these ramblings may know, the Autowbars series for beginners has really nailed it this year. The nintendoes and x-boxes have been put away and both father and son have hit the sections be it on the 80cc small wheel Betas, Osets or Mecatecno’s. And as I stood in the queue for section 1, the forty plus years age difference struck home! So rather than join the queue behind a sea of happy kids watched by a multiple world champion father and champion grandfather no less, I moved onto section 2. Bad form I know but it was more a shake down than a race face, brave pill mission to clean up! Slack dab straight away! “Too much bike and not enough talent” I said to the observer, embarrassed. But on I went out of sequence chatting to Bradford Club stalwarts enjoying the relaxed ride and the attention she got until it dawned on me just how much fun I was having! The more I rode it, the more I liked it. Things I did on the Beta seemed ungainly and clumsy. I tried the same on the Montesa and I floated!! So even though she bit me on my first meeting I think of it now more as a love bite. Keep ya feet up! Peter
I'm with you on that. I love the bike, but with two pounds in the rear tyre there's hardly any sag at all on mine !!! I'll be going Michelin though. Short lived maybe, but grippy Cheers
Kon nichiwa/Hola You know how it is. There are some places that you know the name of, and are really quite familiar with, but you dont actually know where the hell it is! Dewsbury Its happened to me once before. Id accepted a career promotion (in a previous life) to Carlisle and the only thing I was reasonably sure about was that it was north of where I was working at the time! So why Dewsbury? Well, as a dyed in the wool four stroke fan, the only bikes to consider when I started were Sherco, Beta and Montesa. But only the Montesa 4RT had the seemingly effortless grip and power, all with Honda build quality. Now those of you who have read my ramblings in the past will know, my weapon of choice was the Beta. A continually developed design starting first with the Rev 3 4T, and then the Evo, each with the softly spoken four stroke motor, as opposed to the defunct Sherco, and the 2004 designed dated Montesa. Add the Ohlins to the Evo and wow! What a bike?! I love the Evo, dont get me wrong. And since Matty Holmes fettled the carb after two and a half years of hot start misery, it had never run better. But the whole Honda/Montesa thing was a constant itch that demanded scratching. And so scratch it I did in 2012. Richard Taylor very kindly lent me his 2011 Repsol 4RT. But as nice as it was, and it was - the power delivery smooth, suspension just superb, it was for me, just not as nimble and dexterous as my Evo. After that, I softened off the power a little with a smaller front sprocket on the Evo and looked into tweaking the front forks to copy the Mont but failed. But I was happy. Itch scratched. That was of course, until they announced the launch of the new 2014 models. Hmm I wondered. Could it be? But even though the Cota was a more realistic price, how different could it actually be? So I ummed and arred for a week or two before eventually dismissing the notion. And then, not long after seeing my first Cota in the metal at the Boxing Day Bradford Club trial ridden by Steve Dale, fate kind of intervened. The possibility of finding a good home for my Evo suddenly became a distinct possibility. But before I could seriously consider parting with it, I needed to have a proper look at the 2014 Montesa Cota 260. My options were few. Glasgow, Cornwall or Craigs Honda. So Thursday being my regular day off came, and I called Craig in the hope they would have a Montesa at their new Shipley showroom. Not a chance. It seems the night after Craig put a few dirt bikes in the Shipley showroom, the locals were trying to remove the windows to gain malicious access to the bikes! This meant the Montesa remained firmly (and securely) in guess where? Dewsbury My old sat-nav got me to the correct postcode, but to say Craigs Honda is in a quirky position would be understating the case a little. But fate intervened again as I stumbled upon it quite by chance. Modern showroom and good car parking. Just inside the showroom door, I found a brace of Cotas. Nice. Both stood on their prop stands looking cool and slick. So I took hold of one and pulled it to the vertical. The stand snapping back up into position with a loud crack. I looked around to see if anyone had witnessed my little faux pas, but there was no-one around. Just some voices from above on the mezzanine, and who knew what behind the mirrored glass of the office just behind the two Monts. So satisfied with the feel of it, I lent over and bent down to extend the prop stand to beyond the vertical in readiness to stand the bike back up. But as I began to lean the bike over, I let go of the stand before it had taken the weight. It again snapped back up with a crack. This time, however, trapping my third finger twixt stand and swinging arm! DOH! I dont know who, if anyone, is actually reading this blog so all I will say is Oh my God!! It really hurt! So with finger throbbing like some demented cartoon character I went upstairs and had a chat with the salesman who fired one up and let me a have a play in the car park. It was only a couple of minutes but I liked it and it was more nimble than I remembered on the Repsol 2011. Having gone home I wheeled the Evo out and repeated the exercise on that as a direct comparison. Blimey! The difference smacked me between the eyes. ENGINE BRAKING!! Evo sold! (felt sad) Back to Dewsbury. Got lost. Asked the traffic warden for directions whilst 300 yards away. He didnt know. Never heard of it! Does he only look at cars!!?? Found it by accident again! Shipley is so much easier. So that was Saturday 1 February. Deal done. Fast forward to Thursday 6 Feb for the first ride out at Rough Holden. I dont mind admitting that I was a worried man. I was going from the superb Ohlins suspended Beta Evo to the non Showa suspended Montesa. There was a bit of blind faith happening here; a tarmaced car park is not much of a suspension workout after all. So how do you describe the feel of it? John Hume describes these things for a living. Plush he called it. As for me? Well, there is a particular rock at Rough Holden that you can launch yourself off at varying degrees. On landing, the head stock of the Beta always complained. The Montesa just ate it up! As for the overall impression? Plush man. Real Plush! (but not as softly spoken). Keep ya feet up! Peter
Many thanks for the suggestions guys. Does the Mont' have the same issues?
It's a 2011 model year. I always have to left hand it into neutral, but as above, once the oil has been in a few hours it's elusive to say the least. So that leaves me killing the engine to walk the section, and it's hot start time! What is the "Hot start mod'"? And just what does the red hot start switch do. Lean it or what? Many thanks for the responses.
Yes, every time. If the oil is new it's no problem. But as soon as it's run for three hours or so, it's nigh on impossible with the engine running.
Is it me..?! Why oh why is it such a pain in the a*** to start the evo 4t when it's hot? I love the bike, but my God it's testing my patience. Am I the only one? Any suggestions? I try the hot start switch, I try without. I try with throttle and without. There is no pattern. It wouldn't be so bad if I could leave it ticking over between sections, but neutral is as elusive as the global recovery!!!!